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Author Topic: Futurama Speculations: SpectacleLactation 3  (Read 62462 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #280 on: 06-19-2010 03:00 »
« Last Edit on: 06-19-2010 05:15 »

I want to see these promos with all this kissing in them. lol

Every time someone mentions a promo like that, I have the exactly same thought. Is that too sad?
Bending Unit
« Reply #281 on: 06-19-2010 05:06 »

I wanna see the birthing machine promo. Anybody make a crappy cellphone video of it yet?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #282 on: 06-19-2010 05:16 »

Kissin' promo.

Starship Captain
« Reply #283 on: 06-19-2010 06:08 »
« Last Edit on: 06-19-2010 06:15 »

Oh thank you very much Gorky!

Looks like Fry is making out with the "evil" Leela! The Leela he's kissing does not have the wrist thingy on her right arm but  has a bandage thingy on her left arm.

Urban Legend
« Reply #284 on: 06-19-2010 06:32 »
« Last Edit on: 06-19-2010 07:13 »

Thumbs up to Gorky.

Am pretty sure that's Amy coming out first. DXC was right, 'literal rebirth'.

And Leela's got a new twin sis. Either she leaves, or doesn't survive. Wonder which?

Starship Captain
« Reply #285 on: 06-19-2010 06:46 »

Much props, Gorky.

I love the way they pop out. It's just as beautiful and disgusting a process as I hoped. I also love the announcer calling the other Leela "an extra bundle of joy". The bandage on the one Fry is making out with is interesting. She could have been hurt on the way out or something could have hurt her on its way out (I'm still betting the other one turns into the monster (only 6 days to be proven wrong!)).
Bending Unit
« Reply #286 on: 06-19-2010 07:35 »

I saw a brief clip yesterday during a Futurama marathon in which Fry, who's outside looking up at something in the sky, says "Does anyone else feel aroused and jealous and worried?"

Bet it has something to do with that ep where Brannigan and Leela are doin' the Adam and Eve thing on that empty planet.

Urban Legend
« Reply #287 on: 06-19-2010 07:36 »

We've all seen that one already.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #288 on: 06-19-2010 07:58 »

Kissin' promo.
I lawled hard when Hermes said "Leela" deadpan.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #289 on: 06-19-2010 11:18 »

Oh my god Leela and Leela!!!!! and awww I love that cute Fry and Leela moment durring the clip! I am so exctied. I can download the episodes and watch them onto my new HD TV!!!

Starship Captain
« Reply #290 on: 06-19-2010 11:37 »

Well, as I suspected the one kissing Fry has the wrong-arm arm-band. Which is a bandage of some kind. She won't make it, then the real Leela will be all upset with Fry for thinking she was the real one or whatever. Then everything will be fine and normal.

Urban Legend
« Reply #291 on: 06-19-2010 11:45 »

Fine and normal being square 1.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #292 on: 06-19-2010 12:21 »

Well, as I suspected the one kissing Fry has the wrong-arm arm-band. Which is a bandage of some kind. She won't make it, then the real Leela will be all upset with Fry for thinking she was the real one or whatever. Then everything will be fine and normal.

Pretty much, should be rather fun to watch. Sounds like classic Futurama...
were back baby!

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Bending Unit
« Reply #293 on: 06-19-2010 13:33 »

The new series looks very promising, can't wait!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #294 on: 06-19-2010 15:04 »
« Last Edit on: 06-19-2010 15:05 »

Fine and normal being square 1.

Not necessarily. I still think there may not be a reset. Call it a hunch, and call me a foolish fool.

The premiere seems so jam-packed, I'm really wondering how they're going to fit 1.) the rebirth; 2.) the pardon from Zapp (which will have to happen, since Farnsworth mentions that they were interstellar fugitives; my guess is it will be a throwaway line); 3.) that robo-Leela; 4.) Bender's discoing (and Fry and Leela's hand-holding thing; I wonder if that's the "real" Leela or the bandaged (and presumably fake) one); 5.) all this evil Leela business; and 6.) that one-eyed monstery thing. Wonder if it'll all seem rushed.


Starship Captain
« Reply #295 on: 06-19-2010 16:09 »

I just looked at all clips looking for stuff involving the two Leela's. In this clip, you can see the Leela kissing Fry has no bandage on her left arm, but there is no clear look at her right. In this clip, you can see that the Leela in the Disco club is the bandage Leela, by carefully looking at her left arm. In this clip, you can see the two Leela's have gotten in a fight, with the bandage Leela put in a headlock by the wrist-thingy Leela. Finally, in this clip, you see the monster dead or subdued and the Leela we see has a wrist-thingy on.  Make of these what you will. We obviously won't know anything for sure till the episode airs, but if we didn't make random guesses based on little to no information there wouldn't be a speculations thread.

« Reply #296 on: 06-20-2010 19:11 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2010 19:31 »

I can't imagine what mutated body part of Leela they'd have Craig Ferguson play, since DXC kept the wording vague. I wouldn't know how to react if they gave a voice to her naughty bits or something like that.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #297 on: 06-20-2010 19:53 »

What a dutiful dork you are, FOA. ;)

I still wonder where that robot Leela comes into things. I'm assuming the bandage Leela and the robot are two separate entities, but I could be wrong. And the shippy part of my brain thinks maybe that kiss that Bender sees, where Leela has no bandage, is from the end of "Rebirth." Which would be sweet.

Bending Unit
« Reply #298 on: 06-21-2010 20:24 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #299 on: 06-21-2010 20:44 »

Is Bender referring to BBS in the last panel?

« Reply #300 on: 06-21-2010 20:52 »

Ha...either that or "Roswell That Ends Well."

Any small doubts about whether that was the Professor's time machine are now gone!

Urban Legend
« Reply #301 on: 06-21-2010 22:38 »

I just took it as a joke, rather than a specific reference to a past episode.

« Reply #302 on: 06-21-2010 22:51 »

IGN reviews "Rebirth"

This isn't a good sign...

Bending Unit
« Reply #303 on: 06-21-2010 22:56 »

Here we go, the weekly round of Futurama is the new Family Guy! starts here!

I'm sure it'll be hilarious, keep the faith, man!

« Reply #304 on: 06-21-2010 23:02 »
« Last Edit on: 06-21-2010 23:33 »

I just have this feeling that we may be at this not-quite-there-yet quality for several episodes (maybe longer) until we get to all this "stride hitting" that Maurice talked about. And this means there will be inevitable disappointment from fans saying "Oh man it's as bad as the movies" and as you previously said, "it's the new Family Guy" arguments.

It's just unfortunate to learn that all the funny bits were in the 90-second preview we were given (and to me, the "Comedy Central Channel" line wasn't THAT funny, reminded me of BBS's Box Network and "our many fans"), or even that part about recycled jokes from earlier episodes and The Simpsons of all places.

Bending Unit
« Reply #305 on: 06-21-2010 23:12 »

I agree, the fourth wall breaking wasn't that funny...but maybe this reviewer's just got a weird sense of humour. And as for recycling jokes...it is pretty hard to come up with something that hasn't been done by the simpsons at some point. Maybe its not a direct recycle but just something similar which I can see happening easily.

Urban Legend
« Reply #306 on: 06-21-2010 23:41 »

It's a better score than they gave to Bender's Big Score, Bender's Game and Into the Wild Green Yonder (but lower than The Beast with a Billion Backs). Take from that what you will.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #307 on: 06-21-2010 23:56 »

I think you guys are taking the review as bad. It's not a bad review at all, it's just not fantastic. He rated the episode 7.5. When has 7.5 been a bad rating? I'd consider anything below 7 to be mediocre, below 4 or 5 to be bad. 7.5 is good. On Rotten Tomatoes, 7.5 is a fresh rating! He gave it a good review.

And he never once said it was "the new Family Guy". He mentions that he "recalls jokes" from other places. That doesn't mean anything; the feeling of déjà vu doesn't mean you actually already saw it. If he had actually said which episodes he remembers these jokes from, then it's a problem. And, for me, saying it's "the new Family Guy" means recycling entire episode ideas and doing tons of fast cuts and self-referencing humor.

Starship Captain
« Reply #308 on: 06-22-2010 00:12 »

Who cares? That other review from a few days ago gave Rebirth and In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela high-marks, and I didn't read anyone celebrating how awesome the new episodes definitely are as confirmed by some guy's review, so why make a stink about some IGN guy saying he only thought Rebirth was good but not great.

Take a tip from me: Only post a a link to a review if it reveals something about an episode's plot. Otherwise, don't care if some other guy doesn't think an episode is the most awesome thing ever. We'll have enough arguments on this board about the quality of the new episodes (ex: I don't think that Attack of the Killer App clip is funny) without taking outside reviews (especially ones that aren't glowing with praise) as fact.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #309 on: 06-22-2010 00:14 »

I think the review just indicated that "Rebirth" will not become one of the 'better episodes' of Futurama, there is reserved for 'scepticism' and this first episode does not fully convince the reviewer that Futurama is back in its high class.

In addition to that, that would be hard to expect of the first episode of the new series.  I like "Space Pilot 3000" too, but only to the extent the law requires.

Bending Unit
« Reply #310 on: 06-22-2010 00:22 »

I'm used to 7.5 ratings from IGN from my other favorite TV show, PSYCH.  The important thing is that I find them entertaining

Starship Captain
« Reply #311 on: 06-22-2010 00:26 »
« Last Edit on: 06-22-2010 04:38 »

Whoa, speaking of only linking to reviews if they reveal info on episodes (which apparently no one should do), check out this stuff from the comments section of that review I linked to (Now spoiler-tagged because apparently I'm a jerk)-

The episode this guy is talking about is clearly In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela and I renamed him Dr. Fishman (he's actually named Brian) because he is INCREDIBLY literal.

Urban Legend
« Reply #312 on: 06-22-2010 00:34 »

Looks like in Rebirth, there's going to be two Leelas.  Could the other Leela be that 'sister' of hers that was rumored to be in a fifth movie?   Something to think about. 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #313 on: 06-22-2010 00:35 »

Oh, there you go.  The plot point of the second episode.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #314 on: 06-22-2010 00:36 »
« Last Edit on: 06-22-2010 00:38 »

Whoa, speaking of only linking to reviews if they reveal info on episodes, check out this stuff from the comments section of that review I linked to-
That's a horrible policy. He saw the episode and he doesn't want to spoil it. It's not as if he never saw it to begin with. He knows IGN readers are, for the most part, avid Futurama fans who don't want to be spoiled. I, for one, don't want to be spoiled too badly, especially from a review. I'm happy it was linked and contained no spoilers, it gives me high hopes for the rest of the season. As svip said, series premieres usually aren't high points. The only one I can remember being so is Lost's, and that was nowhere near the top 25 Lost episodes (of about 100) in my opinion.

As such, please use spoiler tags. This thread doesn't have a spoiler warning for one thing, and another is that you just spoiled it for everybody.

Which reminds me: new members should remember that people don't like being spoiled. In the episode discussion threads that will be popping up Thursday, make sure that you use spoiler tags on certain things for a few days following its premiere to give people time to watch the episode. Especially don't reveal spoilers in a thread title.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #315 on: 06-22-2010 00:51 »

"Space Pilot 3000" actually is one of my favorite episodes, but maybe I'm just weird.

As for that review: Eh, whatever. I have high hopes for the premiere regardless. And like i_c said, it wasn't a bad review--it just wasn't glowing. It's fair to say that the original series set the bar pretty high; it isn't the worst thing if some of the new episodes don't quite meet that standard.
Bending Unit
« Reply #316 on: 06-22-2010 01:03 »
« Last Edit on: 06-22-2010 01:04 »

For my part, I'm prepared to be patient about the new episodes. It's amazing the show is back at all, and I want to have faith that the producers understand why it's garnered such loyal fans. Whatever happens, I shall be strong.

Although I have to warn everyone that yesterday I saw Toy Story 3, which pushed every single emotional button on my psychological keyboard, so I'm in a pretty fragile state right now...

Starship Captain
« Reply #317 on: 06-22-2010 01:24 »

I don't care, that was just one review, and that review wasn't bad to begin with. In a way, I am actually glad that the review didn't say "This episode was amazing!!! It was hilarious!! Non stop laughter all the way through!" because that would give me very high expectations. There are some Futurama episodes that people just think are absolutely great and considered one of the "best" episodes (i won't mention those particular episodes), but I don't really care for them.
Don't let one person ruin your faith in the show.

« Reply #318 on: 06-22-2010 01:52 »

Well maybe I'm wrong about all of this. Take a look at this promising article, also at IGN:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #319 on: 06-22-2010 01:56 »

Well maybe I'm wrong about all of this. Take a look at this promising article, also at IGN:

From what I gather, and I hope much to FistfulOAwesome's pleasure, is that none of the guest actors seems to be playing themselves, but rather strange characters of all sorts.
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