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Author Topic: Thoughts on [3ACV20] Godfellas  (Read 10515 times)
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PEE Poll: Your opinion: yay or nay?
1/10 (nay)
10/10 (yay!!)


Bending Unit
« Reply #120 on: 03-29-2002 16:30 »

I great episode. Very funny  :D
Oni Zyxer

Bending Unit
« Reply #121 on: 04-02-2002 07:08 »

Originally posted by BlackCoke:
 I usually never laugh

express my hatred of you, or make fun of this... hmm...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #122 on: 05-05-2002 14:55 »

Another superb episode, I keep thinking about those gorgeous visuals of nebulas, and the other cool aesthetics that space had. Considering space is just a boring void, they sure made it look beautiful, another excellent job by the Futurama team. I also liked seeing Bender 3D animated during a large part of this episode, while drifting through space.

It stated out really fast, the space pirates were cool, they didn’t waste any time. This episode just got better and better as Bender drifted through space. Seeing Bender as a God, and all the dilemmas, decisions and issues involved were perfect. Some really humorous. Clever writing, highly enjoyable. All the mistakes and problems he faced were accurate to real life, but on a smaller scale.

The subplot with Fry and Leela trying to find Bender helped give this episode added humour, and enlightened us from Bender responsibility as a God. It was nice to see the smellescope getting some more use, even though it didn’t help. The monks were pretty funny too, this is a classic episode, one of, if not thee best Bender episode to date. I’m probably one of the only people to enjoy both ‘A Pharaoh To Remember’, and ‘Godfellas’, although I definitely prefer ‘Godfellas’ because it had more substance and depth.     

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 05-05-2002 15:01 »

You are right Otis, it was a great episode, I loved the way that every time Bender tried to help "his people" he wiped out large numbers of them  :evillaugh:

Bending Unit
« Reply #124 on: 05-05-2002 16:14 »

I managed to watch this in my university common room, although there were people chatting and playing pool around me, so in some parts I couldn't hear what was being said.  I'll get to see it properly on Friday, so I'll leave my proper review until then.  Hopefully I'll like it more the second time round, anyway.  There were some good bits, but I don't know how some people can put it in the same league as the likes of 'Luck Of The Fryrish' or 'Xmas Story'.  Anyway, I'll stop there before people start hating me even more.  ;)
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #125 on: 05-05-2002 18:34 »

This was a bizarre episode.  I'm gonna be up all night mulling it over.

« Reply #126 on: 05-05-2002 19:28 »

It was a good episode, i'll give it an A {i give most episodes that} But it was nothing to get excited over.
Though i may think different when i see it a second time.
"And on more than one ocasion, he actually stole my blood" had me and my brothers nearly crying with laughter.

But "A Pharaoh to remember" was one of the most hillarious episodes i've ever seen, and i liked it a lost better than "Godfellas"

« Reply #127 on: 05-05-2002 19:47 »

Gets better and better everytime I review it.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #128 on: 05-06-2002 02:16 »

Originally posted by meisterPOOP:
Gets better and better everytime I review it.

Same here, first I thought it was very weird but know it just gets better everytime I think about it.  :)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #129 on: 05-06-2002 05:06 »

I simply love it!

Space Pope
« Reply #130 on: 05-06-2002 05:51 »

A good episode. Solid, clever and it really made me think [which is unusual for any TV show] about the dilemmas that God and the world face. Certainly best of the episodes I've seen from S4 and it beats the last 3 without any difficulty.


Urban Legend
« Reply #131 on: 05-06-2002 09:11 »

I thought it was a great episode. It had a good underlying meanings about god and stuff..it was cool  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #132 on: 05-11-2002 11:15 »
« Last Edit on: 05-11-2002 11:15 »

I finally managed to watch this one properly this morning, so I can give a fairer review.

I would say that it's probably one of the better season 4 episodes (i.e. one of the best out of a bad bunch).. I think I'd probably rank it second to 'Buggalo', which I saw again this morning.

The main thing that let 'Godfellas' down was the lack of good jokes.  Some things made me smile, but I didn't laugh out loud at all.  On the plus side, though, there were much less really bad jokes than usual, probably because of the lack of Zoidberg (although the 'pirates.. from space!' was just as terrible as 'invaders.. from space!' from AOI2   :puke: ).

The idea for the story was excellet, although I think it could have been pulled off a bit better.  In my opinion, some of the Bender parts seemed to drag on too long, and only really got interesting once the atomic war started. "How am I supposed to hear prayers coming out of my ass?" was a good line, and the nukes tickling him was funny. The 'God' bit was well written and thought provoking, although I have to admit my stupidity at not really understanding the significance of 'God's' wise saying at the end.

The Fry and Leela story, I thought, was much better.  The Amalgamated Church was a good idea, and it was great seeing the much-underused fortune telling machine back again. "What am I, psychic?"  The best part, though, was at the monastery.  Fry burping and spitting before entering the holy building, the idea that God is inside your heart, and the monks in general were all good.

One stand out thing in 'Godfellas' was the graphics.  The starry backgrounds Bender floats past, 'God', and even the robot pirates were all superbly designed, and the community on Bender's chest was surprisingly detailed.

Overall, it wasn't a bad episode, but it couldn't be compared to a lot of the earlier ones, which I why I couldn't give it any more than 3.5 out of 10.

Starship Captain
« Reply #133 on: 05-11-2002 11:32 »

almost  asv good as insane in the mainframe

« Reply #134 on: 05-12-2002 16:50 »

I liked this a lot 8/10 maybe for this one.  Not one of the best or most memorable but very funny.

THe funnyest aprt was when bender got launched - made me laugh anyway.  Oh and the bit with the monks.

Starship Captain
« Reply #135 on: 05-16-2002 16:52 »

wonderful episode! its definately ranks among the greatest episodes so far IMHO.
Action Jacktion

« Reply #136 on: 03-24-2003 01:22 »
« Last Edit on: 03-24-2003 01:22 »

I just saw this for the first time on Cartoon Network.

Some people asked why 'God' repeats the line "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" at the end.  Remember, Bender is willing to help the monks, which isn't a Bender-like thing to do, because during his travels he decided that you can't count on God.  Of course, that was the right thing to do, but Bender didn't realize that 'God' had convinced him to act like that.  The line is repeated so we realize that's what happened.

Here's a joke you may have missed.  When the people on Bender's rear end start dropping nuclear bombs, he says they must have found his atomic pile.  Pile is another word for h[a]emorrhoid.

What was the cartoon in the opening credits?  I missed it.

« Reply #137 on: 03-27-2003 23:26 »

Originally posted by Action Jacktion:
What was the cartoon in the opening credits?  I missed it.

Sorry Action Jacktion I don't remember.  I have actually come to realisation that that big space thing can be god. It is possible.
Futurama has actually had me starting to believe that..man am I pathetic ^_^" 
Lee Roberts

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #138 on: 03-30-2003 07:36 »

The episode was great!  :D
« Reply #139 on: 03-31-2003 01:41 »

This is my favorite Futurama episode, period.  6/5.  Wait, that's impossible.  5/5.   :)

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #140 on: 01-20-2012 07:17 »

So I watched this episode recently and all I could think when I saw it was "Hobbitboy!!!" hahah.

I wasn't really paying attention to this episode when I saw it so i can't really comment...but I felt it pretty meh when I first saw it years ago. It's a solid episode, but a solid medium...nothing spectacular IMO.

Oh btw, I added a poll, so go vote if you watch it again! Or just vote anyway! We don't regulate that sort of thing here :shifty:
Spicy Weasel

Delivery Boy
« Reply #141 on: 01-21-2012 00:42 »

Love it.  9/10 from me.  

Bender: If even a pea-sized pebble were to whiz through my skull it could <Rock goes through his head> Ow! Hurt slightly...

I like the going-too-fast-to-catch (even with cheeta blood) and the physics of Bender chucking the swag to stop his rotating.  Good solid science fun.

My good chum.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #142 on: 01-21-2012 02:04 »

I like...the physics of Bender chucking the swag to stop his rotating.  Good solid science fun.

They do this at the beginning of the episode, then have Bender re-enter Earth's atmosphere at astronomical speed without melting. :nono:

Don't get me wrong, this is one of my favourite episodes, but it's also one of those that's slightly schizophrenic in that it goes to some lengths to show us the laws of physics in action, then egregiously flouts them later on.

It's the same as in "The Deep South", where Bender is defeated in his quest for sunken booze by the specific gravity of the liquid vs. seawater, and then manages to burn down a seashell house underwater with a cigar.

The writers go out of their way to show the consequences of something that matters very little to the plot, then either completely ignore or deliberately blow a raspberry at something that should be a barrier to what they're having happen on-screen. It doesn't really annoy me, after all, Futurama is a cartoon. But it does puzzle me somewhat on occasion.

Urban Legend
« Reply #143 on: 01-21-2012 02:48 »

That didn't bother me because he's 40% dolomite; the tough black mineral that won't cop out when there's heat all about!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #144 on: 01-21-2012 03:53 »

They do this at the beginning of the episode, then have Bender re-enter Earth's atmosphere at astronomical speed without melting. :nono:

Presumably, since he was being transported by the omnipotent 'God' entity, his passage was slowed and/or guided. You can chalk this up to the intervention of an all-powerful energy-based life-form. I mean, you never questioned anything Q did, did you?

It's the same as in "The Deep South", where Bender is defeated in his quest for sunken booze by the specific gravity of the liquid vs. seawater, and then manages to burn down a seashell house underwater with a cigar.

I have no problem with that as a clearly intentional random gag.
"That just raises further questions!"
I continued the joke about Bender's magic cigars in my earliest fanfic, having him smoking one in vacuum.
wailing fungus

« Reply #145 on: 01-22-2012 12:52 »

Better and better every time i watch it, seriously watched it over 50 times.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #146 on: 01-22-2012 13:20 »

I still cringe at the thought that my entire RE class hated this episode.

Is it enough proof for you guys to believe me when I say my generation is made up of retards and ignorance?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #147 on: 01-22-2012 13:37 »
« Last Edit on: 01-22-2012 14:02 »

It isn't just your generation, it's people in general, they suck. As for this ep itself, still one of the best Futurama eps out there, it's a bit different to the others and stands out. Maybe not one of my faves ever, perhaps due to less focus of the rest of the Planet Express crew, but for what is essentially a Bender ep this really is of incredibly high standards...

I'm not sure what happened with my original 2002 review further up, I mean what's with all those random numbers? I don't remember putting those in there...

Anyways, now that there's a poll, I voted...

Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #148 on: 01-22-2012 17:31 »

I still cringe at the thought that my entire RE class hated this episode.

Is it enough proof for you guys to believe me when I say my generation is made up of retards and ignorance?

Those who can't find entertainment in this, truly need help... :nono:

Your school is full of retarded feces throwing monkey boners.

Bending Unit
« Reply #149 on: 07-07-2012 02:51 »
« Last Edit on: 07-07-2012 03:51 »

Well Solid Gold Bender, looks like I need help then, because I found this episode to be horrible. On every futurama site I browse, godfellas seems to be a hugely loved episode. And I for the life of me just can't understand why.

Why don't I like it? Well, I just found it enormously boring. It's just a simple case of the episode not entertaining me in the slightest. I found the entire story boring, slow-moving, none of the jokes were that funny IMO, and the whole episode just failed to interest me or entertain me. I have tried many times to get into this episode, but I just can't, and every single other episode I find to be better than it (except the holiday spectacular). I honestly can't see what makes godfellas a great episode.

PS - Please don't go mental at my opinions on this episode. It is my opinion. And don't go telling me that my opinion is wrong / bad - everyone has opinions, and that's what sites like this are for. No opinion is wrong. If you like this episode, fair enough... but I don't. At all.

« Reply #150 on: 07-07-2012 03:33 »

Oh, Deer Javio...

The ground system?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 07-07-2012 03:48 »
« Last Edit on: 07-07-2012 03:54 »

For one thing, it has the scene where Fry and Leela take over the monks' observatory. I found it very amusing.

And if you have thoughts about a particular episode, use [-mArc-]'s handy dandy list of episode review threads. There's one for every episode, and the list is stickied right up there at the top of GD.

And in case you can't find it, here you go: http://www.peelified.com/Futurama-Forum-1/Topic-22634-0-List_of_episode_review_th.html

Bending Unit
« Reply #152 on: 07-07-2012 03:54 »
« Last Edit on: 07-07-2012 04:21 by TheMadCapper »

I still cringe at the thought that my entire RE class hated this episode.

Is it enough proof for you guys to believe me when I say my generation is made up of retards and ignorance?

So you think that anyone who doesn't like this episode is 'retarded' or 'ignorant'? Well, I for one am not ignorant, and am very academic and educated, have a degree, and I HATE this episode. Sure, it was clever and deep and had things to say... but it was BORING. Absolutely and utterly BORING.

For one thing, it has the scene where Fry and Leela take over the monks' observatory. I found it very amusing.

And if you have thoughts about a particular episode, use [-mArc-]'s handy dandy list of episode review threads. There's one for every episode, and the list is stickied right up there at the top of GD.

And in case you can't find it, here you go: http://www.peelified.com/Futurama-Forum-1/Topic-22634-0-List_of_episode_review_th.html

Thanks for the info

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #153 on: 07-07-2012 04:21 »
« Last Edit on: 07-07-2012 04:22 »

I suppose at the end of the day, humor is subjective. You found this episode boring, most fans liked it. I'm not a big fan of Decision 3012, but its ratings are pretty decent.

Another thing I liked about Godfellas was how Bender's discussion with the God-character neither confirmed nor denied the concept of an actual God. Often Futurama takes shots at religious characters for laughs, but the overall philosophy of the God-character was this: "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all." I can certainly understand why a Religious Education instructor would be interested in showing this episode to their class.

Edit - hey, just a little thing we're picky about here - if yours is the last post in a thread, it's best to edit your post, rather than replying to yourself. Makes things look neater :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #154 on: 07-07-2012 11:55 »

Haha Jarvio, U MAD?
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #155 on: 07-07-2012 12:56 »
« Last Edit on: 07-07-2012 12:58 »

Another thing I liked about Godfellas was how Bender's discussion with the God-character neither confirmed nor denied the concept of an actual God.


ImhO, the Galaxy was one of the most unique interpretations of a "supreme being". I also like how the concept of being considered a god was new for him. Only after Bender inquired, the entity did contemplate about it's potential divinity in a "Now that you mention it....yep, I think people might consider me God" way.

Bending Unit
« Reply #156 on: 07-07-2012 15:12 »

Haha Jarvio, U MAD?

Maybe I am lol, but this episode.... too boring for my liking. Maybe there's a few people on the planet who agree with me. My uni friend hated it too, but he's only a casual fan of the show

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #157 on: 07-08-2012 08:42 »

This is a story and character-based episode, not a strictly comedic one. I can understand not finding it very interesting if you're just looking for laughs, but otherwise, it is very stimulating for the brainpan.

Also, this moment here was hilarious and deep, a combination I would like to see more of:

Remember, Bender is willing to help the monks, which isn't a Bender-like thing to do, because during his travels he decided that you can't count on God.  Of course, that was the right thing to do, but Bender didn't realize that 'God' had convinced him to act like that.  The line is repeated so we realize that's what happened.

« Reply #158 on: 10-05-2013 00:52 »


Another classic. This episode had everything. Space Pirates, God, Space, God-

Yep, definitely a good one in my book and is one of the best of Season 3.
Lost My Phone

« Reply #159 on: 10-05-2013 02:50 »

I'll give this one an 8.5/10. I enjoyed it a lot, and it definitely was a classic.
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