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Author Topic: Thoughts on [3ACV20] Godfellas  (Read 10184 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #80 on: 03-20-2002 05:26 »

The ending scene would be better IMHO if it had been cut right after the binary god laughs.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #81 on: 03-20-2002 05:58 »

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
  Why do you watch the show, then? Futurama is a comedy. Sure, most of the time it has interesting stories, some good emotional moments and cool characters and such. That's what elevates it above most other comedies. But still, it's a comedy. I watch the show to laugh.

As good as the show is, if it were viewed as a legitimate drama or a legitimate scifi show, it would be absolutely terrible. The stories work because of the good jokes(and vice versa).
I usually keep the laugh inside without even changing expression on my face, but thats how it usually is when you watch them alone.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #82 on: 03-20-2002 06:48 »

I concur. I rarely laugh when I sit alone and watch it, I rather smile and keep the laugh inside.

« Reply #83 on: 03-20-2002 09:21 »

Same with me except from the " bender licks ass" joke in "A pharao to remember" that had me rolling on the floor  :laff:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #84 on: 03-20-2002 10:10 »

Is'nt there a movie named Goodfellas?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #85 on: 03-20-2002 12:08 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 12:08 »

Yes, there is! Apparently a pretty good gangster movie. I haven't seen it, but the people at IMDB seems to like it.

Puns, anyone?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #86 on: 03-20-2002 12:45 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 12:45 »

this was the funniest episode since Roswell, very well made  :)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #87 on: 03-20-2002 13:43 »

Originally posted by andybuonviri:
Does anyone know what song Bender was playing on the piano before he smashed it to pieces?

  :cry: I dont`t know what he was playing, but when he plays wrong, the piano makes a "being totally detuned" sound instead of a "having played the wrong note" sound...

« Reply #88 on: 03-20-2002 16:34 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 16:34 »

Originally posted by Chump:
Lisa the veggitarian.
Lisa Gets Lost.
Lisa joins mensa.
Lisa is a buddist.
Lisa is a lesbian.

Lisa happens to be my favorite Simpsons character. She by her self isn't really funny, but her interaction with the other chars is.

Besides, She is sooo cute!  :love:

« Reply #89 on: 03-20-2002 16:37 »

Originally posted by Teral:

Leela humming, that was adorable.
Leelas reaction to the monks being pacifists, "Get in the laundry room or I'll kick your butt!! This is the worst crazy sect I have ever been in." (Nice to see Leela back in her take-no-crap, butt-kicking mode   :love: )


Urban Legend
« Reply #90 on: 03-20-2002 16:51 »

Ok, i was just at CGEF looking at the soundbites for Godfellas and i found the quote
Bender: "Hello? Is anyone still alive? How about in the porno theater? Don't be embarrassed!"
umm......that wasn't in the ep....i have it on tape and its not in there, i think Fox screwed up while airing the ep and accidently cut it out, can someone describe exactly what happened during that scene? I think i know where it would fit in, i think it would have been right before bender said "All dead! Who would have thought playing God would have such consequences!" ( i know that quote isn't exactly correct)but anyway, someone tell me what i missed please

Bending Unit
« Reply #91 on: 03-20-2002 16:56 »

I don't watch the show to *laugh out loud*.  I am laughing, but I am not looking for hardcore comedy (which is why I do not watch family guy -- that show is much funnier than futurama, but I am not entertained by it).  Even if an episode is extremely funny, it still sucks if the plot blows, which is why I started not liking Family Guy, the Simpsons (more with the Simpsons as I feel they should have ended a while ago before they started going downhill as much as they have), etc.

I watch Futurama since it is a comedic spoof on Science Fiction.  Science Fiction is generally semi-serious, and I do not want them to trash the original material.  I enjoy the balance of comedy and seriousness they do in Futurama, and in Godfellas they balanced it almost perfectly.

I enjoy the Geek factor as well.  I am an ameteur astronomer and a major in software engineering.  Suddenly Futurama appears, a show about Science Fiction (more twilight zones spoofs in one season than the entire series of the simpsons), computers, space travel, is well written, and is pretty funny.  Is it a wonder why I like the show?  If there were too many jokes, a plotline that is good can become ruined as they mash the jokes together -- such as A pharoah to remember.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #92 on: 03-20-2002 17:00 »

Weird, the Washington DC affiliate showed it.

It appeared right after a commercial break, so maybe you forgot to hit unpause? There's not much to describe. He just said the porno theater line, while lifting up the roof of "Ezekial's Nasty House". Then it goes straight into the "who knew playing God would have such consequences?" thing.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #93 on: 03-20-2002 17:03 »

I saw that scene, too.

Urban Legend
« Reply #94 on: 03-20-2002 17:05 »

thanks fishy, btw i record the commercials. im much to paronoid to do the pause/unpause thing. it went from a car commercial straight into the "Who knew...etc" line. I thought the flow of that scene was a little off and now i know why. damn fox

Urban Legend
« Reply #95 on: 03-20-2002 17:06 »

i live in florida, i don't know which affiliate they use for us.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #96 on: 03-20-2002 17:14 »

Posted by BlackCoke:
I usually keep the laugh inside without even changing expression on my face, but thats how it usually is when you watch them alone.

Ok, so maybe you don't actually laugh "out loud". But still, wouldn't you agree that the show would be pretty worthless without well written jokes?

Obviously, I don't want the writers to completely give up on the plot so they can have a substanceless string of funny gags. If they did that, this would just be another Family Guy. There should be a good balance, and personally I just didn't think Godfellas was funny enough to achieve that balance.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #97 on: 03-20-2002 17:18 »

That's weird. Porno theaters have been on Futurama before, I don't see why they'd start cutting it now. Stupid fox. Or stupid Florida.

Spelling Nazi
Bending Unit
« Reply #98 on: 03-20-2002 17:33 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2002 17:33 »

I think it's Florida.  Home to Inglis, the city that banned Satan.    :rolleyes:

 http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orl-locsatan17031702mar17.story?col l=orl-home-headlines

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #99 on: 03-20-2002 17:45 »

Originally posted by McGrady:
I watch Futurama since it is a comedic spoof on Science Fiction. 

David Cohen said on the DVD set, that Futurama is probably the only cartoon ever to make a joke based on Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle. In "luck Of The Fryish" when Farnsworth losses at the race track after a quantum finish (or something) he said "No fair, you changed the outcome by measuring it".

I loved that (and I kicked myself for no noticing it before I saw the DVD). That's some of the great little bits the Futurama guys put in for us nerds.

I think Futurama is equally based on good jokes and strong characters/storylines/ plots. If a episode has both, it will most likely be a classic.

Starship Captain
« Reply #100 on: 03-20-2002 18:42 »

Oh my God, I used to live in Inglis, Florida. It was an unwashed armpit thirteen years ago, it sounds worse now.

Urban Legend
« Reply #101 on: 03-20-2002 19:55 »

I saw the scene. I liked that line.  :D
Heh heh... porno.

And you nailed it FJ. I like Family guy for that kinda laughs, stupid things happening (espcially Peter's memories). Futurama is a little more high brow i suppose, and it has less laugh out loud stuff.

The problem with shows like Family Guy is that its craziness. Its fun for about 5 seasons max. Then, like any show that relys on being bizarre, it burns itself out, bucause it gets too weird, and they run out of decent ideas. It becomes to crazy. Other shows this happened to are X-Files and Malcolm in the Middle. Malcolm is dying because the are struggling for crazy stuff for them to do. X-files got too weird.

Urban Legend
« Reply #102 on: 03-20-2002 22:40 »

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
That's weird. Porno theaters have been on Futurama before, I don't see why they'd start cutting it now. Stupid fox. Or stupid Florida.

i don't think that it was an intentional edit. I think they legitimately screwed up. Didn't have their tape at the right point or whatever. Hell this IS Fox we're talking about, i should be more surprised that this sorta thing doesn't happen more often.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #103 on: 03-21-2002 12:51 »

No, it was probably the local affiliate's fault.  This is a common occurance in TV.  It all about the advertising!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #104 on: 03-21-2002 12:54 »

I can't watch The Family Guy.  I can't stand to see that nutsack jiggling around on the guys face.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #105 on: 03-21-2002 16:24 »
« Last Edit on: 03-21-2002 16:24 »

Another thing I thought about, isn't that robot named Helper a robot from The Jetsons?

Starship Captain
« Reply #106 on: 03-21-2002 16:26 »

Originally posted by PainoMan:
I can't watch The Family Guy.  I can't stand to see that nutsack jiggling around on the guys face.

The new ep of South Park wouldn't be yer cup of tea either, then...the kids make Butters go on Maury Povich's TV freakshow with a latex scrotum glued to his chin.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #107 on: 03-21-2002 19:28 »

I thought it was good but not as good as Paraoh. it has some Bender moments to it.

« Reply #108 on: 03-22-2002 02:09 »

I'm in Florida and I saw that part. Maybe it was just that FOX channel.

« Reply #109 on: 03-22-2002 02:15 »

Actually..watching the tape again..it almost got cut..the scene wasn't a smooth transition back in like the the previous commerical break...the music sounded like it came in the middle before he said the porno theater line too...So I guess depending if your local commericals went a couple of seconds over it would have been cut. Very close though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #110 on: 03-22-2002 12:17 »

Do you think in this episode Leela was more bitchy and Fry a bit........gay  :(? I mean he has the same feelings like I do about Bender but he's a guy!

Starship Captain
« Reply #111 on: 03-22-2002 12:21 »
« Last Edit on: 03-22-2002 12:21 »

But they are the only friends each other has, maybe you will understand if/when you loose a close friend.

Starship Captain
« Reply #112 on: 03-23-2002 07:30 »
« Last Edit on: 03-23-2002 07:30 »

Yikes! Now who's being bitchy?    :D

I didn't get that at all, though, Juliet; Fry lost the robot friend he's wanted "since I was a child" (Space Pilot 3000). Leela's never had that attachment to Bender, and in this episode she does what she normally does: repress her emotions until she can kick someone's ass, try to talk sense into Fry, and keep him out of danger when he won't listen. (When she tells Fry they'll never see Bender again, it's more likely she seems so devestated because of what this will mean to Fry than herself. She's not heartless when it comes to Bender, but she's not overtly sentimental either.)

Glad you got yerself a Pharoah Bender avatar, Juliet! Sweeeeeet.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #113 on: 03-23-2002 10:10 »

Yeah but Leela gives up on serching for Bender not Fry.

what a bitch

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #114 on: 03-23-2002 11:31 »

Leela wasn't as bitchy as Bender was in "Pharaoh."

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #115 on: 03-23-2002 14:17 »

Originally posted by Juliet:
Yeah but Leela gives up on serching for Bender not Fry.

what a bitch

Leela didn't give up the search for Bender because she didn't care about him. She was heartbroken, when he disappeared after the battle, and she had to tell Fry they could never hope to catch him.

BrainSluggo is right about Bender and Fry's friendship being deeper than Bender and Leela's. Bender and Leela have had plenty of runins over the years (I Second That Emotion for starters), partly due to them being opposites. But still I think they care for eachother. Leela was as happy as Fry when they found Benders head in "Roswell That Ends Well", so she obviously like Bender.

Leela told Fry the ugly truth, when she convinced him to give up. Not because she didn't like Bender, but because she cares deeply about Fry. Fry would probably still be sitting at the controls searching for Bender, if Leela hadn't laid down the harsh realitites: that the chances of finding Bender was practically nill. She probably didn't wan't to see Fry waste his life on a hopeless cause, no matter how noble it was of Fry to refuse to give up hope on his friend.

And let's not forget that she was the one that was willing to take on the monks, to get to the controls (dispite them being famous for their martial arts).

« Reply #116 on: 03-23-2002 22:18 »
« Last Edit on: 03-23-2002 22:18 »

I don't think Fry will ever get credit for bringing Bender back.
BTW...the radio telescope is still focused on that god, maybe the 700 year search for those Monks ended right there..or they may never know.

Bending Unit
« Reply #117 on: 03-27-2002 20:05 »

I have finally seen it!

I found this episode pure Futurama: full of crazy and imaginative scenes, and with lots of gags. It's very funny to see how Bender becames a god, it's hilarious simply seeing it.  :laff: One of the bests of the season, maybe the best after "Roswell...".

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #118 on: 03-28-2002 23:00 »

I dunno, I really didn't enjoy seeing Bender cause genocide. Maybe I'm a poor sport, I didn't like watching him set helpless people on fire and then blast them off the face of his belly. They were small and not very smart, so that's got to be what makes it funny I guess.

Starship Captain
« Reply #119 on: 03-29-2002 02:47 »

Well, it's not like he did any of it intentionally. The humor comes from the fact that the harder he tries to do good for his subjects, the worse things turn out. In the end, none of it mattered because the Shrimpkins wiped each other out completely--which probably would've happened if they'd landed on God himself.
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