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Author Topic: Thoughts on [3ACV17] Pharaoh to remember  (Read 12655 times)
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PEE Poll: So was this an episode to remember? How would you rate it?
1/10 (awful)
10/10 (great!)


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #80 on: 03-22-2002 12:19 »
« Last Edit on: 03-22-2002 12:19 »

LOL    :laff:

Yay top of the page *Dose the pharaoh dance*

Delivery Boy
« Reply #81 on: 03-22-2002 14:06 »

Originally posted by Sarge:
Meh. Best gag was Benders' POV of the ship leaving the Egyptian planet, showing the Bender Pharoah statue from foot to head

What does POV stand for?  My brain is locked right at the moment.

Space Pope
« Reply #82 on: 03-22-2002 14:08 »

Point Of View, maybe?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #83 on: 03-22-2002 14:10 »

Whew! Thanks Kryten!!  I hate when that happens.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #84 on: 03-22-2002 18:47 »

welcome to PEEL, PainoMan!  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #85 on: 03-23-2002 04:16 »

Have you never played Quake 2? tsk tsk tsk...

Starship Captain
« Reply #86 on: 03-23-2002 07:14 »

Just for the heck of it:

If I Was A Teenage Futurama Writer (Part 2):

At the climax, when Leela lights Bender's wrappings as a fuse to blow up the tomb's distillery:

Fry: "Now what?"
Leela: "Now hide behind something or we all get killed."
Fry: "Uh..."

(Wide overhead shot: They look around. The distillery itself is the largest thing in the chamber. There's no place to hide.)

Leela: "Oh...poo."

(Fry opens up Bender's door and waves at Leela frantically.)

Fry: "Get in Bender! Hurry! I think we can both fit!"
Bender: "Idiot. Wait! Follow me!"

(Bender grabs them and races up a dark winding stairway.)

Leela: "It's no good, Bender! There's no way out!"

(They enter an equally dark room through a sliding door.)

Fry: "Where are we?"

(Bender turns on the lights. They're on the bridge of the Planet Express Ship.)

Bender: "Pharoah is buried with his prized possessions, remember? I had 'em park this inside while you two were buried alive in that cave-in two months ago."
Fry: "Hm...convenient!"
Leela: "Quick, Fry, man the gun!"

(The distillery explodes.)

(Outside, the giant statue's rear end explodes in laser-cannon fire. The PE ship emerges as the fireball from the distillery explosion envelops the statue's feet and bursts forth behind them. Everyone on the ground scatters in panic. The ship climbs, circling the statue as it begins to fall apart.)

Bender: "My giant stone ass! Aw, no...nooooo..."

(The ship rises past the statue's head as it belches flame.)


(Bender watches as the head crumples and explodes, and the entire statue crashes to the ground.)

Bender: "I will...I will..."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #87 on: 03-23-2002 10:30 »

Love it  :love:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #88 on: 03-23-2002 11:30 »

Leela wouldn't say "poo."  She'd say "crud," or "crap."

Starship Captain
« Reply #89 on: 03-23-2002 16:03 »

I cut "crap" at the last second! Also considered "fudge" and "taste-sicles."

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #90 on: 03-23-2002 16:13 »

Nice story, Slugs, again.

"Gentlemen, it appears we're boned" could work too. I think.

Bending Unit
« Reply #91 on: 04-28-2002 14:32 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2002 14:32 »

(Post UK showing)

Yeah.... Whatever.... An 'average' episode. Personally I prefer eps where screen time is shared between the Planet Express team. This really just centered on Fry/Leela/Bender and was a little bit reminicent of "My Three Suns".

Quite liked the statue though. Reminded me of the 15 mile high marble statue of "Arthur Dent throwing the Nutrimatic cup" from the Hitch-Hiker series!
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #92 on: 04-28-2002 14:38 »

Not to bad ep. Not too brilliant but had it's cool bits.  :)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #93 on: 04-28-2002 14:53 »

After hearing how bad this episode was supposed to be, I was pleasantly surprised, sure it’s not one of the best but it’s still pretty decent. It was cool seeing the Robot Priest again, who isn’t used enough in my opinion, and the Australian Guy was a nice touch. This episode kinda reminded of “My Three Suns” and “Fear of A Bot Planet”, but dressed in Egyptian surroundings. Having said this, it was original enough to seem fresh and the visuals on the Egyptian planet were awesome.

Bender acted like a real jerk, but not so much so I hated him for it. Because He’s a robot I can accept his actions a little easier, although it would have been better had his obnoxious personality was toned down just a little bit. I liked the stuff at the beginning too, it was cool when he used his head as a spray can to graffiti a wall, the funeral scene was really cool too. The Professor catching the bouquet of flowers and the reasoning behind it was hilarious. I also thought his statue looked really cool, making a statue to remember him by was the obvious thing to do and it was a great touch, as was the casino within it.

What I didn’t like was the lack of Fry and Leela, not nearly enough screen time. I also felt that they kind of let Bender get away with it, they didn’t seem to want to stop him. Leela is normally the authority figure on deliveries; she really let her role as captain slip. There were a few other minor parts I didn’t like and too much of it focussed on Bender, not enough diversity within plot and there was a lack of sub plot. It was a little predictable, but on the whole it was a reasonable effort, many funny moments, but could have been executed a little better.

Bending Unit
« Reply #94 on: 04-28-2002 15:25 »

This episode takes the crown from 'That's Lobstertainment!' as the worst Futurama episode ever. After last week's not too bad episode, I had a hope that Futurama was returning to its old self, but this one really was terrible.

I smiled at a few things (the Professor getting the bouquet, Elton John, 'Bender Licks Ass', 'We're dumb!') but I didn't laugh once.

Scruffy's appearance was pointless, Morbo wasn't funny for once, Zoidberg's singing was dull and went on too long, and well, the whole of the plot from Osiris onwards was slow, predictable and utterly unfunny. It reminded me of the Eygpt bit of 'Simpsons Bible Stories' - and was just as bad.

It was nice to see the Australian again (pity he didn't get more lines, like explaining how he escaped the spa), but his appearance just reminded me of the fantastic 'How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back', and made me realise how low this series has sunk.

I hope 'Godfellas' is as good as it's supposed to be.

Bending Unit
« Reply #95 on: 04-28-2002 16:47 »


Generally people who liked pharoah disliked godfellas and people who disliked pharoah liked godfellas (it seems).
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #96 on: 04-28-2002 17:20 »

Originally posted by McGrady:

Generally people who liked pharoah disliked godfellas and people who disliked pharoah liked godfellas (it seems).

I hope to break that trend.


Bending Unit
« Reply #97 on: 04-28-2002 18:19 »

I hope to continue it.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #98 on: 04-28-2002 18:49 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
 I hope to break that trend.

So you're saying you liked "A Pharaoh To Remember"? Ah, well there goes our record of agreement on season 4 episodes.  :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #99 on: 04-28-2002 21:42 »

He didn't say he didn't like it, he called it "pretty decent".

So does my butt, but I didn't frame it and put it on the wall.  Although...

I think if you were expecting it to be really bad, it didn't turn out gawd aweful.  But, joke after joke fell flat; many of the gags were based on shock value alone.  Combined with absurdly jacked up acting characters behaving completely different than they have been, you get a less than stellar episode.

I don't think it deserves the "worst episode ever" award, but it was in my bottom 25% of episodes I want to watch.

Urban Legend
« Reply #100 on: 04-29-2002 10:40 »

I watched this episode for the 1st time last night and thought it was really poor  :( But thats just my personal opinnion. I didn't really like "Where the Buggalo Roam" either. I've noticed in this new series that I either LIKE an episode or I DISLIKE an episode. Theres no in-betweenies like in the other series.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #101 on: 04-29-2002 18:52 »

This episode vastly improved once I was able to actually watch it.  It's not one of the best, but the funeral scene was funny, as was Bender giving the slave drivers tips.

« Reply #102 on: 04-29-2002 19:38 »

Why do so many people say this was a bad episode?
It was great! 5/5
The Elton John bit, Benders Egyption dance, everyone being whipped, it was all hillarious!

"Crawl pigs!"
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #103 on: 04-29-2002 19:40 »

Oh, yeah, the Elton John bit.  Classic.

Urban Legend
« Reply #104 on: 04-30-2002 04:09 »

The only time I laughed in this episode was the bit where Fry didn't notice the huge Sandstone block in the PE building  :)

Space Pope
« Reply #105 on: 04-30-2002 13:19 »
« Last Edit on: 04-30-2002 13:19 »

After reading the ep guide and seeing this episode get a lowly 59%, I wasnt expecting much. And they were right. This has to be the very worst episode I have seen to date of Futurama. The only good jokes were Bender's minibar and Farnsworth catching the flowers. The Elton bit was pointless and tasteless, the Egyptians were stupid, the whipping bit wasn't funny at all, and Bender's funeral was so appalingly bad it actually made me want to switch off. The whole thing was predictable. Leela and Fry did bugger all. Bender arguing with the Pharaoh was also stupid.

Quite frankly Bender isn't a good character in his own right. He may be funny but you can't base an entire episode around him.

Already this has been compared to Fear of a Bot Planet, and in that episode Fry and Leela both get interesting roles to support Bender. Bender was a pain in the ass in the episode too.

However I haven't seen any of the other truly bad episodes (according to the guide here people) such as Lobstertainment or The Honking so I may have just been lucky to date and this isn't such a bad episode after all.

Also I really liked Bending in the Wind. The hippy revival was great. Anyway getting OT here.

I give A Pharaoh to Remember 2/10
Starship Captain
« Reply #106 on: 04-30-2002 13:53 »

Do people send in reviews just so they can show how superior they are to peasants crude enough to laugh at a tv show?

Why do so many folk sound _proud_ when they say 'I never laughed once' or similar?

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #107 on: 04-30-2002 14:00 »

Originally posted by PCC Fred:
This episode vastly improved once I was able to actually watch it.  It's not one of the best, but the funeral scene was funny

You just reminded me of the part where Hermes playes the Jamaican sounding organ :laff:


Bending Unit
« Reply #108 on: 04-30-2002 14:15 »
« Last Edit on: 04-30-2002 14:15 »

Is it me or did Matt + co miss a golden oppertunity to parody 'Stargate'? The minute they started talking about how the civilisation started I expected Richard Dean 'MacGuyver' Anderson to come sprinting over the hill (closely followed by Kurt Russell).

« Reply #109 on: 05-05-2002 19:36 »

Zoidberg's singing and ender hitting him in the head with the wine glass was good too.

I also liked the bit where they were inside the Bender statue and Fry said:
" Bender, i really hope thats you, cause if it isn't" {makes weird wheezing noises} "Then weir in trouble!"

That was SO funny! ^_^
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #110 on: 05-06-2002 13:45 »

Originally posted by McGrady:

Generally people who liked pharoah disliked godfellas and people who disliked pharoah liked godfellas (it seems).

I'm sorry to quote you twice, but now that I've seen "Godfellas", I'm happy to say I loved it. Looks like I've broken that trend, because I liked "A Pharaoh To Remember" too, just not as much :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #111 on: 05-07-2002 03:04 »

Originally posted by Archie2K:
Already this has been compared to Fear of a Bot Planet, and in that episode Fry and Leela both get interesting roles to support Bender. Bender was a pain in the ass in the episode too.

Well, I didn't dislike it as much as Archie2K, but the scary part is, in the little Pharoah "re-write" I did a while back in this thread--with Bender betraying Fry and Leela by seizing them and handing them over to their captors--I ripped off Fear Of A Bot Planet without realizing it. Eeeee! Wet noodle bad dog! (In my defense: in my version he deliberately prevents their successful escape purely for his own ends, which is a tad more evil than his spur-of-the-moment cover-up in Bot Planet.)

Starship Captain
« Reply #112 on: 05-09-2002 12:31 »

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #113 on: 05-09-2002 14:02 »

Originally posted by bartman:

That's a little harsh, isn't it?


« Reply #114 on: 05-11-2002 05:32 »

Didn't particularly like it really.  It was ok, but there were some pretty lame attemps st humour, like when bender told them he didn't like his statue and to build another.  Watched 30% iron chef as well, which was much better  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #115 on: 05-11-2002 13:19 »
« Last Edit on: 05-12-2002 00:00 by Kryten »

Can you say "close to being banned"?

« Reply #116 on: 05-11-2002 13:36 »
« Last Edit on: 05-11-2002 13:36 »

Can you say horizontal scrolling? Mods, could you please cut that down a bit? Thanks!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #117 on: 05-11-2002 16:41 »

Yes Mods, or bartman, please do cut it down. I hate it when the page is wider than the screen :mad:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #118 on: 05-11-2002 21:36 »

Hehe.  My resoultion is set so that it only makes the thread fill up more of the screen, instead of making me scroll!


Victory is mine!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #119 on: 05-14-2002 07:00 »

This was fun enough, but no where near as good as Godfellas.
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