

« Reply #1 on: 03-10-2002 17:43 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2002 17:43 »
I'm excited for another new episode! I'm gonna vid cap tonight's episode, and encode an SVCD. I'm tired of trying to download episodes and I hate video tape. (Fast forwarding for 10 minutes isn't my idea of a good time) With a 1.4 Gig Athlon, encoding doesn't take long at all  For a preview: TV Guide:"A planet with an ancient-Egyptian influence makes slave labor of Leela, Fry and Bender, who turns on his pals when he gains some power." Yahoo:"A Pharaoh to Remember" Pharoah Hamenthotep enslaves the crew and forces them to assist in constructing a pyramid. For a post view: Mixed on this episode. Some funny jokes, but not funny enough. I don't like it when Bender gets so out of control mean that if everyone died he wouldn't care. I like Bender more when he's stealing stuff, breaking things, etc. When he was yelling at everyone at the funeral it got old real fast. We get the point, Bender is a jerk - you don't have to make an entire episode based around that fact. Just use is as part of the humor, not as part of the plot. That said - I still enjoyed the episode. I enjoy every episode. Even a bad episode of Futurama is 100 times better than a good episode of, say, every other show on earth.


At least in this episode Zoidberg was able to sing more than three secs after Hermes, this is actually heaven! Also some good Fry and Bender stuff (lives large and kicks butt), and a again talking Scruffy as well as the still slave-like working Australian and especially Benders "Walk like an egyptian"-moves made this episode fun!
Delivery Boy
I liked it.  Not the best I've seen, but very enjoyable! Zoidbergs singing was indeed a 'wonderful' experience, and I hope we'll witness even more of his vocal magnificence in the upcoming season 4 episodes!  Also: Rock on, Eddie Rosas! (A few of you alien language fetishists may get that after a while  )

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by FishyJoe: Also the Professor catching the funeral bouquet was one of the funniest things ever. Forgot about that part. That made me laugh. But really now, about a quarter of the way through, about once they became slaves, I just wanted to beat Bender with an aluminum baseball bat.


Good Episode (worth reviewing a couple of million times!!!)
Did I miss something, or didn't Ancient Egypt have a 1:1 Slave to Whip policy? Damn bloated bureaucracy!!! Some Locusts whould have been nice!

DOOP Secretary

While not as bad as some other Benderiffic eps (Bendless Love, Bendin' in the Wind, Raging Bender, etc), this was not an upper-echelon episode


Well, this episode certainly wasn't the greatest. It relied more on slapstick humor. I'm more into Fry then I will be to Bender. It seems any ep with Bender as the star isn't all that great, with the exception of the Honking.

DOOP Secretary

I liked it, but I don't like it when Bender's the star. He's just not really 3-dimensional enough. You can only have him be a jackass for so long, it's predictable.


Tha episode was ok but not fantastic. I liked the jokes. 3/5

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Sarge: Meh. Best gag was Benders' POV of the ship leaving the Egyptian planet, showing the Bender Pharoah statue from foot to head. Surly Bender does not a gag make. It takes witty writing to pull that off. This ep didn't have much of that. What was that from? I know I've seen that sort of thing before.

Delivery Boy
Meh! So what if it was similar plot wise... it still had very funny moments  *The bit where Zoidberg Sings Oh! Danny boy...* *Bender licks butt.. lol* *the bit where they made fun of elton john and threw him in with the Pharaoh* *Leela getting wiped on the ass alot..  *

Starship Captain
So it looks like I am also part of the minority here in that I really liked this episode. So the plot was really wasn't anything to shake a stick at but this episode had alot of other things going for it. Very fast moving with plenty of jokes thrown in. I must be missing something here because I never really got the sense that this whole episode was about proving what a jerk Bender is. I don't mind an episode that has a weaker plot or a more loosely tied togehter plot. An occasional episode that is fun to watch that doesn't have very much significance in the Futurama universe is OK. I thought Where the Buggalo Roam had more character development oppurtunities but was not as fun to watch as A Pharoh to Remember. I liked the funeral scene and everybodies eulogy to Bender and his increasing disatisfaction as it went on. Amy's was the best! Louder and with more feeling! Zoidberg's song and getting smacked up side the head by a martini glass was great also. As was Farnsworth catching the bouqet - I guess we know who's funeral we'll be attending next. The stuff on the Egypt planet was great also. The concession stands as a false pretense for recruiting slaves was funny I thought as was Bender's work ethic in building the Pharoh's tomb was great. I laughed when the slave driver couldn't keep up. I thought it would have been great to hear Steve Martin's King Tut playing when Bender was announced as the new Pharoh and he came out walking like an Egyptian. Fry's list of what is wrong with being a slave was very cool and I liked how it was sprinkled throughout the episode and not all in one big chunk. And the coup' de grace of the whole episode - Leela dressed as a slave! The icing on the cake? Seeing her get whipped.  I'm terrible I know. RM


I found the episode less than stellar too. All the pre-slave stuff was good...


I think Bender's funnier when he's sad.