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Author Topic: secret movie  (Read 6199 times)
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Delivery Boy
« Reply #40 on: 07-26-2008 13:01 »

Now, that's the story I was given. I left out a lot of the not-quite-as important details because I just flat-out didn't want to type that much. It aggrevates my arthritis. I just don't know if what I've heard is true, but, I am going to do what I can to get more info regarding the stories validity from my source. Like evry one else, I, too, wanna know where he got his stuff he told me.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #41 on: 07-26-2008 13:51 »
« Last Edit on: 07-26-2008 13:51 »

Originally posted by winna:
You're all very paranoid.  Oh noes it's a hoax!  Oh noes, that wasn't mentioned in Leela's Homeworld at all!  Oh noes, writers can't build new story arcs with names like Sara (which very well could be placeholders), oh noes parents can't flip coins to determine eventual outcomes that lead to sexual intercourse and children!

I brought up "Leela's Homeworld" because of the fraternal twin detail;

Maybe I am being overly cynical, but the plot Krunc is presenting to us honestly sounds like the description for a lengthy fanfic to me for a number of reasons.  I'm willing to eat my serving of crow if I'm wrong.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 07-26-2008 13:58 »

oh noes parents can't flip coins to determine eventual outcomes that lead to sexual intercourse and children!
But their twins. You can't really flip a coin to determine that.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #43 on: 07-26-2008 18:15 »

Originally posted by krunc:

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but from the evidence given, things don't match up. This is supposed to be the fifth movie, correct? The fourth movie, "Into the Wild Green Yonder", takes place during a war and is to give a definite resolution to Fry and Leela's relationship. This movie obviously can't be the fourth movie with a different name because there is no war actually in it. How could this movie, a fifth movie, actually resolve the Fry and Leela relationship when the preceeding movie, "Into the Wild Green Yonder" already does? Also, in a news article just released today, it stated that Groening and crew still doesn't know if there's anything beyond the four movies.

Here's the article:

Space Pope
« Reply #44 on: 07-26-2008 19:07 »

Did you know they've taken gullible out of the dictionary, krunc?

That has to be the most unFuturama plot synopsis ever.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #45 on: 07-26-2008 19:36 »

I can't believe that people are even discussing this, lending credence and credibility to it. Seriously, the most reliable source ATM is CGEF. If it's not on CGEF or direct from the mouth of DXC or MG then you probably shouldn't believe it until it happens.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #46 on: 07-26-2008 21:42 »

I find this so rediculous that I know only one appropriate way to describe it.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #47 on: 07-26-2008 23:00 »

   Granted, totalnerduk and Commander Akbar have a point, it smells like a trap. And, I still haven't caught up to the spleazeball who fed me this stuff to seriously confirm anything.

   As far as the suggestion that I'm gullible.....let's look at it this way: After the 4th movie, there's a high probability that there'll be no more new Futurama. No more new episodes that aren't just chopped-up movies, no more new movies, no more anything new Futurama. That's a very depressing scenario. Maybe I choose to look further into this just on the slim-to-none-chance that there is some kind of something there. Clinging to false hope (via the 5th movie rumor)? Grasping at straws? Gullible? Maybe. Depends on who you ask. But if there's even the slightest chance that ITWGY isn't the end of it all, I wanna know more.

Space Pope
« Reply #48 on: 07-26-2008 23:04 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #49 on: 07-26-2008 23:12 »
« Last Edit on: 07-26-2008 23:12 »

.....let's look at it this way: After the 4th movie, there's a high probability that there'll be no more new Futurama. No more new episodes that aren't just chopped-up movies, no more new movies, no more anything new Futurama. That's a very depressing scenario. Maybe I choose to look further into this just on the slim-to-none-chance that there is some kind of something there

There's no harm in wishful thinking.  Unfortunately, in this case, it looks like that's all that it is.  Oh, and welcome to PEEL!  Dont let our natural distrust of futurama news put you off.  Several years of unsubstantiated rumors made us a bit cynical, I'm afraid   :)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #50 on: 07-26-2008 23:31 »

Originally posted by *soylentOrange*:
*Several years of unsubstantiated rumors made us a bit cynical...*

Cynicism is a good thing. It can lead to investigation and revelation. It lead me to ask if anyone else had heard what I heard.

« Reply #51 on: 07-27-2008 13:27 »

i think the whole idea of a fith movie is good and kruncs story makes sense but for one sara doesent sound to be for futurama but what there sayin probaly leaked out winna is right though there running story lines they have all the story for the next two movies but since a fith isonly just come to mind there just making storys and that part just leaked out from one scenario

Space Pope
« Reply #52 on: 07-27-2008 13:39 »
« Last Edit on: 07-27-2008 13:39 »

A part of me hopes the 5th movie will come (in fact all of me does), but they'll probably wait to see the sales of all 4 movies before anyone signs any checks. If true, the plot does need some work, i.e. putting Bender in it, and actually having some sort of subplot.

At best this rumor is from very very early work in progress. And at worst Charles Source is a deranged lunatic (watch your back, krunc!)   :eek:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #53 on: 07-27-2008 21:14 »

Dispite my agreement with my friend the admiral it would be awesome to combine Futurama and Jimmy Buffet.  :D
La Belle Leela

Starship Captain
« Reply #54 on: 07-28-2008 17:52 »

Doesn't sound like 5th movie material to me. It's a great story line for a fanfic, but I want some more hard evidence before I believe anything.

Urban Legend
« Reply #55 on: 07-28-2008 18:28 »

Not only does it sound like a bad fanfiction written by a girl named Sara, but I'm pretty sure there IS a girl named Sara writing MarySue fanfics in the TLZ forum. Anyone care to verify? I gave up on that forum years ago.

Space Pope
« Reply #56 on: 07-29-2008 04:02 »

They should actually call her Turanga Peela. That would be a nice homage.

(Cue Monty Python quote)

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« Reply #57 on: 07-29-2008 04:33 »

Originally posted by soylentOrange:
Several years of unsubstantiated rumors made us a bit cynical, I'm afraid    :)

All of the unsubstantiated rumors that I listened to for more than 30 seconds all came true.  Furthermore, they weren't on CGEF or PEEL 5 years ago....  Just so you know.... Not everything, especially rumors that turn out to be true are led into news outlets.

Also... Into the Wild Green Yonder is still very much in production... if they intend to go with a fifth cinematic production (something that could find its way onto the big screen perhaps)........... the fourth movie could be fixed to suit that sort of situation.  Just throwin' out possibilities.    Lastly, even if these things don't happen to occur, that hardly makes these rumors completely untrue.  This type of stuff is feel by your nose, and anything that seems plausible today could be totally disregarded tomorrow.
Bending Unit
« Reply #58 on: 07-29-2008 13:58 »

It is true that DXC is prepping everyone to write a feature film for the silver screen and hoping to convince FOX to give him the go ahead. However we don't know if there's even a script written, but even if it is that sounds unlikely to be it. Leela getting eaten? No, that just isn't going to happen. Stung by space bees, sure, but that can only happen because it merely requires a small mistake of letting her guard down for a second. To consume her the alien would have to completely overpower her, and that is not something I see ever happening with Leela. Any other character, sure, but not Leela, sorry.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #59 on: 07-29-2008 20:55 »
« Last Edit on: 07-29-2008 20:55 »

Originally posted by Venus:

Not only does it sound like a bad fanfiction written by a girl named Sara, but I'm pretty sure there IS a girl named Sara writing MarySue fanfics in the TLZ forum. Anyone care to verify? I gave up on that forum years ago.

There was Sarah who is known as Demeter here who did a few Mary Sue stories but has since had them taken down.  Even though I go to FM/TLZ and my wife is a contributor there, I haven't been on their message board for at least a year. 

As for "Mary Sue" stories, that is about 80% of the stories on the Message Board over there.  But the users there are generally a lot younger than the PEEL members so that may explain some of the type of stories there.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #60 on: 07-30-2008 21:13 »

   I may never find Charles (a.k.a. Mr. Source, a.k.a. Charles Source), so I may never get to find out why he told me the stuff he told me. Turns out, though, that if you talk to enough nosey people who like to mind other folks' business, you can find almost anyone or anything. Like, for instance, the guy who actually wrote the story line, "The Eyes Have It". Long story short, the people I asked about Charles put me on to Ken, whom Charles owes some money, and who also actually wrote the story.

 Ken wrote his story with no knowledge of any storylines for the remaining two DVDs. He is going to get me a copy of the story he wrote. We talked about it a little and he also said that he has contacted both Matt and his legal rep, Susan Grode. He did give me a couple of details about the story and pointed out a piece os misinformation that Charles gave me.

   Bender is in the movie, a lot. And, the fraternal twin's name is Xara (ZAIR -ah), Not Sara, as Charles told me. And, Leela isn't actually eaten, but swallowed whole by an Ng. The Ng are massively huge, very powerful and totally hostile, according to Ken. That would explain how they would be able to grab Leela while she was running for her life.

   If anyone wants to know more after I've read the story, just ask.
Bending Unit
« Reply #61 on: 07-31-2008 20:38 »

That makes a bit more sense, but I doubt Matt is going to use a fan script, even if it was a well written one. So even if this guy is telling you the truth, it is unlikely to become a movie.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #62 on: 07-31-2008 21:23 »

So long as its made by MG and the whole Futurama bunch, I don't care where the fifth movie comes from. I just want a fifth movie. For that matter, I'd like to see as many new Futurama movies and/or new episodes as possible!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #63 on: 07-31-2008 22:03 »

Wouldn't we all.

Urban Legend
« Reply #64 on: 08-01-2008 09:35 »

A fifth Futurama movie would be great!  If it were true.  If it is, I would like to see some evidence of this. 

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« Reply #65 on: 08-01-2008 17:54 »

The only way a fifth Futurama movie would be great is if the project moved onto the big screen; I don't know that Futurama has a big enough fanbase to support that though.

What it needs to do is return to its television format and for the writing staff to get back into form writing in a strictly television format.  But that's just my six cents.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #66 on: 08-01-2008 21:47 »

That would be even better.
La Belle Leela

Starship Captain
« Reply #67 on: 08-02-2008 16:29 »

It could be like an AOI, if it is true.

Urban Legend
« Reply #68 on: 08-02-2008 16:30 »

In this 'fifth movie' why is Leela's sister in jail?

Space Pope
« Reply #69 on: 08-02-2008 17:08 »

She got addicted to sangria at a young age.

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« Reply #70 on: 08-02-2008 18:27 »

How would he know all the details about it unless he wrote/read it?  Which if it was ever real, he could almost have certainly not possibly done.

Space Pope
« Reply #71 on: 08-02-2008 18:59 »

I know this is PEELanoia gone mad but maybe, just maybe, krunc is DXC himself just taking the piss out of everyone here.

(Apologies to krunc whether you are DXC or not)

I'm off to dig myself a hole.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #72 on: 08-02-2008 22:42 »

That's a great word, PEELanoia....50 points to SOS!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #73 on: 08-03-2008 20:15 »

   "krunc" actually DXC? Wouldn't that be just too funnny, or would that just be hilariously cruel?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #74 on: 08-03-2008 21:20 »

   According to what I read in the story,

Urban Legend
« Reply #75 on: 08-12-2008 07:18 »

Number 1: Saying that there is no sister because of "leelas homeworld" because you dont see her, well cartoons are very good at hiding stuff like that in BBS.

2. If a fan script was to be turned into a movie, FOX would have to go through a whole heap of legal stuff to say the author gives the rights to them.

3. If there was going to be a 5th movie, I think they would wanna keep it deadly top secret so it wouldnt leak out at least until the 4th movie is out.

Space Pope
« Reply #76 on: 08-12-2008 08:06 »

Also the Civilization of Space Rome was destroyed by the Brain Spawn in TDTESS - (minor issue, though. I guess there could always be two Roman worlds)

« Reply #77 on: 08-13-2008 05:48 »

It's been a lot of fun reading these posts, hoping that a fifth movie will be out. But shouldn't we be focusing right now on the next two movies coming out? Getting hyped up, excited, buying them, and showing fox that they should continue to keep giving fans fresh futurama?

Just a thought, I really really liked what I read on this thread, for both sides of the argument. And I must say that I am hopeful, but cynical.

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« Reply #78 on: 08-13-2008 06:13 »

Originally posted by x.Bianca.x:
1: Saying that there is no sister because of "leelas homeworld" because you dont see her, well cartoons are very good at hiding stuff like that in BBS.

2. If a fan script was to be turned into a movie, FOX would have to go through a whole heap of legal stuff to say the author gives the rights to them.

3. If there was going to be a 5th movie, I think they would wanna keep it deadly top secret so it wouldnt leak out at least until the 4th movie is out.

4. krunc's story keeps changing, and he's probably making this up.  Notice that originally he was told this information by a random person at a cafe or something... then he had the ability to attempt to track down such a person, and now he's read part of the story.  He could be miscommunicating how all this went about... but something certainly sounds out of place here.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #79 on: 08-13-2008 11:41 »

Awww...   :cry: What ever happened to the sweet, trusting, innocent winna that we used to know, that is to say that won our hearts no, I mean that we know and love, err... um... that we never knew?
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