Liquid Emperor
Guess you have to ask yourself why your source would know anything about it. Not saying it ain't so anything is possible but some things are more likely than others. It seems very unusual for anyone but the top people at Futurama not to be the first to give out any info on anything. Everyone else is buttoned up with NDA's putting their jobs on the line.
Frida Waterfall
Originally posted by Xanfor: So long as the fifth movie isn't entitled L.A. Confidential, I'm happy. That's just what I was thinking after reading the original post. I don't know how legible that information could be, krunc. Like what Dr. Bender Nye stated, I do remember hearing somewhere that Comedy Central will not determine whether or not they want to renew the series for another run until they see some pleasing DVD sales (which, by the way, are looking pretty good, not totally excellent, but positively hopeful). If there is talk on a fifth DVD, then it should be brought up this weekend at this year's Comic Con.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Frida Waterfall: That's just what I was thinking after reading the original post. Same here. Originally posted by Frida Waterfall:If there is talk on a fifth DVD, then it should be brought up this weekend at this year's Comic Con. To San Diego! (Batman music plays in background)
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 07-24-2008 23:03 »
« Last Edit on: 07-24-2008 23:03 »
TV Series, Danny Elfman, or Chris Nolan series? I hope they'll bring it up at Comic Con, although the name of the panel is "Futurama Secrets Revealed," if I remember correctly. The panel's on Saturday, if there is a live feed. Edit: I did remember correctly! 10:00-10:45 Futurama Secrets Revealed!— Join Futurama creator Matt Groening and executive producer David X. Cohen in a mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, fact-checking panel extravaganza! Appearing with Matt and David are series regulars Billy West (Fry, Professor Farnsworth, Dr. Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan), Katey Sagal (Leela), John DiMaggio (Bender), and Maurice LaMarche (Kif, Morbo). And if that's not enough, enjoy color commentary from Eric Kaplan (co-executive producer, writer) and lots of insider straight dope from producer Claudia Katz and director Peter Avanzino of Rough Draft Animation. Plus, don't miss out on your chance to see the sneak peek of "Bender's Game," the all-new feature-length Futurama adventure, crash-landing on store shelves this November! Ballroom 20 The panel following Futurama in Ballroom 20 is The Simpsons. I guess Matt wanted to be lazy...
Frida Waterfall
« Reply #12 on: 07-25-2008 00:57 »
« Last Edit on: 07-25-2008 00:57 »
Originally posted by krunc: By the way, at the risk of sounding like a complete spoot, just what, exactly, will posting the details in spoiler tags do? If you post a message under a spoiler tag, then anybody (both PEELers and visitors) can reveal your hidden message by highlighting the block your message is incased in. This is a spoiler tagged message.
Liquid Emperor
Yes, spoiler tags would be good. Some of us like our first watching of a new DVD release to be "fresh".
Also, if it turns out your source is a dufus they're won't be anything to forget.
Frida Waterfall
Originally posted by krunc: the plot twists concerning Leela & her family, Fry, and Scruffy the Janitor.
Great. This better not be the movie where they reveal that Fry and Leela are cousins.
Liquid Emperor
Fry did ask Lars & Leela if they were cousins point blank in BBS didn't he? No answer either. Sort of had that Nibbler under the desk thing to it. Hiding in plain site.
Frida Waterfall
Originally posted by futz: Fry did ask Lars & Leela if they were cousins point blank in BBS didn't he? No answer either. That's exactly what I was referencing in my post. I was also referencing a theory made long ago by a crazed PEELer in which the belief was that Fry and Leela were siblings (much like Luke and Leia in Star Wars). Before "Bender's Big Score", I never considered the possibility that there was any biological relation between the two and just labelled any theories reguarding such a thought as "ridiculous". Ever since I've heard that line, I have begun questioning whether Fry and Leela have a connection beyond romance. In the original script for "Bender's Big Score", Fry wasn't supposed to question any family relationship between Leela and Lars, so I do find it fairly odd that they'd replace it with such a line that really didn't yield much laughs (then again, that movie wasn't very humorous at all).
DOOP Secretary
Yeah if they did that I'd call it a shark jumping moment. SoS assume to position.
Frida Waterfall
« Reply #27 on: 07-26-2008 00:03 »
« Last Edit on: 07-26-2008 00:03 »
Originally posted by krunc:
*Leela has a fraternal twin sister named Turanga Sara. Sara is serving time onthe DOOP quarntined prison world, Beto One. * Hurr... I don't know about that. It seems that it was made clear that in "Leela's Homeworld" that Leela was their only child and only daughter. They'd have to do quite some explaining to insert Sara into certain scenes.
Frida Waterfall
« Reply #29 on: 07-26-2008 00:18 »
« Last Edit on: 07-26-2008 00:18 »
I'd be a bit shocked if all the head-in-jars had speaking roles. Sure, I could see Jimmy Buffett being one, but I don't think that they could persuade Angela Davis to star. And for Shakira to even make an appearance on a show like Futurama... yikes. The only guest stars that any Futurama fan is interested in is Stephen Hawking because he's so fucking awesome and Dan Castelleneta (sp?) for the Robot Devil. EDIT: Whoops... looks like I clicked the "Quote" button instead of the "Edit" button again. Thank gawd that homerjaysimpson posted between my incident. Originally posted by homerjaysimpson:
Lars is Fry and Bender has a son. It's the end of the world as we know it! Hey, you can't say that you didn't see them coming (not exactly for Lars, but Bender's son, yes)!
DOOP Secretary
It's fake. The name Sara isn't original enough.
DOOP Secretary
Impossible; the only difference between Universe A and 1 is coinflips and A and Cowboy are the hats. I doubt that a sperm flipped a coin to decide if it'd go in or if a hat caused a twin.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by krunc:
*Leela has a fraternal twin sister named Turanga Sara. Sara is serving time onthe DOOP quarntined prison world, Beto One. * Yeah, because that doesn't sound like a bad fanfic written by a girl named Sara.
Frida Waterfall
« Reply #36 on: 07-26-2008 11:02 »
« Last Edit on: 07-26-2008 11:02 »
Originally posted by i_c_weiner: It's fake. The name Sara isn't original enough. I was thinking about that last night after I posted. The characters in both the Simpsons and Futurama have everyday, but unusual names that aren't that popular in society such as Homer, Bart, Selma, Gladys, Leela, Hubert, Hermes, and Munda. Sara is just common dishwater compared to other names. This plotline sounds like an overly dramatic fanfiction. Maybe your source (or you) should get acquained with Leela's Twin over at the Leela Zone...
Delivery Boy
*There's a planet called Pontius XII, an ancient Roman Empire world. Every year, their government and the highest ranking DOOP reps meet there to discuss their political allience. At the conclusion of their political business, there's a week-long feast. Catering contracts and delivery contracts go up for bid and low bidder wins. Every year previosly, The Mafia Trucking Company has been awarded the delivery contracts. This time, they have other commitments and Planet Express gets the bid. Because of the load size, and the fact that it needs refrigeration, the PE ship has to be modified, leaving them unable to carry a normal size fuel load. So, to ensure that they'll be able to cross the ungodly distance between Earth and Pontius XII, they'll have to get permission to fly through the DOOP quarantine zone around Beto One, a prison planet. They get permission to do so, but while passing the planet, Leela starts hearing a female voice calling her name, and feels drawn to the planet. They get to Pontius XII, make their delivery and head back home. While passing Beto One, again, Leela has the same experience as the first time. When they land, Immigration busts into the PE building and arrests Leela, Bender, Zoidberg, Amy and Scruffy on charges of being illegally documented aliens. Eventually, everyone gets sprung, except Leela. Fry nags the Professor into getting a very influential former student of his, from Mars U., to get Leela out. While in jail (at the George W. Bush Federal Detention Center on Ellis Island) Leela has more nightmares about the voice from Beto One. After a while, the Professor's friend (Dr. Jack Kencecey), springs Leela. Later, Leela takes some time off from work to visit her parents. She tells them about her bizarre dreams. That's when they tell her about her fraternal twin, Turanga Sara. They explain that their plan was to leave both girls at the orphanarium. Before they could carry out their plan, Sara disappeared and no trace ws ever found of her. When Leela and her parents did reunite, the kept Sara a secret to spare Leela any emotional trauma. *