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Author Topic: There are no stupid questions, except here.  (Read 28175 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #680 on: 11-18-2007 01:03 »

A: Death by what ever method is deemed fit.

Q: What are some recomened methods of killing said offender?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #681 on: 11-18-2007 10:55 »

A: anything that is painful generally.

Q; is there a similr punishment for the mker of bd TV shows?

Urban Legend
« Reply #682 on: 11-18-2007 12:30 »

A: A three day weekend with the pain monster

Q: How long has he been working as a pain monster?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #683 on: 11-18-2007 16:08 »

A: Since the previous pain monster died.

Q: Why did the previous pain monster die?
The Mullet

Delivery Boy
« Reply #684 on: 11-18-2007 22:00 »

A: he was under too much stress to be the best pain monster out there

Q: does the pain monster get paid time off?

Urban Legend
« Reply #685 on: 11-18-2007 23:10 »

A: Only if he meets his annual pain quota

Q: What is his annual pain quota?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #686 on: 11-19-2007 12:11 »

A: at least 763 hours of screams

Q: how long would the sound energy of 763 hours of screms power the planet express ship if it was converted to chemical energy?

Urban Legend
« Reply #687 on: 11-19-2007 13:07 »

A: about 5 days

Q: What Planet could the PE ship reach in that time?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #688 on: 11-19-2007 16:19 »

A: flemagash XI

Q: what is Flemagash XI like?

Starship Captain
« Reply #689 on: 11-19-2007 16:37 »

A: its like Hawaii only instead of pomb trees they electric killing poles

Q: whos the leader of Flemagash XI

Urban Legend
« Reply #690 on: 11-20-2007 00:38 »

A: The head of Abe Vigoda

Q: How did Vigoda become leader of Flemagassh XI?

« Reply #691 on: 11-20-2007 03:37 »

A: By electrocuting the previous leader

Q: Have the PE crew ever reached Gnosticus IV?

(free Three-tooth candy if you got it!)

Starship Captain
« Reply #692 on: 11-21-2007 23:34 »

A: yes but just barely

Q: whay was it so hard to get there

Urban Legend
« Reply #693 on: 11-22-2007 00:31 »

A: you need a reservation and there's a cover to get in

Q: how much is the cover

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #694 on: 11-22-2007 11:55 »

A: 600 Quatloos, 1,000 Credits or $80

Q: Why do the take so many different currencies?

PS: Did I spell Quatloos wrong?

Urban Legend
« Reply #695 on: 11-22-2007 23:39 »

A: they want to appeal to the masses, while at the same time take all their mney

Q: Is there any races not allowed on Gnosticus IV?

Urban Legend
« Reply #696 on: 11-23-2007 15:45 »

A:  Earthicans, Martians, Jupitaerians, Saturnians, and Neptuniuns are the only races allowed.

Q:  Who would win in a fight?  Robot Mafia or the Handicapped Mafia from American Dad?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #697 on: 11-24-2007 07:43 »

A: the robot mafia. Cause they're robots.

Q: Who woudld win in a fight Mom or zoidberg?

« Reply #698 on: 11-24-2007 09:51 »

A: Zoidberg. His stench is just too strong for Mom to handle.

Q: Or did Zoidberg do something else?

Urban Legend
« Reply #699 on: 11-24-2007 16:51 »

A: No, his stink is his primary weapon

Q: what are his secondary weapons?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #700 on: 11-24-2007 17:10 »

A: His claws, teticals and his blow hole which can secrete sulphuric acid.

Q: What weapons did mom use? (Besides from the millions of robots under her control of course.)

Space Pope
« Reply #701 on: 11-24-2007 19:39 »

A: Walt, Larry and Igner.

Q; What did Walt, Larry, and Igner do?

« Reply #702 on: 12-01-2007 19:04 »

A: They got slapped by Zoidberg so many times, he became exhausted and collapsed.

Q: Who peformed the CPR?

Space Pope
« Reply #703 on: 12-01-2007 19:24 »

A: Bones McCoy.

Q: How the hell did Bones get there?

« Reply #704 on: 12-02-2007 04:47 »

A: Because of his secret, but torrid, affair with Zoidberg.

Q: How long before the paparazzi click some incriminating shots of them?

Urban Legend
« Reply #705 on: 12-02-2007 12:31 »

A: Never, even paparazzi have their limits

Q: Does anyone ever discover this affair?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #706 on: 12-02-2007 15:38 »

A: well obviously or we wouldn't be talking bout it.

Q: Who discovered it?

Urban Legend
« Reply #707 on: 12-02-2007 21:48 »

A: Walter Koenig

Q: What did he do after finding out?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #708 on: 12-02-2007 22:02 »

A: Say that it vas inwented in Wussia.

Q: How much madness can switching a fake pen in at a wedding do?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #709 on: 12-02-2007 22:09 »

A: It can lead to one called off wedding, one decapitation and a major plot revelation.
Bender: "Yep, all hell's gonna break loose when they try to sign that lisence."

Q: Why did Lars go to work at the head museum?

« Reply #710 on: 12-03-2007 00:59 »

A. to bone Leela

Q. What brand of underwear (if any) does Zapp Brannigan wear?

« Reply #711 on: 12-03-2007 05:47 »

A: The Count Jockula chocolate-flavoured kind.

Q: What, besides free beer, does Zapp offer his men in exchange for their loyalty?
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #712 on: 12-03-2007 12:10 »

A: A velour jumpsuit in their choice of color.

Q: What material are their combat boots made of?

Space Pope
« Reply #713 on: 12-03-2007 17:16 »

A: A slightly different kind of velour. They may get killed in vast numbers for no reason, but at leasttheir feet don't hurt when it happens.

Q: Where do they get all that velour, anyway?
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #714 on: 12-03-2007 18:03 »

A: All the velour in the universe comes from Velouria, a planet located right before Dog Doo 7 on the edge of the universe. The Velourians national anthem is "Velouria" by The Pixies. It is such a beautiful sight to behold when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining on the amber waves of velour. Velour is one of their 2 big exports.

Q: What is Velourias other export product?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #715 on: 12-03-2007 22:11 »

A: Giant inflatable rabbits.

Q: Who do they make the rabbits for?
Bubble Gum

Bending Unit
« Reply #716 on: 12-04-2007 02:55 »

A: Robot Santa. He has the elves fill them with Napalm.

Q: Who does Robot Santa give these too?

Space Pope
« Reply #717 on: 12-04-2007 14:57 »
« Last Edit on: 12-04-2007 14:57 »

A: Scammers.

Q: How did CZ (Chaunkka [sp?] Zombie) become a zombie?

Bending Unit
« Reply #718 on: 12-04-2007 16:01 »

Wait a minute, the universe ends just after dog doo 6

Space Pope
« Reply #719 on: 12-04-2007 16:42 »

A: Chanukah (or Hanukkah) Zombie became one after accidentally ingesting some of Torgo's powder.

Q: What exactly is Torgo's powder made of?
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