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Author Topic: Questions! Answers! Forthwith!  (Read 23263 times)
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Writer unit32

« Reply #720 on: 11-02-2006 14:46 »
« Last Edit on: 11-02-2006 14:46 »

A: Because when you say 's' you half close the mouth,and without that he's too lazy to close it

Q: Are there special days when Sal does work?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #721 on: 11-02-2006 16:44 »

A: Hahahahahahahahas!...Oh wait, you were serious?

Q:Will the robots of Chapek 9 ever have a successful human hunt?

Bending Unit
« Reply #722 on: 11-03-2006 02:49 »

A: Yes. In 3023 suicide booths will begin to offer a third option: automatic transport to Chapek 9. 

Q: Will all of Kif's offspring be as wimpy as he is?

Urban Legend
« Reply #723 on: 11-03-2006 12:24 »

A: All but the one eyed one, that one's gonna be an ass kicker

Q: Will Brannigan ever be a father (and the Holoshed doesn't count)?
Writer unit32

« Reply #724 on: 11-03-2006 13:04 »

A: Only if Petunia's the mother.Ewww

Q: Leela's still wearing Calculon's ears.What'll happen to Calculon?

Urban Legend
« Reply #725 on: 11-03-2006 13:24 »

A: He'll be a well respected deaf acting robot

Q: Will Leela ever get a 2nd robot eye?
Writer unit32

« Reply #726 on: 11-03-2006 14:13 »

A: And where would she put it, in her ass?

Q: Who has more playboy(or playbot) magazines:
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #727 on: 11-03-2006 14:39 »

A: Scruffy of course, he owns several subscriptions to Juggs, Big Buns and Baps

Q: How does Bender use the screw he keeps in his locker?  :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #728 on: 11-03-2006 14:53 »

A: Ummm,well...Can I change  the topic *blushes all over and gets redder than Zoiby"

Q: Who assigned the Sunset squad?
Writer unit32

« Reply #729 on: 11-03-2006 15:19 »

A: Phillip J Fry V hated his grandpa(the original Phillip's nephew) for hugging the seven leaf clover and Phil II(grandpa) was already 164 so it was a way to assassinate that he could explain to the DOOP.Soon after a group of DOOP officers came to take Phillip II body but found only a sceleton with a little flesh.Phil V was executed but, the Sunset squad remainds.

Q: So when did Earth join the DOOP?

Bending Unit
« Reply #730 on: 11-03-2006 15:24 »

A: Well,shortly before taking over it ,of course!

Q: How do robuts have sex?
Writer unit32

« Reply #731 on: 11-03-2006 15:32 »

A: It's disgusting!And here it is...
It has a lot to do with the antena and the fembots's screws.They also plug in in each other...The rest is as disgusting as a robot can be...
Or they join programs

Q: How many famous people sceletons does Bender have?

Bending Unit
« Reply #732 on: 11-03-2006 16:18 »

A: 1729  :D

Q: How did Elzar escape from Santa's ice place thingy?
Writer unit32

« Reply #733 on: 11-03-2006 17:32 »
« Last Edit on: 11-04-2006 00:00 »

A: In the war of the 2904 (the bigest war against the creaters that The Hypnotoad is one of)there was a battle on Neptun.When Santa-bot was kicking ass one of the space ships that fell on the ground wasn't really broken.Lots of Neptunians such as Elzar's grandpa escaped on that ship...And got on Earth.So they started living on Earth just like some Decapodians...That means like slaves

Q: How did Santa conquer Neptun?

Urban Legend
« Reply #734 on: 11-04-2006 00:10 »

A: Gluh, He's a giant robot

Q: Will an Omicronian ever become president of Earth?
Writer unit32

« Reply #735 on: 11-04-2006 08:12 »

A: As we know the 60th president was an Omicronian or a creature close to a Omicronian.When the DOOP thought about Phillip F Fry V(look at one of my othetr posts) the Omicronians concquerd Earth and came close to conquering DOOP.Soon after the Amphibians,the Decapodians and some othe types of aliens joined the DOOP and the Omicronians were defeated.

Q: When was the DOOP founded?

Starship Captain
« Reply #736 on: 11-04-2006 08:29 »

A)2945 after the Second Galactic war

(i forfit my turn first to post gets it)
Writer unit32

« Reply #737 on: 11-04-2006 08:37 »

Q: What was the first galactic organization like DOOP with Earth in it?

Bending Unit
« Reply #738 on: 11-04-2006 09:45 »

A: The Mysterious Galactic Gathering ,which was actualy a group of JRR Tolkien fans

Q:Where did writer units get that long-answer bug/virus from?
Writer unit32

« Reply #739 on: 11-04-2006 09:57 »

A: Writer units don't usually.The problem is in 2997 (the year I was made) there wasn't enough robot parts.So I'm made from scrap metal.I spent a lot of money to become a normal robot but when I was as crappy as a robot can be I had no anti-virus so on a weekend in Transilvania I became a were-car.As we know the original were-car was destrojed I had a system error and since then I like to make big awnswers.

Q: How long was Tolkien popular enough for having atleast one member in the MGG?

Bending Unit
« Reply #740 on: 11-04-2006 09:59 »

A: He replaced Star Trek after the baning of the star trek stuff.

Q: Does heavy metal still exist in the 3000's?
Writer unit32

« Reply #741 on: 11-04-2006 11:24 »

A: Yeah on some other plannet!Oh crap I just made a short awnswer!I'm gonna feel so bad after a hour or so...The problem is on you're quastion I couldn't make a long awnswer.So I had to make it short.Its really bad for me with my long awnswer virus.Oh god I made a short awnswer!Oh wait, I didn't...Hoooray!

Q: How many episodes of All My Circuits are there?

Bending Unit
« Reply #742 on: 11-04-2006 14:42 »
« Last Edit on: 11-04-2006 14:42 »

A: Ummm...1729?

Q: Is there an antivirus for Writer Units?Something like Norton for Windows 3000 1024bit edition?
Writer unit32

« Reply #743 on: 11-04-2006 14:52 »

A: Yes ,but after some writer units because of them where working too slow.Since then only the more rich writer unit could use one.I myself had a lot of trouble trying to get one.Once I got the money with a lottery ticket, I was going to ,but I owed the Robot Mafia some(a lot) money so I didn't get it.

Q: What head is the greatest in the head museum(except Matt Groening's Head)?

Bending Unit
« Reply #744 on: 11-04-2006 15:10 »
« Last Edit on: 11-04-2006 15:10 »

A: Spock?Hey,do the thing!

Q: When did Zoidberg walk pantless and why(Farnsworth Parabox-"Stop spraying me with ink,Zoidberg;put on pants Zoidberg"-thats what he said...)?
Writer unit32

« Reply #745 on: 11-04-2006 15:22 »

A: Its a old Decapodian tedition.On DOOP day they walk pantless like the first Decapodians in DOOP.When those came to the DOOP there was a war against the Omicronians and for some reason those guys lost they're pants.They became heroes and since then on the DOOP day every Depapodian doesn't wear any clothes.Really disgusting so Zoidberg shouldn't be that outraget.

Q: What's the DOOP day and when is it?

Bending Unit
« Reply #746 on: 11-04-2006 15:26 »
« Last Edit on: 11-04-2006 15:26 »

A: DOOP day.Noun.A holiday that takes place two days after the second crescent moon of May.Traditional stuff is drinking Pangalactic Gargleblasters and then throwing sweaty F-shirts,L-shirts and T-shirts onto your mate.

Q: What if that thing I said?

PS: My veriest Gods!The virus!It's contagious!I cant stop talking about it!It's horrible!This is absolutely and utterly revolting and repulisvely Grotesque!!
Writer unit32

« Reply #747 on: 11-04-2006 16:04 »

A: If that thing you said you are right.Whatever you said...Use a what if machine to find out what if that thing you just said.I think the machine'll show something horrible like:
DOOP day.Noun.A holiday that takes place two days after the second crestent moon of may...

Q: What if I didn't have the virus?

Urban Legend
« Reply #748 on: 11-04-2006 16:29 »

A:  Then you're A-okay!

Q:  What 80's TV Show would Bender turn the PE Building into?  Pee-Wee's Playhouse or Hey, Vern!  It's Ernest!? 

Urban Legend
« Reply #749 on: 11-04-2006 18:07 »

A: Neiter, he'd either turn into the cheers bar or the home of the decepticons

Q: What's Zoidberg's favorite 80s show?

Bending Unit
« Reply #750 on: 11-05-2006 02:05 »

A: Married...With Children.It's a 90's show actualy but Zoiby doesn't know.This way he knows that he wasn't the poorest guy on Earth.Coincidentially,Leela is in the show,too!

Q: What is Leela's favourite 80's show?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #751 on: 11-05-2006 06:07 »

A: she is too busy cooking dinner for the next month to watch TV

Q: how many hours a day does Fry watch TV?
Writer unit32

« Reply #752 on: 11-05-2006 06:42 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2006 06:42 »

A: 24 on a lucky weekend.When they're working but don't have a delivery then 17.The worse is 9.On his holidays he usually watches 28 hours every day.Or more.The usuall is 15.

A: What is Amy's favourite present day TV show?

Bending Unit
« Reply #753 on: 11-05-2006 11:13 »

A: Splorange Gounty.

Q: Does Futurama have 1000 seasons in the future?(if it's "Yes",then I'm getting frozen!)
Writer unit32

« Reply #754 on: 11-05-2006 11:38 »

A: Yes!But I'm not getting frozen I'm a robot,I can live forever and also if I'll get frozen inside me everything'll still work so won't be actually frozen,I wouldn't move but, I would think.also why not live another 1000 years before the universe is destrojed.

Q: How did being his own grandpa deprive him from Delta brain waves?

Bending Unit
« Reply #755 on: 11-05-2006 11:43 »

A: Whatever the reason is,our puny brains won't have the power or the guts to comprehend it.

Q: Will Kiff become a hunk?

Bending Unit
« Reply #756 on: 11-05-2006 22:40 »

A: Kif will eventually land a job as model for Lightspeed Briefs, setting a new standard for masculinity.

Q: How is this statement completed: "Actually I don't have bones.  I am supported by a system of fluid-filled bladders that---- ?"

Bending Unit
« Reply #757 on: 11-06-2006 08:42 »

A: Mr.Wong - You a big squishy wuss!

Q: Did Zoidberg get rid of his male jelly?

P.S.I'm a Bending Unit!Hooray for me!

« Reply #758 on: 11-06-2006 09:43 »

A: I hope so....

Q: Will Zoidberg ever find love?

P.S. I'm new here, hi! ;D

Bending Unit
« Reply #759 on: 11-06-2006 10:42 »

A: No 'cause he is the lobster equivalent of Fry.

Q: How often does Zoidberg change his shell?

P.S. Hi,Zoidy-poo,wish you luck being a part of the greatest board(even greater than a skateboard and snowboard combined)!
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