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Author Topic: why do you think it is people draw nude cartoons?  (Read 1969 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 03-25-2005 23:53 »

i was looking around the other day using a search engine and found what i thought to be a futurama fan site... turns out it was (rather poorly done) porn and whatnot of leela and amy wong.

there are many worse things that people do than draw naughty pictures, but for the life of me i can't understand why people draw or want to draw naked cartoons.  and now i can't "unsee" the drawings...  :mad:



Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 03-25-2005 23:59 »

Well, my friend it's very simple... people have a hard time explaining the "bird and the bees" to their kids and theirs no easier way than cartoons! So remember, nothing says "this is where babys come from" like good ol' girl on girl cartoon action!

« Reply #2 on: 03-26-2005 00:16 »

This would be a good topic to liven up the Fan Art forum.

I don't get off on anything 2D, so the whole thing confuses me too. It might have something to do with actual people not being good enough for the person, so they just create a flawless cartoon image of what they'd want from real life, or something  :hmpf:.

There's always this offtopic thread:
 Can you LOVE a cartoon character?

Although on a less filthy level, you could ask why Leela is the most commonly-drawn character - even by the [non-lesbian] female artists. I've never understood that.
Shippy Mandy

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 03-26-2005 00:30 »

Originally posted by Zmithy:
Although on a less filthy level, you could ask why Leela is the most commonly-drawn character - even by the [non-lesbian] female artists. I've never understood that.

Well, for me (and yes, I am a fanartist--I go by Leela's Twin on TLZ/Futurama Madhouse), it's because I find her the easiest to draw. For some reason, I find females in general easier to draw than males, and I find Leela easier to draw than Amy (easier hairstyle, though it is harder to give her emotions, what with the eye and all). Also, Fry is the easiest male on the show for me to draw--he's drawn relatively simply--so Leela and Fry are pretty much the only characters I can draw without having them look too bad. (This works well, considering the fact that I'm a shipper.)

...Wow. That wound up longer than I had expected.

As for the Futurama porn...I can't really say. For the most part, I'm more attracted to actual men, rather than two-dimensional drawings (though I must admit that Fry's pretty damn cute), but I'm sure there are some people out there with cartoon fetishes. Or something.


Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 03-26-2005 00:31 »

It's becouse she's a femonist...and she could (I guess) be some sort of rolemodel type... person...character... mutant? I dont know...

..but back on subject: cartoons are hot! Just Kiding... but seriously... they are!

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 03-26-2005 07:19 »

"why do you think it is people draw nude cartoons?"

Because they are sad and pathetic and disturbed, most likely.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 03-26-2005 07:24 »

why do you think it is people draw nude cartoons?

Because they can...

Starship Captain
« Reply #7 on: 03-26-2005 07:28 »

I wish I could draw nude cartoons...

« Reply #8 on: 03-26-2005 10:06 »

Well i don't know why people would want to draw nude cartoon characters but think about this....
i bet if Leela was drawn naked on Futurama, i doubt many male viewers would be complaining....go figure...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 03-26-2005 10:16 »

Welcome to PEEL lil_nippa. Enjoy your stay at Nerd-World.

People draw nude cartoons to express their fantasies and fancies. If somebody wants to see a naked Leela, it's one of their fantasies, unless they've already seen a naked Leela or have already drawn a naked Leela, then it's a fancy. But people do thinks because they want to.
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