« on: 11-08-2004 02:01 »
Caught this in the Ratings Report thread at adultswim.com: http://boards.adultswim.com/adultswim/board/message?board.id=3&message.id=245480#M245480 If you don't want to register to read, here's what was said in the post that perked my attention: First the news. Talk is circulating at FOX at possibly bringing back Futurama. Family Guy & Futurama have consistently ranked in the top 20 list of ad supported cable shows for the highly coveted 18-34 demo. FOX as had a dismal 3rd quarter in show ratings but survived the quarter on the strength of the Red Sox playoff run. They are poised to still win 18-34 for the year with reality fan-fare in Nov & popular shows American Idol & 24 returning in Jan.
Col. Klink
I doubt they'll be able to get the original players back. Why would they when Fox treated them so badly?
They already got other jobs so why would they need this old, bad one?
I'll do more than believe it. I'd love it when I see it!
« Reply #20 on: 11-08-2004 11:18 »
« Last Edit on: 11-08-2004 11:18 »
Not bad, not bad at all, at least its backed up with some impressive ratings figures. I still think its next year or never for futurama's return though. EDIT: Neat, obscenities in the thread title are scrambled on CGEF's peel link:
DOOP Secretary
Always good to see people talking about Futurama's return, and, as winna said, Raven's info actually has some basis in fact. Still, I'm not getting my hopes up too high...but maybe I'll just dance a little jig of glee...
Wait, you don't want to see that...