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Author Topic: holyshitholyshit-Futurama news on [as] boards  (Read 2242 times)
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« on: 11-08-2004 02:01 »

Caught this in the Ratings Report thread at adultswim.com:


If you don't want to register to read, here's what was said in the post that perked my attention:

First the news. Talk is circulating at FOX at possibly bringing back Futurama.
Family Guy & Futurama have consistently ranked in the top 20 list of ad supported
cable shows for the highly coveted 18-34 demo. FOX as had a dismal 3rd quarter
in show ratings but survived the quarter on the strength of the Red Sox playoff
run. They are poised to still win 18-34 for the year with reality fan-fare in Nov
& popular shows American Idol & 24 returning in Jan.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #1 on: 11-08-2004 02:03 »

Now that's good news. I take it this is what you were punching Jon for?

I thought you just wanted to send him messages of eternal adoration...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 11-08-2004 02:08 »

This news, as you call it, iterests me.

Lets just hope they talk alot more and drink more...

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 11-08-2004 02:31 »

I need further information but am very interested.
Col. Klink

« Reply #4 on: 11-08-2004 02:36 »

I doubt they'll be able to get the original players back. Why would they when Fox treated them so badly?

They already got other jobs so why would they need this old, bad one?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #5 on: 11-08-2004 02:43 »

FOX never treated the cast badly. Just the show.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 11-08-2004 03:04 »

so another rumour eh  :p

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 11-08-2004 03:04 »

Plus most everyone seems to have loved working on the show, as evidenced by the commentaries.  I don't think they'd have too much trouble, outside of certain writers (simply due to them having other jobs now).  And to be perfectly honest, most shows shift their staffs around anyway, so its not like a bunch of new writers would kill the show.  As long as they have some of the principle players I think they'd be fine.

Interesting and encouraging stuff.  Although who exactly is this info coming from?

« Reply #8 on: 11-08-2004 03:08 »

screenshot of what I found:


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #9 on: 11-08-2004 04:25 »

Good news indeed...

Hope more info comes out to back this rumor up.

Bending Unit
« Reply #10 on: 11-08-2004 06:18 »

I do´t know. It would be great but practicaly the same rumour raised right after announcment of FG´s comeback. At least, it sounds more trustworthy than moviehole´s rumour.

Urban Legend
« Reply #11 on: 11-08-2004 06:33 »

A return of Futurama, eh? I'll believe it when I see it.

« Reply #12 on: 11-08-2004 06:56 »

I'll do more than believe it. I'd love it when I see it!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #13 on: 11-08-2004 09:27 »
« Last Edit on: 11-08-2004 09:27 »

Hmm... it can be done! And it should be done. Because the series ended all too abrubtly and without a warning.

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 11-08-2004 10:03 »

I'm cynical and angry and not getting my hopes up. But truth leads to dancing.

Starship Captain
« Reply #15 on: 11-08-2004 10:07 »

Interesting... very interesting.... indeed....

*crosses fingers and hops up and down like a moron*

Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 11-08-2004 11:05 »

Let's wait for more details before we break out the celebratory pancake mix.

We don't wanna have our hopes passed through a fine mesh strainer again...

Starship Captain
« Reply #17 on: 11-08-2004 11:10 »

Cool, sounds pretty promising, will be waiting with bated breath for more info  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #18 on: 11-08-2004 11:17 »

I haven't been this happy since I found out TheLampIncident got banned.  Which was about 5 minutes ago, but nonetheless...

It's good to see Matt & DXC making progress.  Now, we have to help this along.  Get your friends to buuy the DVDs.  If they're cheap, wait a month and buy them the DVDs for Christmas.  If you know anyone in a Nielsen survey, make them watch the show every night.  Sending e-mails to FOX Broadcasting couldn't hurt, nor could anchovies.  Seriously.

I've got my hopes up, but fortunately I'm one of those people who isn't devastated every time this happens.  If it falls through, I come back and try another day *looks at everyone who signed up in 2003 or earlier*.

Urban Legend
« Reply #19 on: 11-08-2004 11:18 »

This seems to be the most promising rumor so far...

« Reply #20 on: 11-08-2004 11:18 »
« Last Edit on: 11-08-2004 11:18 »

Not bad, not bad at all, at least its backed up with some impressive ratings figures.

I still think its next year or never for futurama's return though.

EDIT: Neat, obscenities in the thread title are scrambled on CGEF's peel link:

Starship Captain
« Reply #21 on: 11-08-2004 11:41 »

I think most people here have given up hope of Futurama ever coming back.

« Reply #22 on: 11-08-2004 11:59 »

hey, I know there's a slim-to-none chance of Futurama coming back - but to quote Chicken Run, "then there's still a chance."

Hedonism Bot

Bending Unit
« Reply #23 on: 11-08-2004 14:08 »

That's amazing! Lampy got banned?

Oh, and the Futurama thing, too.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Urban Legend
« Reply #24 on: 11-08-2004 14:38 »

That _IS_ good news!  Let's hope it comes true!  Not only will Family Guy make a comeback (I know some people here like that), a Futurama comeback would be even better! 

It would be cool if Futurama came back around the time Family Guy comes back and American Dad debuts.  After all, I could see this possible, considering Futurama is a top-rated cable show!

Bending Unit
« Reply #25 on: 11-08-2004 15:03 »

Even though I'd love to see Futurama come back, I won’t get my hopes up. Yet. This may be another rumor, but I still have my fingers crossed until it’s officially confirmed.

Space Pope
« Reply #26 on: 11-08-2004 15:16 »

Well, we've all been through the "Futurama may have a chance", so i'll post that i'm sceptical, but always happy at good news like this. Even if it doesn't come back, it's still nice to see recognition.

Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 11-08-2004 15:34 »

*Doing the Happy, Doing the Happy Dance*

That news about Futurama  would be absolutely awesome, if it were true. I learned at a very young age, never to get my hopes up.  because then you can't be upset.

Why did Lampy get banned?

Starship Captain
« Reply #28 on: 11-08-2004 16:21 »

Is the part about Futurama copy-pasted from the ratings report, which knows that Fox discussed this, or is it just conjecture straight from the users mouth?

Urban Legend
« Reply #29 on: 11-08-2004 16:49 »

Update for my comment about TLI: apparently, he was only banned for a couple hours.  He cussed out jerkberg, got banned, then apologized to mArc.

So now I'm even happier, because a) the show may be coming back and b) TLI gets to return and continue flaming idiots!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #30 on: 11-08-2004 16:51 »

Well, im not going to get my hope too far up but my fingers will be crossed.

Starship Captain
« Reply #31 on: 11-08-2004 17:01 »

Can someone answer my question?!

Did he say the article said it, or was he drawing his own conclusions from the ratings?!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #32 on: 11-08-2004 17:02 »
« Last Edit on: 11-08-2004 17:02 »

The most intriguing and actually important part about what that person said was not the fact that Futurama may come back; it's the evidence the poster provided for such a consideration.  The fact that Futurama since being included on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup has come up in the top 20 cable shows for its time slot time and time again is exciting.  If Futurama comes back, it'll definitely be because of that. 

As far as getting your hopes up and whatnot, I never believed Futurama wouldn't come back, nor did I ecstatically believe every bit about it coming back.  That said, I had always figured that Futurama had a ten year time span after its cancellation for me to actually give up on it giving back.  I don't think 10 years really is that lenient, it's a good base, especially considering Futurama is 5 years old now and some people think its new.
Lee Roberts

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #33 on: 11-08-2004 17:02 »

It would be nice to see another of my favourite shows return... however I'm not keeping my hopes up on a possible rumor. Nice find though RavenStar.  ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #34 on: 11-08-2004 17:35 »

Wow. Wow. Wow. My hopes are raised slightly, considering it's a fairly credible source. But, I must say we shouldn't get too excited considering the rumors we've heard before.

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 11-08-2004 17:40 »

My dream plus all of the Futurama Fan's dreams just might come true if Family Guy does good in its ratings. I'm not much for Family Guy but I'll watch it for the good of Futurama.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #36 on: 11-08-2004 17:49 »

Always good to see people talking about Futurama's return, and, as winna said, Raven's info actually has some basis in fact. Still, I'm not getting my hopes up too high...but maybe I'll just dance a little jig of glee...

Wait, you don't want to see that...
Guy Caballero
Bending Unit
« Reply #37 on: 11-08-2004 18:06 »
« Last Edit on: 11-08-2004 18:06 »

How do I upload a different image as my avatar?

An image that isn't in the list of choices.

Urban Legend
« Reply #38 on: 11-08-2004 18:09 »

I dunno, we've been burned by previous rumors about the show coming back.  While I'd love to fall in love with this rumor, I don't know...I'd like a little more information.

But I will make all my friends buy the DVD sets, or else I'll break their faces.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #39 on: 11-08-2004 18:22 »

I'm with everyone else here, I hope this rumor ultimatly comes true, but it really isn't coming from the best source. We definatly don't know if the person who posted this message on the [as] boards is a credible source. So, I would definatly would be a little sceptical. It's still good knows though...
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