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General Disscussion
Talk about anything Futurama-related that doesn't fit into any of the specialized boards. Typo in board name has nostalgic value.
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Pages: 1 ... 164 165 166 [167] 168 169 170 ... 242
The Official Favorite Episode Poll: The one for all the marbles!
« 1 2 3 »
85 3048 Kryten 09-26-2003 01:30
by ob1spyker
Adult Swim 12 987 KurtPikachu2001 09-25-2003 21:01
by LaVaLaDy
Hello, new here! 4 953 KurtPikachu2001 09-24-2003 23:17
by Nixorbo
Best episode 2 1064 Beezlebender 09-24-2003 20:34
by SuperFry
What episode should be submitted for an Emmy next year?
« 1 2 »
53 2184 Robot_Devil 09-24-2003 17:25
by User_names_suck
What exactly did Matt Groaning do for Futurama? 36 1669 silenthill4 09-24-2003 10:15
by Pikka Bird
A Possible Futurama Ripoff? 26 1756 LesserRaven 09-23-2003 23:24
by Nixorbo
How to draw ?
« 1 2 »
50 2623 FuturFlyer 09-23-2003 23:21
by Nixorbo
Moments In Futurama You Were Gona Cry At 4 941 Simpsonsfan14 09-23-2003 23:13
by Nixorbo
Futuramathon? 32 1217 planetcutie 09-23-2003 10:12
by HamNEggs116
Icelandic, don't understand some jokes. OSX Icons 8 993 Wolverine 09-22-2003 11:48
by Nixorbo
Next emmy nomination 37 1222 Beezlebender 09-22-2003 02:29
by Pitt Clemens
How do you feel about a new show?
« 1 2 3 »
88 2811 reverend 09-21-2003 18:33
by Frymeister
David Xs email 39 1318 SwanMan3000 09-21-2003 16:39
by Jamesbondcja
The Great Futurama Contest 6 825 vannaLust 09-21-2003 16:33
by MrB
"Jurassic Bark" Nominated for an Emmy
« 1 2 3 4 5 »
163 6640 Action Jacktion 09-20-2003 12:33
by Nixorbo
CGEF 1 1091 less than hero 09-20-2003 11:01
by Xmpel
Are there any buses on Futurama? 18 936 less than hero 09-20-2003 05:16
by sheep555
Fall madness predictions 7 867 davids 09-19-2003 15:42
by Futurama_Hil
The Official Favorite Episode Poll: McSeason 5, part 2
« 1 2 »
44 1896 Kryten 09-19-2003 00:24
by Kryten
Song in Obsoletely Fabulous 2 3042 Snoo-snoo 09-18-2003 11:17
by boingo2000
3ACV19: Favorite Moments 5 1013 mjsmith 09-18-2003 01:43
by Nixorbo
The music from the 100 cups of coffee scene... 11 2693 monkeyben 09-17-2003 16:08
by Nixorbo
the holophoner's appearance means bender wears pants 6 946 VPActionRanger 09-16-2003 21:20
by Drippy_taco
A Breif History of Time Reference? 7 838 VPActionRanger 09-16-2003 21:16
by Drippy_taco
Pages: 1 ... 164 165 166 [167] 168 169 170 ... 242
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