Futurama-esque pets
I was vegging out last night, looking at my empty fish tank and trying to figure out what would be a good animal to put in it, i'm bored with the standard aquarium fare, then it hit me...
i could go down to the local swimming hole in the Mad River (Vermont) and grab my own "Dwarf Freshwater Decapodian" (a crawfish) and name it Zoidberg

(or go to the local live bait store and buy my own "Mini-Decapodian"
it got me thinking, what other futurama-esque pets could we find...
lets see;
swarms of small Anole lizards (Stink Lizards)
dwarf octopi (brain slugs) just make sure they're not the blue-ring variety, as they're deadly
tarantulas (like in FOABP and WTBR)
So, any other ideas?