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Author Topic: Corrupt Despot 2004 - The Road To Victory  (Read 1298 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #40 on: 11-05-2004 15:49 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 15:49 »

Orignally posted by RavenStar
No, the daily strip shows will be provided by Courtney Love and Tonya Harding.
Well, in that case, no support from me, RS.  Courtney Love stripping is torture, not a reward for my vote.

Lampy, if you're going to have free speech, you'd better put people of two different political outlooks in your "political debate" office: I nominate myself and FemJesse, on the basis that FemJesse is the most aggressive and attractive conservative on the board, and that evan and FemJesse would spend the entire time making out or killing each other.
Otherwise, you have good policies and the TV knowledge to make a Doug reference from back when it was good.

Zoidy227: You should come play Nationstates with us.  See also the PEEL Nationstates thread.  I hope the older nations don't mind my inviting someone...

TOTP Shameless Plug.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #41 on: 11-05-2004 16:05 »

Originally posted by futurefreak:
I am futurefreak aka Randi

Well, you got my vote.

Wait, maybe I should read the rest of your post...

Yeah, okay.  You still get my vote.

Urban Legend
« Reply #42 on: 11-05-2004 16:11 »

Originally posted by Nerd-o-rama:
 Lampy, if you're going to have free speech, you'd better put people of two different political outlooks in your "political debate" office: I nominate myself and FemJesse, on the basis that FemJesse is the most aggressive and attractive conservative on the board, and that evan and FemJesse would spend the entire time making out or killing each other.

That's not what I meant. I meant that I would have both of you guys help me in debating other people.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #43 on: 11-05-2004 16:20 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 16:20 »

Oooooh I like this thread.


I, NASTY PASTY would make the best choice for supreme overlord of PEEL and the rest of the western world.
Here are the main points of my campaign:
-A public burning of all Xboxes
-A Mod-free PEEL where the decision to close a thread and to ban members is made by the collective populous.
-The reenstatement of Superfry and DavidCohens1fan.
-Legalized abortion, gay marrage, and stemcell research.
-The nuking of the USA.
-Construction of a planet-sized satellite which is capable of destroying entire planets or individual XBOXes.
-The release of a new season of Futurama
-The Public beheading of Rupert Murdoch, George Bush, and Martha Stewart
-An act declaring Rap and hip-hip music as heresy.

Nasty's Cabinet:
Vice President- WhoopWhoopWhoop
Secretary of blowing shit up- LampIncident
Secretary of painting my portrait- The Voices
Secretary of defense- Nurdbot

Vote for Nasty! He has big shoulders!


Starship Captain
« Reply #44 on: 11-05-2004 17:04 »

Oh, boo, David A, I thought you loved me.  You big scary genius.  Wouldn't you rather have a Fairy Princess running the world?  I thought you liked stuff like magical fairy princesses, seeing as you watch all that magical girl anime.

Anyway, at least Jeff will vote for me.  And if Jeff doesn't vote for me I'll cry so hard it'll create a flood that will wipe out all of humanity.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #45 on: 11-05-2004 17:26 »

Wiping out all humanity is tempting, but I guess I'll vote for Mango.

.....I guess.

Starship Captain
« Reply #46 on: 11-05-2004 17:39 »

If Jeff votes for Mango I will cry and never speak to him again.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 11-05-2004 17:51 »

Do it Fishy, here's a free copy of SWG and some pie...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #48 on: 11-05-2004 17:56 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 17:56 »

*platform being redefined* Meh, it's good enough. I mean it worked for Palpatine, right?

Well, as expected my opponenets have already taken the "appoint me Evil Overlord and I'll kill half of you and make the lifes of the rest a living hell"-platform.

I'm Teral and I'm the democratically (really, no bullshit, I swear it) elected leader of the Xenophobic Anarcho-Conservative PEEL'ers People Party (or XAPPP for short).

The average length of an election campaign today is 18 months, almost half of an election term is spend campaigning for the next election, and it's an increasing trend. Soon politicians will be pre-occupied with constant election campaigns, leaving the governing to bureaucrats. Today long-term planing means until the next election, soon it'll mean until the end of the week. We need to save democracy from this slow, agonizing death. It's the decent thing to do, it's the right thing to do, it's the democratic thing to do. I am willing to take on the burden of safely bringing democracy into the 21st century. If I am not willing to make this sacrifice, then what kind of politician would I be?

By appointing me to president for life, you, the enlightened and intelligent voters, will send the world a message of wisdom, courage and dedication to show what strength democracy have. Freed of the dog and pony show, and waste of resources and money, continous election campaigns represent the democratic world will be re-invigorated and prosperous. Incomes will rise, jobs will be generated, welfare will be guaranteed for everybody. Once talented people are free of spending their time on political bickering on Internet messageboards and street rallies, they can turn their attention to other venues such as art, scientific progress and philosophy. The human race would be on the threshold of a new Golden Age.

Without the worry of pleasing special interest groups or industry lobbies, government can make long-term plans that will benefit everybody. Prosperity will flourish, jobs will come pouring into the Western world, safety concerns will be a thing of the past. Comprehensive planning is the key.

Some will probably say this is crazy talk, that you should refuse this idea. But who these people really speaking for? I'll tell you: themself! Politicians worried about losing their kickbacks, lobbyists afraid of losing their undemocratic and selfserving influence over corrupt politicians, terrorist scared of facing an even stronger, more confident and prosperous West, 5th Column traitors, party fatcats, everybody who feed of the hard-working populations of the West, those who yearn for the day democracy will collapse under it's own weight. To them I say: sucks to be you! Democracy will show how capable it is of fighting back, it's courage to take unprecedented steps to ensure it's own survival.

Therefore, my friends, vote yes on proposition 698: "Save democracy by appointing Teral president for life".

 "Yes on proposition 698! It's Teral or Chaos!"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #49 on: 11-05-2004 17:57 »

Nasty: I'll 'vote' for you.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #50 on: 11-05-2004 17:59 »

Vote for me, I'd give you some cake on Fridays.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #51 on: 11-05-2004 18:04 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
 Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn!

Pretty sure that's "Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Dawn"? I'm sure noone, with a sane mind, can say Morn is beautiful.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #52 on: 11-05-2004 18:22 »

Originally posted by Nurdbot:
Nasty: I'll 'vote' for you.

I just hope those quote signs dont mean youre being sarcastic....

"Are YoU?!?! ....na."

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #53 on: 11-05-2004 18:27 »

By voting, I mean by engineering a coup.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #54 on: 11-05-2004 18:29 »

Nice job blowing the plan comrade.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #55 on: 11-05-2004 18:44 »

Hey, watch it. I have ambitions too you know.

Don't start reading any long books.

*Skulks into the shadows*

Urban Legend
« Reply #56 on: 11-05-2004 19:03 »

If I, Jicannon[/i][/u], were elected Supreme Pizza of PEEL, I would:

-Rearrange the days of the week so that they fall in alphabetical order, as following:
Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday

-Get rid of speed limit signs, they just make you feel bad when you're going too fast. All speed limit signs will be replaced by checkered race-flag signs. Speed limits will still be in effect, of course.

-Make the walrus the official PEEL bird animal and the red-with-white-spotted mushroom the official PEEL fungus. Replacing whoever used to be the PEEL fungus...you know who I mean...

-Legalize Spam. Spam for everyone! It shall finally pass FDA inspection!

-Make all beaches mandatory nude beaches.

-Commission the creation of the largest bouncy ball known to PEEL-kind. It will be pink. With white swirls.

-Invade Azerbaijan.

-Invent the color jerrany.

-Legalize arsony performed by pyromaniacs.

-Outlaw pyrophobia.

-Mail you all 1/2 dozen orange roses everyday.

My Cabinet:
Vice Supreme Fool: Otis P Jivefunk Just because....
Secretary of being radically cool: jerkberg Who else?
Secretary of being Israeli: Idan_Aharoni
Secretary of watching Nickelodian: John Pannozzi
Secretary of Hugs: Mango
Secretary of Making Me Food: TheLampIncident Well......you can just bus the table
Court Jester: TheLampIncident again I hope he looks just like that clown on my deck of playing cards!
Ringmaster of my 5-Ring Circus: StuartB

As reigning Liquid Emperor of PEEL, I command you to vote for whoever your heart desires!*

*As long as your heart desires someone who will bring you despair and prosperity! ME!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #57 on: 11-05-2004 19:24 »

Excellent, phase one is complete. Our ambitious despot-hopefulls have lined up and declared their intentions.

Now, the Illuminati, otherwise known as PEEL, require more information. Please answer the following questions without killing or tickling the test administrator, that is, me.

1 - Once you've wrested power into your grubby little hands, what will your policy be on mind-altering drugs? For whom will they be legal, which substances are permitted, and on what occasions?

2 - What will you do your competition, the other power-mad maniacs you see sitting around you in this thread?

3 - What will people be permitted to eat, wear and say?

4 - Specify locations you wish to invade and why.

5 - How about population control, got any ideas there?

6 - Who among the folks of PEEL in general (not limited to fellow contestants in this thread) would you single out for advancement, demotion, explosions? And why?

7 - You are most likely going to have a pet of some sort which is as evil and twisted as you are. Tell us more about this animal companion.

8 - Describe for us what turned you into the sick monster you are today.

9 - Finally, please tell us who you expect to inherit your throne, and how.

Once these answers are in, several rounds of voting will be conducted, culimnating in the selection of the next overlord of the Western World.

It is not too late for late entries, so if anyone wishes to announce their candidacy, it's not too late. Just fill out the above questionairre and hand it to the black-suited man standing by the door.
Prof. Wernstrum

Starship Captain
« Reply #58 on: 11-05-2004 19:37 »

My plan for world domination:

1) Build huge arsenal of Doomsday devices and undefeatable army of killbots. This may be the hardest step.

2) Build large, evil looking volcano base in an easily discovered location. Send out inept henchmen from this base.

3) The henchmen will inevitably be caught and various superheroes and secret agents will track me down to this base, allow them to have fun for a while attempting to disarm the superweapons featuring big time readouts and obvious weak points. Then detonate the base, killing everyone inside.

4) Launch the Doomsday devices from the far less obviously concealed base that I built earlier but forgot to mention. Instantly wipe out every major military installation and large city in the world.

5) The survivors are to be rounded up and set to work in slave labour camps to fuel my killbot army. Those who resist will be executed in the most horrific manner imaginable - being made to watch non-stop reality TV until their brains implode.

6) After this is done, my scientists will work on the following projects: A method for transferring my brain into a robots body, giving me immortality; Advanced space travel; Planet-destroying lasers.

7) When all the remaining humans have died as a result of radiation poisoning/ overexertion/ reality TV-induced brain-implosion my killbots and I will leave the planet, destroy it from orbit, and set off on a quest to eradicate all life in the Universe. Note: the lack of any human slave labour is not a problem because I could have easily got robots to do whatever they were doing before, I just wanted to make them suffer - lousy human race...

Urban Legend
« Reply #59 on: 11-05-2004 20:21 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 20:21 »

Feh, Western World.  How about the entire world, TMC?

Anyway, now that you've given me a little more structure, I'll see if I can set up an actual overlording system, rather than a simple method of ascension:

1) I really don't give a shit if the idiots I rule decide to make themselves even stupider with drugs.  I'll simply take a massive cut of the profits from all the cartels, or they will face actual military wrath - unlike today's leaders, I don't need their political support.  And if I catch anyone with an actual important job (i.e. a government one) getting toked on duty, they will be shot on the spot.  Hey, at least they die happy.

2) My original plan was just to conquer the world and sell it to TNUK in exchange for Fiji and a laundry list of various luxury items.  However, if I decided I wanted to keep power, I'd just have the puppet government hire you guys.  Or in the cases of the incompetent ones, execute you.

3) As I said before, people can do whatever the fuck they want, but those who directly challenge the apparent government will be arrested and used as slave labor (robots being cost-underefficient and less fun.)

4) Assuming I go with controlling the American government in my rise to power: the first places to be grabbed will be Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea.  They are all easily justifiable, and are rich with oil and nukes.  Seizing power in Africa and Latin America would be so ridiculously easy it's not even worth commiting troops to.  I will then proceed to asssassinate the leaders of Europe, subsequently invading with land troops supported by tactical nuclear warheads.  China and India are the last tough nuts to crack.  I'll probably just nuke 'em and be done with it.
America rules the world, and I rule America (fuck yeah!)

5) Population control shouldn't be a problem, since I'll end up killing or conscripting about 60% of my subjects - i.e. the stupid ones.  Also, I did just nuke a third of the world's population getting here...

6) Offhand, I'd say TNUK for some sort of science position and/or governmental planning, Lampy for enforcing my "no idiots" policy, GFF to keep track of my secret police operations (I'll need lists...lots ans lots of lists...)  Nurdy and Nasty I'll put in charge of fake coup attempts against me.  They'll set up rebellions, attract those who wish to oppose me, and then set them up so I can capture them.

7) For personal use, definitely a nicely-groomed cat.  No particular breed, as long as it's short hair.  For fancy executions, a couple good ol' American alligators should do the trick.

8) Jocks, preps, and fucking evangelicals!  Also Futurama getting canceled, as that's the main reason I came here and got this idea in the first place.

9) I don't really have a succession plan...I'll probably find some mid-level government worker whose competence overwhelms me, and then clue him in to the secret of my power.  I'll offer him the job upon my demise.  Of course, he is free to refuse.  I won't even whack him if he does.  I'll just make sure he ends up homeless on the street, parroting his conspiracy theories to make the general populace even more incredulous of the truth...

Oh, and I picked a title.  This won't be official, since I won't have an official position, but I would be the Grey Eminence of Earth.

Edited for easy-to-readness.  If anyone doesn't like the smallification, fuck off.

Starship Captain
« Reply #60 on: 11-05-2004 20:25 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 20:25 »

1 - Once you've wrested power into your grubby little hands, what will your policy be on mind-altering drugs? For whom will they be legal, which substances are permitted, and on what occasions?

Anything with a puported aphrodisiac effect is to be farmed extensively and put into all canned, boxed, and frozen foods, including baby food and pet food. I also approve the use of Boozee. That's Bend-err, not alcohol.

2 - What will you do your competition, the other power-mad maniacs you see sitting around you in this thread?

I think you know VERY WELL what I intend to do with them, my good friends and neighbors! I intend to chain them all in my palace's cellar, right near the closet where the lubricants and leather clothes and naughty toys are kept.

3 - What will people be permitted to eat, wear and say?

Wear - The ugly people will wear girdles and small uncomfortable shoes. The rest of us will be permitted to dress as we please, except we must all mind the watch-word: "Crotchless".

Eat - Meat. Lots of it. With rich creamy sauce. Really, did you expect snything else from me?

Say - Say what you like, so long as you don't talk with your mouth full.

4 - Specify locations you wish to invade and why.

Ohohoho, ask the penis what he wants to "invade eh?! I get it, is a joke, eh?! But in all seriousness my friends, Canada needs to be returned to the moose and the penguins.

5 - How about population control, got any ideas there?

I may institute a program of gelding 3/4ths of all male children in order to make more females available for the rest of us, though. How do you like that, Nerd-men of PEEL? Your chances of getting laid will increase from 0% to 100% if you are not unfortunate enough to be selected! Let sex be given to everyone who bears a penis, not just the attractive penis-bearers!

6 - Who among the folks of PEEL in general (not limited to fellow contestants in this thread) would you single out for advancement, demotion, explosions? And why?

Well if you're lesbian and attractive, you're probably safe. I would leave such matters to my Minister of Lesbian Affairs, the inestimable Slimmy. Jon will most likely have to be kept under close surveillance, thanks to his pedophilic tendencies. We wouldn't want to miss out on any of the intricacies of his art! DrThunder is under consideration for the police force uniform design. I keep telling him to incorporate more lace and less leather, but, tch, you know how he is.

7 - You are most likely going to have a pet of some sort which is as evil and twisted as you are. Tell us more about this animal companion.

I would love to have a pet gerbil. And perhaps a cooter. A nice furry one, following me around wherever I go. I would pet both my evil pets and stroke them as I unveiled my plans and goals via satellite broadcast. Perhaps a pony too. The one known as VF has wished for one for a long long time, perhaps she knows something I do not?

8 - Describe for us what turned you into the sick monster you are today.

Well, I began as a small foreskin, lying upon a dustheap outside a small village in the middle east. Some green ooze known as Mutagen was spilled upon me, and I came to life. I found another old discarded scrap of foreskin, and added it to myself. I have grown exponentially, adding more and more snipped off cockflesh to myself until I grew into what you see today... a 7 foot tall beautiful gleaming Tallywhacker. Is it not inspiring?

9 - Finally, please tell us who you expect to inherit your throne, and how.

No-one shall inherit! I shall reign forever!

Although, I wouldn't mind seeing that Colonel Klink rise to power. He seems like quite a dick himself.

« Reply #61 on: 11-05-2004 20:31 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 20:31 »

Ok, here's my *new* plan:

I become Supreme Overlord of Earth. I'll make Michael Moore Dictator of America, and George W. Bush President of the Rest Of The World -but President in the sense that no elections shall ever be held and his term is for life.. Oh yeah, and Moore and Bush, along with me, will be immortal thanks to a special pill I concoct, make only three of, then burn all the evidence and instructions on how to make them. Then once those two are in power, I happily retire to a life of luxury on my own uncharted private island protected by an invisible but unbreakable force field.

now, I need some clarification: Are we supposed to be corrupt as in viciously cruel or corrupt as in just corrupt?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #62 on: 11-05-2004 20:34 »

Be whatever you want to be! If you're supreme overlord/dictator/god-king/thingy of the world, you're free to do exactly what you wish.
Guineapig Trick

« Reply #63 on: 11-05-2004 20:36 »

TNUK and his damned animated gifs. He will soon wish he never taught me how to click 'animation wizard'!


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #64 on: 11-05-2004 20:52 »

Originally posted by Luis:

Sex : Every woman and man will have his/her own clone of his ideal fuckbuddy

A clone of my very own self!  I'm voting Luis for supreme dictator.

Urban Legend
« Reply #65 on: 11-05-2004 20:53 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 20:53 »

Deleted because I realized two of any one person would be boring.  Also I'm trying to avoid one sentence posts.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #66 on: 11-05-2004 20:54 »

Originally posted by TheMadCapper:
1 - Once you've wrested power into your grubby little hands, what will your policy be on mind-altering drugs? For whom will they be legal, which substances are permitted, and on what occasions?

2 - What will you do your competition, the other power-mad maniacs you see sitting around you in this thread?

3 - What will people be permitted to eat, wear and say?

4 - Specify locations you wish to invade and why.

5 - How about population control, got any ideas there?

6 - Who among the folks of PEEL in general (not limited to fellow contestants in this thread) would you single out for advancement, demotion, explosions? And why?

7 - You are most likely going to have a pet of some sort which is as evil and twisted as you are. Tell us more about this animal companion.

8 - Describe for us what turned you into the sick monster you are today.

9 - Finally, please tell us who you expect to inherit your throne, and how.

1. All mind altering drugs will be illegal. Except for the ones I give to the populous to control them.

2. I would give my enemies private islands to live in peace on. Which I would then wipe from the face of the earth with my planet-sized "Death Star"

3. The people would have the rights to wear, eat, and say anything they want. Unless it's about me.

4. Locations I want to invade:
-The USA: Caus I want to see what the rest of the world's reaction will be.
-Frozen Foods section in ShopRite: because right now I'm really in the mood for Raw chocolate-chip cookie dough.
-FOX HQ: Come on. Do I really have to explain myself on this one?

5. *See question #1*

6. Advancements: Nurdbot, SJM, nerdorama, ZombieJesus, GFF, LesbianLeela
   Explosions: Marg, LampIncident, and ...idunno, Jicannon

7.My ferret, Comandante Wiggles. Don't let the name fool you. He'll burrow into your skin and rip out your intestinal track though your bellybutton.

8.The fall of the USSR, SJM not winning POTM, and the cancellation of Futurama.

9.When the day comes when I am on my deathbed, I will be frozen until some point in the future where I can be revived and cured of my sickness.

« Reply #67 on: 11-05-2004 21:02 »

Did I mention I'd uncancel 'Futurama,' 'Farscape,' 'The Chronicle,' and 'Whose Line Is It, Anyway?"

And kill everyone ever involved with "Friends" and reality TV shows?

Urban Legend
« Reply #68 on: 11-05-2004 21:34 »

Oh yeah, forgot to mention...to take over America, I'm obviously going to need FOX.  So while I'm in there, I'll sell the rights to their good shows to the creators, then use the network as the propaganda machine it was intended to be.  May as well buy Turner too.  I'd put all the good cartoons on CN, and cancel the bullshit they have on for 80% of the day.  The weeknight lineup would be something like this:
8 pm eastern - Classic Futurama
8:30 - Classic Family Guy
9:00 - Classic Simpsons
9:30 - Rocky and Bullwinkle

Saturday night: New Futurama and FG, and if I can find a way to ressurect Jay Gould, new Rocky and Bullwinkle.
Sunday night: propaganda hour.

I'll take suggestions for other shows, particularly since I can officially act as President of whatever networks I own.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #69 on: 11-05-2004 21:49 »

I like how everyone suddenly remembers uncancelling Futurama after I mention it.

I see the mind-control drugs are taking affect.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #70 on: 11-05-2004 22:42 »

Originally posted by TheMadCapper:
1 - Once you've wrested power into your grubby little hands, what will your policy be on mind-altering drugs? For whom will they be legal, which substances are permitted, and on what occasions?

My policy was broadly outlined on Page One. Here I shall delve into detail. All drugs will be legalised, and freely available to all. Daily limits will be set on usage, and prices will be linked to the strength of the global economy.
Anybody who uses more than they're allowed, or fails to follow the government guidelines for acceptable use of drugs will thereby doom himself/herself to execution. Their bio-feedback brain implant unit will report any violations direct to the Behavioural Intelligence agency.

2 - What will you do your competition, the other power-mad maniacs you see sitting around you in this thread?

That's easy. I'll incorporate their better ideas into my own policies, then either give them a nice cushy job in my cabinet, or in the case of people who might prove dangerous (or I dislike - particularly Zoidberg227), I'll have their vocal cords removed, their genitalia scarred, and their esteemed selves thrown into my reforemed prisons.

3 - What will people be permitted to eat, wear and say?

People can wear whatever they want. As long as it doesn't include baseball caps or gold jewellery. They can eat whatever the hell they like, as long as it's not cat. They can say anything at all, as long as it is favourable towards the government.


4 - Specify locations you wish to invade and why.

1. - The eastern world. Because having influence over the western world might be good enough for some people. But I want the whole thing.

2. - The moon and Mars. Because it would be cool. Also, the rest of the universe.

5 - How about population control, got any ideas there?

Mandatory sterilisation of all pubescent teenagers, and all existing idiots will begin from the day after my election. This will only be reversed after the granting of  a license to rear children.

The license will be granted, providing that:
1 - The parties who wish to reproduce with each other are in some form of stable, committed relationship.
2 - Both prosepective parents are not idiots.
3 - Oh see page one. My policy is outlined fairly comprehensively there.


6 - Who among the folks of PEEL in general (not limited to fellow contestants in this thread) would you single out for advancement, demotion, explosions? And why?

Nerd-o-rama - some sort of government advisor, slash wizard. Because.
TheMadCapper - offical religious advisor to the ignorant masses. Because it's what he's good at.
TheLampIncident - official locator of trends/things/people/whatevers that need to be stopped/killed/blown up. Because it's what he's good at.
VelourFog - ministeress for torture (where neccessary). Because she's a bitch, and she'd enjoy it.
Juliet - candidate for disembowellment. Because she doesn't deserve to have bowels.
Tongue Luck - ministeress of finance. Because of Tongue Bucks.
DrThunder88 - assistant to Mr. Incident.
Speli - warmonger. Because he'll like it.
jerkberg - candidate for experimental brain removal. Because I want to know if he's got one.


7 - You are most likely going to have a pet of some sort which is as evil and twisted as you are. Tell us more about this animal companion.

A tiger. Raah!


8 - Describe for us what turned you into the sick monster you are today.

Twenty-two years of life on Earth.


9 - Finally, please tell us who you expect to inherit your throne, and how.

On my death, each citizen will be given a cat. All the cats will be put into a gigantic bag. The bag will be shaken.

The owner of the victorious cat will inherit the Earth.


Space Pope
« Reply #71 on: 11-05-2004 22:58 »
« Last Edit on: 11-05-2004 22:58 »

1 - Meh, whoever wants 'em can use 'em.  Of course, if you become an annoyance, you shall be enslaved.  Myself or any of my cabinet members shall determine what an "annoyance" is.

2 - They have three options.  Option one is to vote for someone other than me and be enslaved when I gain power.  Option two is to vote for me, and live happily.  Option three is to win, and then be overtaken in a coup, and enslaved.

3 - Whatever the hell they want, though if they threaten the security of the state, they will either recieve a trans-occipital lead transfusion, or be enslaved.

4 - Already done.

5 - There will be overpopulation sectors; random citizens will be sent there at my whim.  They will recieve free anthrax vaccines, delivered respiratorily by low flying aircraft. 

6 - M0le shall be appointed as chief spy, because he is a mole (duh).  Dr. Thunder will be appointed the Secretary of Emergency Services, which he will basically be allowed to run as he plans on running his own country.  He may even receive his own portion of the earth with which to do his bidding.  Nerd-o-rama, although a former enemy, shall be appointed the Minister of Cartoons and Propaganda, because I like his taste in 'toons.  Tongue Luck will be offered a cabinet position of her choosing.  Mango shall be appointed Secretary of Dispensing Niceities to my behaving constituancy.  Jicannon shall be appointed as Minister of Elections (for the rare occasion that they actually ocur), to ensure they go smoothly and as I plan.  I might consider Tallywhacker as the Minister of Sex - his job shall be to find me a good lay whenever I tire of my harem, and to recruit for said harem.  He shall be allowed a harem of his own as a perk.  Various PEELettes will be able to apply for a harem position - many openings are available, and we always take new applications.  Otherwise, I've stated my possible alliances and enemies among those who are contestants.  TNUK has made it clear he is an enemy, and shall be appointed to the position of Secretary of Being My Torture Bitch.  Standard daily routines shall include the insertion of a white-hot fire poker into various orifices less than one inch in diameter.

7 - Mr. Bigglesworth.

8 - I blame my childhood.  Not enough free guns and violence, so I'm making up for it now.

9 - A son of my selection from among my harem.  The others shall be selected to fill various capacaties, or be released to the general public.

This message will be edited again in the future to allow for the addition of more enemies/foes. Thank you.  Zoidberg for Potentate!

Urban Legend
« Reply #72 on: 11-05-2004 23:10 »

Originally posted by TheMadCapper:
1 - Once you've wrested power into your grubby little hands, what will your policy be on mind-altering drugs? For whom will they be legal, which substances are permitted, and on what occasions?

I'm not a fan of mind-altering drugs, but the last time we tried setting social restrictions(prohibition), they failed miserably. All it did was bring organized crime. Legalize the drugs...but keep them away from me.

2 - What will you do your competition, the other power-mad maniacs you see sitting around you in this thread?

I will spear their hearts with a katana, toss them in the oven, and eat each of their luscious hides...with a little Shake and Bake.

3 - What will people be permitted to eat, wear and say?

Whatever they hell they want. If you want to eat dog shit, by all means go ahead. If you want to wear giant penis costumes, I don't care. If you say that I fuck elephants down at the circus for a living, it doesn't bother me.

4 - Specify locations you wish to invade and why.

As long as nobody bothers us, whatever their policies are within their country are none of my business.

5 - How about population control, got any ideas there?

All your fetus are belong to me. I will conduce enough stem cell research to bring Christopher Reeve back from the dead.

6 - Who among the folks of PEEL in general (not limited to fellow contestants in this thread) would you single out for advancement, demotion, explosions? And why?

Advancement: Anyone in my cabinet(or other positons I picked out). They are all fine posters suited for the positions I picked out for them, and their tireless efforts to defend and speak their views will not go unnoticed.

Demotion: Any trolls. I move that John Pannozzi, jerkberg, fryfanspyOrama, Wooter, and anyone else I find unfit to live be shipped to the island of St. Elbe so they can play with Napoleon's dead body until they starve.

7 - You are most likely going to have a pet of some sort which is as evil and twisted as you are. Tell us more about this animal companion.

It will be a team of six Pokemon all fit to rule the earth. All three Eevee evolutions(Flareon, Jolton, and...what was the last one...the water one...aw hell), a Mew, a Raichu, and a Venusaur. Their diversity can kick anyone's ass. Watch me rule Johto and Kabto all by myself.

8 - Describe for us what turned you into the sick monster you are today.

Abandonment. After the 8th grade, I found out my entire personality was liked and disposed of just as a trend, such as faded jeans or visors. Being at the top of the world and having all that taken away from you to be reduced to pure shit is not the only, but the main reason why I am today.

9 - Finally, please tell us who you expect to inherit your throne, and how.

Should I die, I will hand the duties of the throne in procession down to the next person on deck. If I die, TNUK takes the throne. If he dies, it goes it Guineapig. Etc, etc...


Space Pope
« Reply #73 on: 11-05-2004 23:16 »

1 - Once you've wrested power into your grubby little hands, what will your policy be on mind-altering drugs? For whom will they be legal, which substances are permitted, and on what occasions?
2 - What will you do your competition, the other power-mad maniacs you see sitting around you in this thread?
3 - What will people be permitted to eat, wear and say?
4 - Specify locations you wish to invade and why.
5 - How about population control, got any ideas there?
6 - Who among the folks of PEEL in general (not limited to fellow contestants in this thread) would you single out for advancement, demotion, explosions? And why?
7 - You are most likely going to have a pet of some sort which is as evil and twisted as you are. Tell us more about this animal companion.
8 - Describe for us what turned you into the sick monster you are today.
9 - Finally, please tell us who you expect to inherit your throne, and how.

1. Mind altering drugs will be free to all, as long as the only mind altering drug on the market is magic m0leshrooms, which compels all to feel undying love for me, even as I cut off their genitals and add them to my genital pile.

2. Most of my enemies, namely Nerd-o-rama, Prof Wernstrum, Luis, Guineapig "No Penis" Trick and TNUK, will be fed to my robotic lions in the new, improved Colliseum that includes a free jeering crowd. Any survivors will have their brains attached to a machine that runs on traitorous thoughts.
Nasty Pasty will be spared, and shall become Propaganda and Death Star Minister. Tallywhacker shall also be spared.
A special punishment shall be placed on RavenStar, for every single time I've had to scroll quickly past his signature in a public library so people don't think I like anime.

3. All people shall live entirely off vegetarians, and any time we're in any danger of losing them, we'll just grow some new ones.
Everybody must wear the freshly-peeled skin of said vegetarians in a coat, and no other clothes are worn.
People are free to say everything they want about anything they want, just like the Government is free to lock them up and feed them to everybody else if we don't like what they are saying.

4. Our first area of business will be to change France's name to 'Frogland' and to form all of Africa, the Middle East and Asia into one big country, making it all so much easier to invade later. Canada will be eliminated first, thus giving Australia free run on the "small-medium western country with no political influence" tagline.

5. All babies must be given to Government officials to be raised by the state into murderous combat troops. All girls will automatically be assigned to the porno industry.

6. Advancement-
Nasty Pasty - Minister of Propaganda and Death Star
Tallywhacker - Minister of Genital Collecting
TMC - Pope of M0lianity
Slacky - Lord of Humour
JBERGES - Lord of Dirty Puns
TLL - Head of the Lesbian Council
Mango - Postergirl for "This is what you're fighting for" propaganda photos
Lampy - Head of Lobotomized Chimps

7. I shall keep several of the ugliest animals imaginable as pets, and if anybody displeases me, I shall send these monstrous creatures after them. Often called furries.

8. Finding an eyeball in a McDonalds Quarter Pounder.

9. The first person who sits on my throne when I die gets to continue as the next Gravy Boat Overlord. Under no circumstances is the title to be changed.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #74 on: 11-05-2004 23:18 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2004 00:00 by totalnerduk »

What you say is very interesting, however...

Edited to include animated .gif representing the other half of TheTnukIncidentParty.

Urban Legend
« Reply #75 on: 11-05-2004 23:46 »


TNUK and I have joined forces to become the TNUK-Incident party. We will share a joint leadership if elected. I'm not sure if this is legal, but we feel we can mop the floor with everyone else by joining forces.

Starship Captain
« Reply #76 on: 11-06-2004 00:11 »

Look I answered the questions!  Aren't you proud of me??  Squeel.

1. I don't need no stinkin' drugs!  Nobody can resist the Mango.  All the people will be throwing themselves at my feet, and I will hug them and give them lollipops and they'll just do whatever I say.

2. I will give all of them a lovely fruit basket and invite them to my castle for tea every Tuesday if they promise not to kill me and stuff.

3. Mostly we will eat candy and drink lemonade, but other foods are okay too.  Only stuff I'm allergic to will be outlawed.  The standard-issue outfits will have lots of sparkly, shiny accessories, and people can say anything they want, but if they make me cry they get a time-out.

4. First I will claim the state of Kansas and turn it into a giant theme park where orphaned children can get in for free.  Then I will make all of Iceland mine, so I can build a giant ranch for all my ponies.  And then I will take control of Canada as a breeding grounds for the endangered Atlantic Salmon.

5. That's easy.  We can just send all the Chinese people to live on the moon.

Jeff = Fairy King
Daniela = Head of the Department of Mildly Good-tasting Vegetables
TNUK = Supreme Maker of Flashy Things
David A. = Captain of the Scary Genius Squad
Jersey What's-Her-Name = Fairy Princess's Evil Twin

Of course none of these titles mean anything but it makes people feel important.  If you would like a title of your very own, just go ahead and make one up and it'll be all official and stuff.

7. Well there will be a giraffe living in my backyard, and of course there will be my pony ranch, where dozens of cute ponies will run around and do happy pony stuff.

8. Baby animals and teddy bears and lots and lots of candy and cartoons!

9. Well, probably Cindy or Jeff Junior. Once they're born and stuff.

Urban Legend
« Reply #77 on: 11-06-2004 00:37 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2004 00:37 »

Hey, Lampy and TNUK:
I like your policies.  Between Lampy's free speech policies and TNUK's socialism and Britishness, you strike a chord with me.  May I perhaps join your party?  I'll perform my 12-step plan and give my office to you in exchange for Fiji and whatever I ask for in terms of goods, services, and slave labor.  It won;t be much, I promise, and you'll have saved all the effort of actually conquering the world and can get on with ruling it.  Honestly, I don't want to rule the world, it's too much fucking work.  Although I wouldn't be adverse to speaking up on behalf of the Lampy/Total government when required, as proposed earlier.  Or just selling you guys FOX, the ultimate propagnade machine.

In short:
1) I give you the world.
2) You give me my own island and all the material wealth I ask for.
3) We run jointly in TMC's contest.

Also, fuck you M0le.  Just kidding, but you are leaning a bit fascist today.

TNUK: You abridged me.  I DEMAND ELLIPSES!
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #78 on: 11-06-2004 00:41 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2004 00:41 by totalnerduk »

Originally posted by Nerd-o-rama:
Hey, Lampy and TNUK:

1) I give you the world.
2) You give me my own island and all the material wealth I ask for.
3) We run jointly in TMC's contest.

Also, fuck M0le.

Sounds good to me. Lampy has the deciding vote. If he agrees, then the three of us will form TheTnuk-o-ramaIncidentParty.

On, to victory!

Damn, I'm going to need new hypno-gif's thanks to this name change.

And finally...

Space Pope
« Reply #79 on: 11-06-2004 00:44 »

Originally posted by N-O-R:
Just kidding, but you are leaning a bit fascist today.
Wow, you figured that all out by yourself?
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