Liquid Emperor
« Reply #209 on: 08-26-2013 16:34 »
« Last Edit on: 08-27-2013 00:56 »
Using a pair of the eyes from gender bender Im going to make my self a sober bender
And the best person ever award goes to.... EvilPDA! Okay, I recently had a good idea as to how toynami could cheaply produce new figures. What If they simply re-used body sculpts, such as Hermes' body, to create other characters? They could easily make Leela's Dad or Sal out of Hermes' body, for example, and all they'd have to do is create a new head sculpt and repaint the figure. They could make Lars and Hutch out of Fry's body, Wernstrom out of Farnsworth's body, Harold Zoid out of Zoidberg's body (and possibly head), Petunia from Mom's body, and Flexo (duh) from Bender's body. Sure, it wouldn't make the figures stand out very well, but at least we'd be getting more charcters fro cheaper costs then.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #212 on: 08-28-2013 00:56 »
« Last Edit on: 08-29-2013 01:42 »
I personally think the line is dead. I mean, just add up the negative factors: The Line hasn't sold well, there is very little comercal intrest in the line, no big retailers want to sell it, and the series the line is based off of has ended, most likely for the last time. Why would they continue? We'd likely be the only people buying the figures, and that wouldn't be enough to support the production costs of each figure, which seems to be quite alot. I wish It wasn't so, but I truly beleive the main line is deader than last weeks cat, as I said. I'm not sure if the other rpoducts are dead yet, but I'm more than sure that they are. Why make toys of a show that's gone?
I agree with Nacirema, as to how the Tineez seem like a rip-off of KidRobot's success, and I think that's what deterred people from buying them. Why would you buy the crappy knock off tineez when you could buy the awesome, real Kidrobot figures? I also think that the Tineez deterred buyers because of the odd style they chose-How does Futurama's style even relate to Anime/Chibi? I f they had made plushies of the characters in the regular Matt Groening style, I'd have bought the heck out of them. However, they made them in the same weird Chibi style, which I personally hate, so I bought zero. If they were trying to raise money for the main line by releasing those, they made a bad choice. The only reason I'd want them is if somebody else bought them for me, and even then I'd probably never open/adknowledge them.
Bending Unit
Is the line "dead"? Absolutely! When was the last retail release? Been dead for two years. That said, doesn't mean Toynami can't squeeze a few more toys out of it via other channels. I'd all but written off getting Destructor & Gender Bender, but got 'em now. As for Morbo, until I hear otherwise, I'm still assuming the Kickstarter's going to happen. So what if August is almost over and Toynami's late, when have they ever been on time? Patience people. Sure, we'll see it to believe it. But no need to write it off yet.
I concur with both of the last two posts.
Liquid Emperor
Look at MAC and their Zoidberg, Hermes, Amy, and Prof... wait... they didn't make shit!
I know that MAC didn't actually make those figures, but It made me wonder....did MAC every have any plans to make more characters other than Fry, Leela and Bender? I read somewhere that they were going to make Zapp and Mom, but never got to. Is that a rumor, or is it true? Also, I'd like to add that, as other people have mentioned, maybe we (including me)can be too expectant of the line at times. Although it'd rock to have a Lrr or Morbo, I'd much rather have Destructor than those two-and they actually made him- Twice! I'm gonna be more greatful that this little, relatively no-name company has been able to make such awesome and unique figures, and slowly more and more. I have a feeling the line is dead, but I' not gonna stick to that, seeing as they finally did release the Gender Bender. So, In short, I'm gonna look at line more positively, and just be glad we have what we have.
Just got an email in regards to the talking robot devil. I was wondering why ee didn't fire up their preorders again so I sent an email to their customer support. This is what they emailed back.... Thank you for your patience. Here is the information from our purchasing dept:
- Our Toynami rep says that there are no plans for production of this item.
Please feel free to contact us at any time with any issues as they arise. Thank you for your interest in Entertainment Earth.
Yeah, they (EE) also said that about the Tineez Series 2!!! And I'm holding them as I type!
Liquid Emperor
although it'd rock to have a Lrr or Morbo, I'd much rather have Destructor than those two-and they actually made him- Twice! um, i'm sorry...because I actually respected your posts up until this stupid fcuking post.
let me get this straight....you'd rather a have a character thats in one episode, over two thatre in coutless episodes? are you really that stupid?
sure, destructor is an alright character...but lurr and morbo were molds shown to us years in advance to a stupid fcuking two pack. gender benders a stupid character. he might make an awesome fig, but as someone who's collected this line since the beginning (and not like most the winey band wagoners who're mopey cuz they couldnt get the initial line without spending and arm n leg) thats really pitiful.
Hey, Buddy, Before you go around insulting other people's opinions, take a freaking typing class so you don't look like an idiot. I get what you mean, though. Sure, Lrr and Morbo are in many more episodes, and are definitely much more of prominent characters in the series than Destructor, But Destructor looks so much cooler on the shelf, towering over all the other smaller figures. Lrr and Morbo would certainly look cool, seeing as they'd be some of the only aliens in the line, but Destructor catches the eye much faster than they ever would. He's a freaking foot tall! He's the biggest figure of the line! Like I said, I'd be alot more sad to never have a Destructor than to never have a Morbo or Lrr. For the record, though, if I had to choose if I wanted either Lrr or Morbo, I'd have to go with Lrr. He's just so on model, and he looks awesome, like I said.