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Author Topic: Your Favorite Jokes from Comedians  (Read 1442 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 09-22-2013 15:12 »

Where was this one joke that Don Addams told once on the Ed Sullivan show. It starts off like this:

There was an actor who wasn't making it big in Hollywood. So, his agent told him about a gig in New York on Broadway. The gig is he goes up on stage and he has one line. He has to say, "Hark! I Hear the Cannons Roar". So, the actor goes on a plane and heads to New York City. He's nervous, and saying the line over and over in his head, "Hark! I Hear The Cannons Roar".

Once he gets there, he learns it's a Shakespare play. The actor is dressed in 17th Century clothing. Once the actor goes up on stage, there's people there watching. He gets ready to say his line that will launch him into stardom, and then suddenly, he hears a big boom! KABOOM! Then he gets scared and screams, "What the hell is that!" And he fails really bad.

What are some of your favorite jokes from comedians or from stand up? Don Addams was from Get Smart, BTW. And that's how he got the role of Maxwell Smart after being on Ed Sullivan.
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