Question Machine

Bending Unit
Red Pantless Guy from Cow & Chicken.
*shudder* For me, I've got to go with Frank Burns. I know, he's SUPPOSED to be detestable. But really, the man has no redeeming qualities. And I have it on good authority that he eats worms. And yes, I like M*A*S*H. What of it?

DOOP Secretary

And yes, I like M*A*S*H. What of it?
You make it sound as if liking M*A*S*H was somehow strange, it was a great series, I used to watch it when it was new.

DOOP Secretary

I hadn't thought of the Frank Burns character in ages, but yes, I detested him. Mostly because he reminds me of the whiny, sniveling, ass-kissing, back-stabbing people who I've known IRL. I just realized that I can't recall whether the character was in the book, or was invented for the movie.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Anyone from American Idol or The Bachelor annoys me.

DOOP Secretary

Sir Elton John?
Question Machine

Bending Unit
I have a thing against people who make it big singing yet don't write their own songs...or remake classic songs and try to make it seem like they wrote them.
Frankly, I agree with everything you just said! I know plenty of people who are good singers, but they don't feel the need to brag about it to the entire world. How narcissistic can you get? And why do people care so much about what is essentially a televised karoke contest, anyway?

Space Pope
Who wants to be rich and showered in praise because they can sing woh woh woooooo~ ?
I have a thing against people who make it big singing yet don't write their own songs...or remake classic songs and try to make it seem like they wrote them.
Whilst I agree with the general sentiments about these TV talent shows, to have a problem with people who don't write their own material is a sweeping statement that hobbitboy rightly pointed out applies to some of the great singers of all time (Luciano Pavarotti didn't write Nessun Dorma, what a phoney!). Some people can write good songs, some people can sing, not everyone can do both. Is the comic artist not worthy of praise because he didn't write it? Is the master chef considered useless if he didn't slaughter the animals and grow the vegetables? Furthermore, I recently went to a production of Blood Brothers and the person playing the mother was someone who had been on the X Factor (don't know if they won, cause I don't watch it) and she was fantastic! Great actress, fabulous voice, wonderful stage presence, oh, but she didn't write the show so she's clearly not worthy of praise.

DOOP Ubersecretary
That's a movie character! GETTIM!  Jus' kiddin'. Anyhoo, my thoughts on TV talent shows: GLORIFIED KARAOKE WITH RECORD DEAL PRIZES!

DOOP Secretary

Maybe Rose's granddaughter had forgotten to get her a present once, and thus not giving her the Heart of the Ocean was justified.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Isn't that guy Speli's avy?I finally get where that's from now.


Yea, well, who ever that guy is, he's from Outside Philly, woot! Go Philadelphia!

Anyone remember the identical twins from the original Degrassi series? They were pretty detestable, as was 'Wheels', with his dorky glasses and bad attitude.