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Author Topic: The most detestable tv character ever  (Read 4305 times)
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Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #40 on: 02-24-2011 11:08 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2011 11:10 »

Hmm... is the fact that I don't even know what a 'Justin Beiber' is a sign that I'm getting old?  Or just more evidence that I live under a rock?

That, and that you are not a 12 year old pre-pubescent girl.  (or have a daughter)

"The Biebs" getting shot over & over should be everyone's TOTP...  :p

Sounds good to me!  TOTP!!


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #41 on: 02-24-2011 11:44 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2011 11:46 »

Yeah Justin Beiber is totally annoying. I only like his song "Baby" that is it.

And I thought the Justin being shot wasn't really at first when somebody post about it on facebook. then I find he was shot on a tv show.

« Reply #42 on: 03-01-2011 00:12 »

Red Pantless Guy from Cow & Chicken.
Question Machine

Bending Unit
« Reply #43 on: 03-06-2011 04:07 »

Red Pantless Guy from Cow & Chicken.

For me, I've got to go with Frank Burns. I know, he's SUPPOSED to be detestable. But really, the man has no redeeming qualities. And I have it on good authority that he eats worms.

And yes, I like M*A*S*H. What of it?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #44 on: 03-06-2011 08:55 »

And yes, I like M*A*S*H. What of it?

You make it sound as if liking M*A*S*H was somehow strange, it was a great series, I used to watch it when it was new.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #45 on: 03-06-2011 13:18 »

I hadn't thought of the Frank Burns character in ages, but yes, I detested him.  Mostly because he reminds me of the whiny, sniveling, ass-kissing, back-stabbing people who I've known IRL.  I just realized that I can't recall whether the character was in the book, or was invented for the movie.
Question Machine

Bending Unit
« Reply #46 on: 03-06-2011 18:52 »

Oh, ha! I always forget that it was a book. But I believe the character was in the novel.

For some reason, few people in my age group watch M*A*S*H. The majority of my generation seems to think that anything older than itself isn't worth bothering with. I'll be honest; my generation consists almost exclusively of idiots.
Prowla RX7

Starship Captain
« Reply #47 on: 03-06-2011 22:58 »

That's a bit ambiguous.  Almost all generations consist almost exclusively of idiots. 

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #48 on: 03-07-2011 00:11 »

Anyone from American Idol or The Bachelor annoys me.
Question Machine

Bending Unit
« Reply #49 on: 03-07-2011 05:53 »

Anyone from American Idol or The Bachelor annoys me.
Well, yeah. That's pretty much a given.  :laff:
Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #50 on: 03-07-2011 07:25 »
« Last Edit on: 03-07-2011 07:28 »

Who wants to be rich and showered in praise because they can sing woh woh woooooo~  ?

I have a thing against people who make it big singing yet don't write their own songs...or remake classic songs and try to make it seem like they wrote them.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #51 on: 03-07-2011 10:26 »

 You mean people like Frank Sinatra?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #52 on: 03-07-2011 10:29 »

Sir Elton John?
Question Machine

Bending Unit
« Reply #53 on: 03-08-2011 00:35 »

I have a thing against people who make it big singing yet don't write their own songs...or remake classic songs and try to make it seem like they wrote them.
Frankly, I agree with everything you just said! I know plenty of people who are good singers, but they don't feel the need to brag about it to the entire world. How narcissistic can you get?

And why do people care so much about what is essentially a televised karoke contest, anyway?

Space Pope
« Reply #54 on: 03-08-2011 13:09 »

Who wants to be rich and showered in praise because they can sing woh woh woooooo~  ?

I have a thing against people who make it big singing yet don't write their own songs...or remake classic songs and try to make it seem like they wrote them.

Whilst I agree with the general sentiments about these TV talent shows, to have a problem with people who don't write their own material is a sweeping statement that hobbitboy rightly pointed out applies to some of the great singers of all time (Luciano Pavarotti didn't write Nessun Dorma, what a phoney!). Some people can write good songs, some people can sing, not everyone can do both. Is the comic artist not worthy of praise because he didn't write it? Is the master chef considered useless if he didn't slaughter the animals and grow the vegetables?

Furthermore, I recently went to a production of Blood Brothers and the person playing the mother was someone who had been on the X Factor (don't know if they won, cause I don't watch it) and she was fantastic! Great actress, fabulous voice, wonderful stage presence, oh, but she didn't write the show so she's clearly not worthy of praise.
Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #55 on: 03-09-2011 09:25 »

SoS...I don't feel everything is a cut-and-dry line.  Sinatra, love him.

It's the people who remake classic songs, butchering them beyond anything good, letting their voice go high-low-high-low just to show off their range, and doing that volume level indicator thingy with their hand that is not holding the mic that annoys me.  It's the people who butcher the National Anthem at a sporting event just to show-off (or can't remember the words...lol); the people who at a live (or even taped) performance lip-sink that I have no respect for.  Many people who were absolutely great did not write their own songs.  But I am sure they knew what they were doing, what the song meant (or meant to them); they were not drones for a producing company like some of the people are today.

Awhile back, I saw America's Got Talent (I don't know why I watched it the first time...nothing on TV?).  But then I heard the voice of the opera singing girl.  That was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard....yes, I have a thing for opera, at times.  I continued to watch the show just to hear her sing.  Unbelievable!  Too bad she would only sing for like 3 minutes of the show.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #56 on: 03-09-2011 12:34 »

So your problem isn't with people who don't write their own music.  Your problem is with fabricated music for the pop culture machine I take it.... which probably includes reality television. :shifty:
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #57 on: 03-12-2011 00:31 »

SoS...I don't feel everything is a cut-and-dry line.  Sinatra, love him.

It's the people who remake classic songs, butchering them beyond anything good, letting their voice go high-low-high-low just to show off their range, and doing that volume level indicator thingy with their hand that is not holding the mic that annoys me.  It's the people who butcher the National Anthem at a sporting event just to show-off (or can't remember the words...lol); the people who at a live (or even taped) performance lip-sink that I have no respect for.  Many people who were absolutely great did not write their own songs.  But I am sure they knew what they were doing, what the song meant (or meant to them); they were not drones for a producing company like some of the people are today.

Awhile back, I saw America's Got Talent (I don't know why I watched it the first time...nothing on TV?).  But then I heard the voice of the opera singing girl.  That was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard....yes, I have a thing for opera, at times.  I continued to watch the show just to hear her sing.  Unbelievable!  Too bad she would only sing for like 3 minutes of the show.
She has CDs out you know, if you want her songs. Jackie Evancho is her name and I probably spelled it wrong. She had albums out before the show on iTunes and made a new LP or EP or something afterward. I'm sure there's more now since it's been a while since I last looked.

Bending Unit
« Reply #58 on: 03-14-2011 19:59 »

Kate Winslet from Titanic.

Firstly, she refuses to shift over and give old Leo a bit of the flotsam which resulted in his demise.

Secondly, she cheats on her fiance, a man who has purchased a necklace with a jewel valued more expensive than the Hope Diamond as an engagement present. She repays him by sleeping with a lowly bum from below deck.

Thirdly, she leads the crew of an expensive salvage mission a merry dance, before callously tossing the loot overboard; negating to even offer it to her Granddaughter who has looked after her. She then retires to her bed where she croaks, indifferent to the suffering she has caused.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #59 on: 03-14-2011 21:33 »

That's a movie character! GETTIM! :mad:

Jus' kiddin'.

Anyhoo, my thoughts on TV talent shows:
Super Hans

Starship Captain
« Reply #60 on: 03-15-2011 02:37 »

Kate Winslet from Titanic.

Firstly, she refuses to shift over and give old Leo a bit of the flotsam which resulted in his demise.

Secondly, she cheats on her fiance, a man who has purchased a necklace with a jewel valued more expensive than the Hope Diamond as an engagement present. She repays him by sleeping with a lowly bum from below deck.

Thirdly, she leads the crew of an expensive salvage mission a merry dance, before callously tossing the loot overboard; negating to even offer it to her Granddaughter who has looked after her. She then retires to her bed where she croaks, indifferent to the suffering she has caused.


The worst for me is the third one. Her granddaughter has looked after her, accompanied her on her dalliance into the Atlantic and no doubt listened to her pish for years - yet she doesn't even consider perhaps, you know, giving her the diamond as recompense.

Her early actions you could perhaps blame on the folly of youth but her later behaviour shows categorically that the old sow is beyond redemption.

She really is a shit.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #61 on: 03-15-2011 02:59 »

Maybe Rose's granddaughter had forgotten to get her a present once, and thus not giving her the Heart of the Ocean was justified.

« Reply #62 on: 03-15-2011 11:12 »

Artie, from a little show called 'The Adventures of Pete & Pete'.
Hey Sandy!

Hey Sandy!

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #63 on: 03-15-2011 22:00 »

Isn't that guy Speli's avy?I finally get where that's from now.

« Reply #64 on: 03-15-2011 23:28 »

Yea, well, who ever that guy is, he's from Outside Philly, woot! Go Philadelphia!
Question Machine

Bending Unit
« Reply #65 on: 03-16-2011 01:44 »

Hahaha! Oh, I totally remember that show. I think Steve Buscemi was a guest star on more than one occasion. Good times.

Truly I am a child of the nineties.

Urban Legend
« Reply #66 on: 03-17-2011 18:05 »

I hate anyone on a VH1 reality show, The Kardashians (I feel sorry for Bruce Jenner), anyone on American Idol, Big Brother, and any other reality show!   And anyone on The Biggest Loser, I hate Jillian Michaels! 

Those American Idol winners just have two records and then they're forgotten about.  Just like any other reality show contestant.   All they get is 15 minutes of fame!   The ones on The Biggest Loser are just a bunch of people with no self esteem wanting to boost their egos.

As for Justin Beiber (I don't like him, either), he's his generation's Lief Garrett! 
« Reply #67 on: 03-18-2011 14:37 »

Anyone remember the identical twins from the original Degrassi series? They were pretty detestable, as was 'Wheels', with his dorky glasses and bad attitude.
Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #68 on: 03-26-2011 01:15 »

She has CDs out you know, if you want her songs. Jackie Evancho is her name and I probably spelled it wrong. She had albums out before the show on iTunes and made a new LP or EP or something afterward. I'm sure there's more now since it's been a while since I last looked.

Yea, I knew her name but just like you, I didn't know if I would spell it correctly and was too lazy to look.  However, thanks for the info.
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