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Author Topic: Dr. Movie Reviews; Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Jason Isaacs  (Read 50070 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #320 on: 09-28-2009 09:40 »

The Pursuit of Happiyness
Frustratingly unrealistic in that it depicts a person trying their hardest to achieve success and actually achieving it.

Most unrealistic film based on a true story ever.

Urban Legend
« Reply #321 on: 09-28-2009 09:41 »

Left out the coke dealing, though.

Urban Legend
« Reply #322 on: 09-28-2009 13:22 »

It was a really good movie.

Very average, story line not very original.

Space Pope
« Reply #323 on: 09-29-2009 10:02 »
« Last Edit on: 09-29-2009 10:10 »

Plan 9 From Outer Space

This film is hilariously inept, and at the same time very earnest.  Made by legendary low rent film maker Ed Wood, it was shot in 3 weeks and cost about $5,000 to make.  And, it shows.  From an plane cockpit compartment separator made out of an old shower curtain, to a cop holding a gun on a suspect then scratching his head with the barrel end of his gun, to Ed Wood's Chiropractor pretending to be a vampire (filling in for Bela Lugosi, who died 2 weeks into production) by walking around the movie set with his cape over his face.  The plot is nonsensical, the acting (if you can call it that) 2 dimensional & wooden, the dialog written like it was created by monkies pounding on a typewriter, the direction nonexistent.  It's so bad that it's good.  One of my personal favorites.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #324 on: 09-29-2009 10:16 »

The Pursuit of Happiyness
Frustratingly unrealistic in that it depicts a person trying their hardest to achieve success and actually achieving it.

Most unrealistic film based on a true story ever.

Must make my blatantly obvious self-depreciating sarcasm less subtle.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #325 on: 09-29-2009 13:02 »

Less is more.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #326 on: 09-30-2009 10:30 »

Burn After Reading

The first review I heard of this film was fairly negative but I took it with a pinch of salt as the reviewer didn't like "The Big Lebowski" or " Oh Brother Where Art Thou", both of which I really enjoyed, unfortunately he was right this time. If I hadn't read on the DVD box that it was meant to be a comedy I wouldn't have realised for much of the film. A comedy really needs to get a few good laughs in the opening scenes which this sadly lacks, in fact the funniest scene is right at the end when its a bit late to grab the viewer's attention.

The film starts with CIA agent Osbourne Cox quitting the agency when he is demoted. He decides to write his memoirs which leads to trouble when his wife copies his computer files as she thinks they may contain financial information she could use when she divorces him. The disc with the files is lost in a gym and found by two less than intelligent employees who see it as an opportunity to make some money, little knowing that the information on it is fairly low level. Against this spy story we also have Cox's wife having an affair with Treasury agent Harry Pfarrer who is also involved with one of the two gym employees.

The actors did a good enough job as one would expect from such big names, although I thought the best performance came from J.K. Simmons in his small role as an unnamed CIA Superior which provided more laughs than the rest of the film did. Some viewers might be put off by the constant swearing and while it isn't a particularly violent film there is one scene where somebody is shot which is bloody and shocking.

I can't really recommend buying this to anybody who isn't a completist who needs to see every film of a particular actor or the Coen Brothers. It might be worth watching when it is on television if there is nothing better on.

chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #327 on: 09-30-2009 10:39 »


They are starting to hate the audience apparently.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #328 on: 09-30-2009 12:00 »

J.K. Simmons really need his own comedy movie.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #329 on: 09-30-2009 13:00 »

Tweek is wrong, Burn After Reading is great, I've watched it twice.

Space Pope
« Reply #330 on: 09-30-2009 17:32 »

Meh to Burn After Reading, I say. Meh. I had high hopes and they were not satisfied! Although... it did have... John Malkovich... you ass.

The Hangover
People whose intellects I generally respect kept telling me how surprisingly brilliant this was. It wasn't. I mean, it was entertaining, there were laughs, but it was pretty crude and elementary. I'd probably watch it again. But not soon.
I do love Ed Helms, though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #331 on: 09-30-2009 20:47 »

J.K. Simmons really need his own comedy movie.
He played one of my favorite recurring characters on Law & Order.  His more comedic roles have been good too.  I don't know if he could support his own movie, but I find myself agreeing with you.  Maybe a sitcom.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #332 on: 09-30-2009 22:37 »

Fist-bump-splosion for you!

Space Pope
« Reply #333 on: 10-01-2009 06:05 »
« Last Edit on: 10-03-2009 03:47 »

The Mouse That Roared

Very funny 1960's film about The Dutchy of Grand Fenwick, the fictional smallest Monarchy in Europe (less than 10 miles square).  Being bankrupt (their sole export, Pinot Grand Fenwick, is being undercut by California wines & isn't selling), and with no funds to pay their politicians and for road repair & plumbing, they notice that countries the United States beats in battle usually receive millions of dollars in loans for reconstruction, most of which are never paid back.  So, they declare war on the US, and their army of 20 soldiers sets off in a tug boat to invade the United States... wearing circa 13th century chain mail armor and armed with bows & arrows.  Great satire of the arms race & the United States obsession with being "the good guys".


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #334 on: 10-01-2009 18:56 »

Peter Sellers movies are always in style.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #335 on: 10-01-2009 21:13 »


I thought I'd like it more, but I really didn't.


Space Pope
« Reply #336 on: 10-01-2009 21:46 »

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

Was good but I never got to see the end.:(

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #337 on: 10-02-2009 01:48 »

District 9
I resisted the temptation to watch an R5 copy and saw it in the cinema, but ironically the crappy projection was wobbly and not correctly lined with the screen so the subtitles were half cut off! Piracy a go go.

Anyhoo, the film was great, one of the best this year, not knowing much of the plot or anything going I had no expectations but was still pleased.

lol at the South African cursing though, sounds kinda Liverpool-like.


Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #338 on: 10-02-2009 02:37 »

I watched the R5 Faze, it didn't have any subs anyway.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #339 on: 10-02-2009 02:38 »

Mine did, you got the wroooong oooone!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #340 on: 10-02-2009 11:22 »

Solaris [1972)

When I sat down to watch this I thought it might be a long haul as I'd read that it was slow paced and two and three quarter hours long; I needn't have worried as the time seemed fly by. It is different just about every other space based science fiction in that there aren't lots of shots of spacecraft travelling through a starlit sky or exotic views of strange planets, most of the film takes place on a space station although you probably wouldn't realise this from most scenes.

Set in the future a scientist on the Solaris space station which is orbiting a distant ocean planet has gone missing and the man who went out looking for him has given a report so utterly fantastical that it must have been an hallucination. Kris Kelvin, a psychiatrist is sent to evaluate the three remaining scientists there. When he arrives he finds that one of them has killed himself and the other two aren't behaving in the most rational of ways. This isn't the strangest thing going on there though; he meets another person there, his ex-wife Hari who had died ten years previously. It appears that she has been created by the planet's ocean which is actually a sentient being.

The film has a very strange feel to it; there is almost no background music and what there is sounds more like noise than music and the picture changes from colour to black and white in a way that seemed strange to me. Perhaps the biggest surprise however was the total lack of overt politics or even flag waving, I'd expected a Soviet film would have the hammer and sickle on show at the very least. The director and his cast did a great job with a story that could easily have been boring if it hadn't been made so well.

These comments are based on watching the film in Russian with English subtitles, not having seen the Hollywood remake I can't compare the two versions.


Space Pope
« Reply #341 on: 10-02-2009 13:57 »

District 9

It was a good movie. Interesting plot, I'm not really sure what else to say as I'm writing this about a month after I saw the movie.


Not bad. Don't get how the little creatures got everywhere. And what the heck are they going to do with the earth? They are a little and it's not like they can populate it...

Shaun of the Dead

I have finally gotten around to actually finishing this movie. I love it. Gotta love Simon Pegg.

I need to work on my review skills... But oh well.

Now I need to get better so I can go to see Zombie land on Sunday...

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #342 on: 10-02-2009 19:43 »

Sunshine Cleaning

Aww, I really loved this. One armed man is the best!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #343 on: 10-02-2009 19:52 »

Obscure movie mini summaries pls.
See I might also enjoy it but I don't know what it's about and I'm too lazy to google it!

Space Pope
« Reply #344 on: 10-03-2009 01:13 »

Capitalism: A Love Story


A+ / 5 stars


« Reply #345 on: 10-04-2009 00:44 »

I recently became almost obsessed with Jackson Pollock, so when I saw this movie on TV I freaked.


A great biography of Jackson Pollock, who is played by Ed Harris. He really reflects not only his appearance but his emotions too, especially the scenes where Pollock is drinking. What's even cooler is that Harris actually paints. It really makes you believe that he is Pollock. Overall, it does a great job of following his life as a painter and how he did it with his alcoholism.

5 Stars

Bending Unit
« Reply #346 on: 10-04-2009 10:51 »

Southland Tales


transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #347 on: 10-04-2009 16:15 »

If you hate it, it might be good.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #348 on: 10-04-2009 22:05 »

Michael Mann does great crime stories. This one, a bit like Heat, focuses on a diamond thief trying to get out by doing one final big score but has to do it for some big gangster to get a big enough take.
James Caan is the lead guy.

It's pretty good, but not as good as Heat or Collateral.


Space Pope
« Reply #349 on: 10-04-2009 23:00 »
« Last Edit on: 10-05-2009 01:41 »

Speaking of which (hopefully it hasn't been reviewed yet; I couldn't find it looking through the thread)...


Michael Mann's Los Angeles crime opus, pitting a master thief (Robert De Niro) against a master detective (Al Pacino).  Intelligently written with great dialog, textured characters and exciting action sequences.  The coffee shop face off between De Niro & Pacino is one of the best acted scenes I've ever seen.  Film making approaching or at it's highest level.


Space Pope
« Reply #350 on: 10-05-2009 01:12 »

Trick R Treat

This movie is just silly..... Just plain silly! Do Not Watch!

Space Pope
« Reply #351 on: 10-05-2009 05:32 »


Funny and great and of course the final shoot out was great. Tallahassee kicks ass and his obession with Twinkies was quite funny. I would totally go to see it again. I didn't have any problems with this movie at all, it was very good.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #352 on: 10-06-2009 05:58 »

What in the hell happened to 500 days of Summer? It's suppose to be in the cinemas in October. It's already October! Please do not tell me that the government has banned another movie? This country sucks.


The Hangovers
I kinda like it for its non slap-stick humour.


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #353 on: 10-06-2009 11:10 »

Why would they ban it? What was/is it about?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #354 on: 10-06-2009 11:24 »

I honestly don't know if they ban it or not but it was listed in on the website of my local cinema just early last month and I can't seem to find it anymore. :(

But I don't think there's anything in the movie worth banning. It's just about about a boy falling in love with a girl who doesn't believe in love.

But then again, I come from a country which banned Dreamwork's The Prince of Egypt simply because majority of the people here are Muslims and they shouldn't watch it. Well, buddy... what about the non-Muslims that takes up about almost half of the whole population? :mad:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #355 on: 10-06-2009 11:36 »
« Last Edit on: 10-06-2009 11:43 »

Savage Beach (1989)

Ok, so this movie was Pretty much Written, Produced, Directed and probably even Scored by Andy Sidaris. Andy is one of the masters of good old 80's and 90's T+A movies even though he only made about half a dozen.

I saw this movie as the first part of a double feature, the second being Return to Savage Beach. I think all the women in his flims are ex Penthouse or Playboys and most of the men are bodybuilders or low key wrestlers.

The movie is based on two women who work for US drug enforcement who after delivering some drugs to a hospital around Hawaii are flying back home and crash land on a island they come to call "Savage Beach".
This isn't all, the movies main plot involves Gold that was stolen from the Philippians by the Japs during WWII, a few Japanese soldiers ordered to hide the gold are lost in a storm and the gold lost as well. Now the Japanese are making amends by giving the USA who are working with the Philippines info that could find the gold, but there are other parties out there that have other plans.
Basically there are Three counties that have at least two different sides each that want the gold be it for good or bad reasons and they all converge on the Savage beach where the gold so conveniently got lost... or did it. And the two girls have to fight, join forces with foes and then fight some more then have sex.

Believe me, this movie gets confusing and with the flashing of boob, you tend to forget some things which come up later.

I wish I had ten hands, so I could give this movie 10 Thumbs up.

Edit: Trailer

Space Pope
« Reply #356 on: 10-06-2009 14:44 »

Where there's gold, there's cleavage.

But I don't think there's anything in the movie worth banning. It's just about about a boy falling in love with a girl who doesn't believe in love.

I'm trying to think of anything that could cause it to be banned. The only thing I can remember is a poster in their photocopy room that said "Paper cuts hurt! Work safely." :laff: I think that was in there anyway. But that has nothing to do with anything, I just found it amusing. Maybe Malaysia has something against corny dance sequences signifying having just slept with somebody? I thought that was fun though.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #357 on: 10-06-2009 17:24 »

Malaysia is trying to ban everything. They are even trying to get rid of alcohol.

Some people are just mean. :cry:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #358 on: 10-06-2009 17:55 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #359 on: 10-06-2009 18:08 »


They're showing this in TGV and I've been looking at GSC. But they're only showing it for 14 days? :(

My bad
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