Starship Captain
I watched this weird yet awesome movie called Gummo. It's like if homerjayla made a movie.
Same guy that made the disturbing Kids movies I think? I remember them being quite well done. I have plans to see District 9 and Ponyo soon...Has anyone seen Ponyo yet?

DOOP Secretary

Battle Royale 9/10
besides being a great gore-fest (a bit more believable than the usual gore-fest at least) it's also a nice way to symbolise the crossing from education to work-life in japan, which is, as far as i know, really brutal (just like the film shows). It's also very creative of different ways of killings (crossbow, sickle, guns, hand grenades, sword, suicide, poison, hatchet, knife, exploding collar etc.)

Space Pope
The Breakfast ClubYes, I only just watched this last week. I've been told I have to catch up on John Hughes movies. Almost every scene reminded me of that scene being spoofed by another movie or tv show. But otherwise it was alright. Anthony Michael Hall looked so young and pretty. Sixteen CandlesWhat the hell was that? Fuck off, as if the guy you have had a crush on for who knows how long is going to suddenly want to go out with you when he realises you're giving him googly eyes. Not to mention he picked up your note that says you'd sleep with him! And then he tells his mate he doesn't want to just sleep with you. I stared at boys from afar for all my high school years and I got nothing. I should have 'accidentally' dropped notes in front of them that said I wanted to screw them, eh? Anyway, pretty boring to watch. 

DOOP Secretary

dun dun duun
i also watched QI season A, B, C, D and E again so bloody awesome!

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
I went to see Coraline today (now that its finally reached NZ). I didn't know what to expect, having never read (or even heard of) the book, but I enjoyed it more than I suspected that I would. It wasn't great, but if I had to justify why I thought that, it would be hard to think of anything that was actually wrong with it (as far as a movie-going experience goes). I'll see if a second viewing tomorrow changes my mind. Of the animated movies that I've seen in the past year* I think I'd rate it second only to Bolt. A—* Up still hasn't made it here yet. 

DOOP Secretary

People ragging on Sixteen Candles: You look me in the eye and tell me Long Duk Dong wasn't one of the most carefully drawn comedic characters in history.
Pretty in Pink was so much better.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #223 on: 08-20-2009 14:27 »
« Last Edit on: 08-22-2009 13:10 »
“There's nothing there, man. It's not ugly. It's just… void.” [Blinks] Anyhoo, back to Coraline… I finally remembered* something that I thought actually detracted from the story. When she's trying to find the… ghost children's eyes, I thought the fact that each one gave her a short audiovisual message from its owner as she recovers it …was an unnecessarily and uncharacteristicly video-gamey touch. Now that I've got that off my chest I return you to your previous discussion. … "I got to work with Anthony Michael Hall in a film. … He's fun. Nice guy." [ Singing; to the tune of the Ride of the valkyries opening theme from the first movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony] "Nobody cares! Nobody cares! Nobody cares, Nobody cares, Nobody cares. Nobody… "
* If watching it again counts as a memory aid.

DOOP Secretary

Luck of the Fryrish.

DOOP Secretary

I thought they were singing it to Beethoven's 5th?

DOOP Secretary

G Force 3D
CUTE movie! And the 3D effects where really amazing.
chay´s head

Space Pope
Avatar 15 min preview z0mg I've never seen better CGI in all my life... fantabulous flying monster creatures, convincing emoting alien facial animation, splendicular alien forestey cliff world, TALL BLUE CREATURE SIDEBOOB! 
Just great.
Suck it chay.
eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :P District 9 was awesome. I want that mech suit or guns. Also, was happy i picked up on "footsac" which is Africaans for "Piss off" and "Dous" which is Africaans for "Cunt" ^_^.

DOOP Secretary

Jumps? Out of fear, excitement, or arousal?

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #238 on: 08-24-2009 19:29 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2009 19:34 »
First one, then the others. Inglourious BasterdsOh my fucking Dalai Lama. This film was amazingly awesome. I loved that it was an alternate history, since the real history ending would've sucked. I mean, come on, you can't deny you loved seeing Hitler get annihilated by those guns. . It was all classic Tarantino. I can see Christoph Waltz being nominated for some awards for this, don't see Pitt so much. Kruger was pretty good in it, but not sure if award-worthy, and Mike Myers' and Samuel L. Jackson's parts were pretty funny. Mélanie Laurent could get some awards nods too. Speaking of which, she was pretty hot. Just saying, just saying. I'll give this an A, just behind District 9 and ahead of Up as the best film I've seen this year. Also my second favorite Tarantino, behind Reservoir Dogs.

Space Pope
Even I enjoyed it, and I'm a girl! I'm not well educated in Tarantino films though, because I suck. I'll get right on that at some point. Jumps? Out of fear, excitement, or arousal?
I don't know...I just don't know. The volume was up just a tad too high, so I'll give him that, but I always prepare myself for sudden loud noises in films so as not to embarrass myself by jumping every time some guy walks around the corner and the music goes BADOUUU.