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Author Topic: The Indiana Jones Thread  (Read 7294 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #120 on: 05-23-2008 16:09 »

Whip snipe.

You disagree about it being worse or about Dakota Fanning playing Henrietta Jones?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #121 on: 05-23-2008 16:48 »

Originally posted by newhook_1:


Henrietta Jones and the Pink Pony of Assateague
Mutt Jones and the Search for Jar Jar



Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #122 on: 05-23-2008 17:14 »

I think Dakota Fanning would have been better in the movie than Boofy Leboof.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #123 on: 05-24-2008 13:59 »

Finally saw it!

I honestly don't get the Shia hate. He was one of the best things about this movie. Seriously, remove yourself from the hype. You only hate him because he's a "hot" actor. If you are like me, and haven't seen him in anything except for Even Stevens(honestly, I don't pay attention to Hollywood these days. Until he was cast in this movie, I seriously had no idea his career had taken off post-Disney), and can look at his performance/character in a vaccuum...you'll see that he was fine.

I thought the movie was a disappointment, but maybe I'm being too hard on it. It was great to see Indiana Jones again. Harrison Ford was great, and the character was written well. The storyline was acceptable. But I don't know...I just didn't feel like the action was very good. No "edge of your seat" moments, and no triumphant scenes(except for maybe one) where I sit up and say "yes!".

I think the last big action sequence in the jungle was probably the most ridiculous action sequence in the entire series. No way does it compare to the truck chase sequence or the tank sequence from earlier movies.

Space Pope
« Reply #124 on: 05-24-2008 18:36 »

I thought it was good, but it suffered from too much of a wait and too much expectations. Of course it's not going to be as good as I'd like, or even as good as the originals.

This movie seems more like Temple of Doom, in that (as far as I remember from that movie) they just sort of went on their trek. In the other two movies, I feel like they had to figure things out, solve clues, etc. And not like the "clues" where Indy says "this letter is gonna be hard to translate" and then is reading it off flawlessly the next second.

There were some bits that seemed a little far fetched even for an Indy movie, the monkey part especially. I have no issue with Shia LeBuff. He was actually really good in "Holes" but that's the only thing I've seen him in. It probably helps that I've never seen his Disney sitcom.

I'm not in love with the possible idea (says Lucas) of him taking up the torch for an Indy 5, but you never know. Young Indiana Jones was probably terrible and I know I watched some of that.

It was nice to have a good old fashioned summer popcorn movie that I could actually see with my whole family. Sure, it wasn't as good as Last Crusade, and lacked probably any kind of iconic scene, but it wasn't terrible.


Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #125 on: 05-24-2008 22:47 »

This movie was definitely more of a Temple of Doom than a Raiders/Crusade, both in terms of how the story unfolded and also the supernatural elements. (Raiders and Crusade save their supernatural goodness for the very end, while Temple of Doom has voodoo dolls and heart-pullings fairly early on.)

I'm so fickle when it comes to far-fetched stuff. I loved--seriously LOVED the A-bomb sequence. I don't care how impossible it was that he would survive that. It was just a fun, funny scene. Totally unlike anything I've ever seen.

But then you have a car driving off a cliff and onto a tree, and I just think "oh, come on..."

Don't get me started on Young Indy, VF. I actually used to like that show when it first came on. A little more dramatic and less actioney than the movies, but still good, I thought. Apparently, as an infrequent viewer, I was lucky enough to only have caught the good episodes.

Eventually they put them out on video and I bought a bunch of them, and was shocked by how bad and boring a lot of them were. I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to take a fun action/adventure series and turn it into "Boring Unlikely Encounter With Historical Figure Of The Week".

I don't know if I'd go for a spinoff with Mutt by himself, but a transition film with Indy and Mutt teaming up I could see being pretty cool.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #126 on: 05-24-2008 23:51 »

I thought it was good. Not Raiders/Crusade level good but still far superior to all the other crap they make these days. Two best thing in my opinion. One when he ends up in the dummy town because I was the only person in the group I went with who got it right away and I thought it was hilarious. Two in alot of movies where somebody's being attacked by natives with tomahawks or something I always think, "There's a situation where and AK would be useful." Finally my idea has been accepted. All in all I give it an 8.5/10.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #127 on: 05-25-2008 00:00 »

Mutt is a stupid name. I know it's a pun on Indiana being the dog's name, as referenced by Henry Sr at the end of Last Crusade, but still... for a spinoff?
Mutt Jones and the Hammer of Thor doesn't sound like a very appealing title.

Space Pope
« Reply #128 on: 05-25-2008 07:47 »

He's just called Mutt so as not to spoil the twist, which is so obvious a deaf blind dead person would see it coming a mile away...

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #129 on: 05-25-2008 07:55 »

I thought the name Mutt(it's a dog!!!) was the give-away that clued everyone in about the twist.

But still..."Henry Jones III and the Hammer of Thor" isn't much better. If they really are planning on making spinoff movies, they better drop the name-titles and go back to Raiders of the Lost Ark style titling.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #130 on: 05-25-2008 10:53 »

Which would be cool, yeah.

I personally never refer to the 'Indiana Jones and the-' bit when I talk about the films. It's a bit cartoonish, and the retroactive re-titling of Raiders was just irritating. Damn Lucas, never leaving well enough alone.
I tell you, if he ever tries to go back and stick CGI shit in Raiders like he did with that other trilogy (name I can't recall), I will personally walk up to him, kneel down, and punch him in the face.

Urban Legend
« Reply #131 on: 05-25-2008 13:39 »

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
I think the last big action sequence in the jungle was probably the most ridiculous action sequence in the entire series. No way does it compare to the truck chase sequence or the tank sequence from earlier movies.
I disagree here, but am a sucker for goofy sequences with improbable choreography, people switching places and fighting from odd positions.

Overall I enjoyed it; yeah a few things we a bit... strange, like Mutt the Tarzan, but that's Lucas slowly going insane for you.  I was MOST annoyed by that stupid anthropomorphic looking gopher thing that hung out in the beginning.  Seriously, what the hell was that doing there?!!

Solidly enjoyable, not quite as good as 1 and 3, but much much better than Temple of Doom.



Space Pope
« Reply #132 on: 05-25-2008 19:52 »

I don't really remember Indy doing much in the final sequence, other than looking on approvingly at Shia. And then fighting that guy with the ants.

Also, what was up with the "cute" cgi animals? The prairie dogs reminded me of the gophers on the moon... But the bomb sequence was good, even though I forgot about it by the time I wrote my post. How cool would it be to put that much detail into something like that?

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #133 on: 05-25-2008 20:10 »

Here's the sad part: before the movie, I was totally psyched up about seeing the "paramount logo disolves into the first shot of the movie" thing. (I know, I'm weird.)

So the paramount movie transitions into a molehill, and I think "yes!" and then the CGI mole pops out...and I honestly thought it was just an Indy-specific fake-out advertisement for Kung-Fu Panda or some other cheesy animated movie.

And then the car drives by and the opening credits begin, and I realize that it's part of the movie. And I just think "oh. That was weird." I'm not nitpicky enough to sit here and criticize the movie for CGI DaveMasons that only showed up for five seconds. But it's just one more thing that added to the odd feeling of the movie.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #134 on: 05-25-2008 20:57 »

First off. I thought La Boof did a pretty good job, much better then Paltrow, there was nothing to her character really. The whole father/son thing I enjoyed as it really helped the story along and I hate that Lucas thinks everything is better in digital and on a green screen set.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #135 on: 05-25-2008 21:14 »
« Last Edit on: 05-25-2008 21:14 by coldangel_1 »

Paltrow?! You mean Blanchett?
Paltrow was in Iron Man. You're getting your wires crossed, daddy-o.

I think Cate was written a rather cliche' role as a typical Bond-esque Russian and she did what she could with it. Actually, she appeared to be having a lot of fun, and the occassional moments of fear and wonder that the character exhibits in between Soviet badassness are actually pretty convincing. And I won't have a bad word said about her - she's my darling.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #136 on: 05-25-2008 22:35 »

Blanchett, sorry.
But that last thing I want from a Bad Guy/Women is the look of them having fun in the role and letting that spill over into the film, I want them to be BAD/Psychotic/Insane people. The character lacked much of the Evilness that previous Villains had.
Hey, but what can you expect from Commies, they are usually portraid as bland and boring.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #137 on: 05-25-2008 22:54 »

Not so much evil as Nazis also. The Soviets fought against the Nazis just like Indy did.
Like I said in my long-winded review in the other thread - even James Bond movies of old had the occassional sympathetic Russian character. I suppose her moments of wide-eyed childlike wonder in the film could count as humanizing.

Space Pope
« Reply #138 on: 05-25-2008 23:00 »

I'm pretty sure portraying a communist wasn't too much of a stretch for Cate.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #139 on: 05-25-2008 23:06 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #140 on: 05-26-2008 00:06 »

Ha ha, nice one Ben.  :laff:

« Reply #141 on: 05-26-2008 05:59 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
Paltrow?! You mean Blanchett?
Paltrow was in Iron Man. You're getting your wires crossed, daddy-o.

I think Cate was written a rather cliche' role as a typical Bond-esque Russian and she did what she could with it. Actually, she appeared to be having a lot of fun, and the occassional moments of fear and wonder that the character exhibits in between Soviet badassness are actually pretty convincing. And I won't have a bad word said about her - she's my darling.

I don't think she was Bond-esque. Like all good Indy villains, she had an interest in archaeology herself. That psychic thing she had going on was reminiscent of Octopussy though. On the other hand, her heavy was exactly the kind of henchman you find in a Bond film: Built like a brick outhouse, seems to thrive on being punched, and has a penchant for grinning inanely. I can't remember the character's name but he might just as well have been called Stamperkov or Jawsakhstan or something.

Also, for the record, I liked the jungle chase, except for Mutt being the King of the Monkeys.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #142 on: 05-26-2008 09:11 »

Yes, yes... the Monkey thing would best be excised entirely...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #143 on: 05-27-2008 14:27 »

Also, did anyone else yell, "Snakes do not work that way!"

Urban Legend
« Reply #144 on: 05-27-2008 20:00 »

and how would you know, DrThunder?  Have you ever tried to pull someone out of a sand pit with a snake?  I think not!

But seriously, I thought the movie was pretty good.  The ending was meh, and the soviet badass chick did not die in a suitably horrible way, but, overall, I'd give the movie a solid B

Space Pope
« Reply #145 on: 05-27-2008 20:25 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:
Also, did anyone else yell, "Snakes do not work that way!"

I thought the snake thing was cute. It was a cute callback, showed that the kid didn't know anything about Indy, and gave us all an excuse to chuckle at Indy's phobia.

one billion times more realistic than the Tarzan scene.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #146 on: 05-27-2008 21:23 »

Yeah, the snake thing was hilarious.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #147 on: 05-27-2008 22:18 »

When I was watching that I was thinking, Marion must have specifically told him to get a snake.  :laff:

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
Not so much evil as Nazis also.

I don't know. The USSR was the lesser of two evils but now by much.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #148 on: 05-27-2008 22:37 »

I disagree, with the exception of Stalin's tenure. But this is not the place.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #149 on: 05-27-2008 22:41 »

My thoughts on Indiana Jones and the Search for Willing Suspension of Disbelief:

Honestly, I can't decide if it's an Indiana Jones movie or just a movie with Indiana Jones in it.  It just felt too different from the realfirst three.

I still  :love: Karen Allen.

While it was fun, it just, I dunno, strained my willing suspension of disbelief a little too much.  From the refrigerator (unnecessary) to the Tarzan (wtf) to the Asgard having magical skeletons.

Speaking of the Asgard, this is a movie that would have greatly benefited from a cameo by either James Spader, Michael Shanks or Supreme Commander Thor, or better yet, all three.

All in all I enjoyed the movie, just not nearly as much as the other three.  Yes, even Temple of Doom.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #150 on: 05-27-2008 23:17 »

I suppose this movie would have benefited from three guys that nobody's ever heard of. Good point, Nixorbo.

Watching Temple of Doom the other day gave me a newfound appreciation for it. It's definitely the weakest of the original three, and possibly not as good as Crystal Skull(I might have to watch Skull a few more times before I can properly rank them)...but it has a lot of fun moments, and the rope bridge ending is better than the "stand around and watch the macguffin kill the bad guys" endings of all the other ones.

And even the unbelivable over-the-top moments seem perfectly plausible compared to Crystal Skull. If they could just make a special edition and remove Willie and maybe dub over Short Round with James Earl Jones, it would be a classic on par with Raiders.

Also, the snake scene was funny. And Spalko deserved a more gruesome death. The end.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 05-28-2008 01:03 »

When I was a little kid, the only video we owned was Temple of Doom, and so my sister and I watched it about fifteen thousand times. Consequently I have a strong sense of nostalgia for that movie and a disproportionate appreciation for it compared to the other Indy flicks. If we hadn't owned that video I probably wouldn't think so highly of it, but there you go - I think it's a great movie. I can basically recite the entire script from memory...

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #152 on: 05-28-2008 09:59 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #153 on: 05-28-2008 11:11 »

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
If they could just make a special edition and remove Willie and maybe dub over Short Round with James Earl Jones, it would be a classic on par with Raiders.

Nah, they'd undoubtedly replace at least one of them some CGI monstrosity like Jar-Jar Binks or a pack of Commie-hating monkeys.

Urban Legend
« Reply #154 on: 05-28-2008 13:19 »

Saw the movie this weekend.  I must say, it was rather good.  Not as good as Raiders or Last Crusade.  I didn't care much for Shia LaBouf, though.  His character to me was like a cross between the Fonz and James Dean.  The way he was swinging on this vines was supposed to be his destiny that he will follow in his father's footsteps.  Plus, the Ark makes a brief apparence. 

Cate Blanchet was cool in this as the villain.  The alien was cool as well.  I thought Marion would get into an intense fight with Cate Blanchet.  However, Marion didn't fight at all like she did in Raiders.  Other than that, it was a cool movie every Indiana Jones fan should see.
Liked the bomb scene in the beginning as well.

I give it 4/5. 

« Reply #155 on: 05-28-2008 18:21 »

Nice photo ~FazeShift~

Space Pope
« Reply #156 on: 05-28-2008 18:42 »

I want to see an Indy movie that takes place entirely in the university where her teaches. I love the "retro" stuff, all the little details. I even liked the scene with Indy and Mutt in the diner and the greaser vs jock throwdown.

I loved the bomb town, too. I didn't even mind the fridge. At least it wasn't a CGI fridge with a goofy smile.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #157 on: 05-28-2008 22:31 »

Originally posted by coldangel_1:
I disagree, with the exception of Stalin's tenure. But this is not the place.

That's the part I was refering to.
Sine Wave

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #158 on: 05-28-2008 22:53 »

Overall, I thought it was not good. I think it's biggest problem was not so much in the unbelievable plot, but in the way it was conveyed. If they'd done more (anything) to set it up or motivate it it could have been made to work, but for some reason they decided to have tons of chase scenes and campy things instead. Oh well.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #159 on: 05-29-2008 00:26 »

Originally posted by VelourFog:
I want to see an Indy movie that takes place entirely in the university where her teaches.

Indiana Jones and the Lengthy Lunch Break
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