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Author Topic: Sailor Moon  (Read 1173 times)
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The Green One

« on: 04-12-2006 08:08 »

I woz jus wondering if anyone hear has ever seen or heard of Sailor Moon?
Twoz a chilhood fave of mine!!

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 04-12-2006 10:24 »

^_^  KAWAII!!!11

Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 04-12-2006 12:03 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 00:00 »

Holy shit.

Well I have a story.  I went to Caz college with a friend of mine and her roomate loved sailor moon.  She was also debuting as a stripper that evening, but that's another story...Oh yeah.  She had an Usagi tatto.  Anyway, I mentioned that I too was an anime fan.  That was her cue to sit me down and we watched in one evening-I think it was 10 episodes in a row of Sailor Moon Super-Stars.  I still haven't completely recovered. 

The starlights were Guys THAT TURNED INTO GIRLS by thier own magical will, for the love of creation!

Nix IP check, Isle green.
The Green One

« Reply #3 on: 04-12-2006 13:35 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2006 00:00 by Tweek »

That's cool; and am sure the other story will lead to somewhere quite interesting too, but I was wondering where I could download them, or buy them, pick up my childhood love!!

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 04-12-2006 22:11 »

I used to watch it when I was like 7.I still draw her though,I like drawing anime.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 05-11-2006 14:57 »

Originally posted by Pitt Clemens:
Well I have a story.  I went to Caz college with a friend of mine and her roomate loved sailor moon.  She was also debuting as a stripper that evening, but that's another story...Oh yeah.  She had an Usagi tatto.  Anyway, I mentioned that I too was an anime fan.  That was her cue to sit me down and we watched in one evening-I think it was 10 episodes in a row of Sailor Moon Super-Stars.  I still haven't completely recovered. 

The starlights were Guys THAT TURNED INTO GIRLS by thier own magical will, for the love of creation!

Okay, first of all, the fifth season is called Sailor Moon Sailor Stars.  There's no such thing as Sailor Moon Super-Stars.

Second, the Starlights were girls from another planet that magically changed into guys when they came to earth, and then turned back into girls; and that was just an invention of the anime, anyway.  In the original manga, they were always girls.  They dressed as guys when they came to earth, because they were in disguise, but they were actually girls the whole time, even when Seiya kissed Usagi.
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 05-12-2006 03:58 »

I forgot to mention the massive ammount of beer that I was chugging during the Sailormoonathon. 

On reflection I can see that Ikuhara-san was just stretching out the perversion muscle that he would then put into maximum use for the Utena series.

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 05-12-2006 14:28 »

Originally posted by Pitt Clemens:
On reflection I can see that Ikuhara-san was just stretching out the perversion muscle that he would then put into maximum use for the Utena series.

That does kind of put things in perspective, doesn't it?

According to what I've read, Naoko Takeuchi was not happy that the anime made the Starlights into girls that change into boys that change into girls; but considering that Ikuhara was involved, she's lucky that they didn't end up as girls that change into cars or something.
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 05-16-2006 12:49 »

The world wasn't ready for that level of craziness yet.  He had to build to it...And when Utena turned into a car it raised the bar for Anime nuttyness that has yet to be bested.  OK, I've thought about it.  If the Sailor Scouts ever morphed into cars, And had to out race some Youma, it would be the most awsome thing ever.  I would watch the whole series just to see that.
Turanga, A

« Reply #9 on: 06-06-2006 00:16 »

Are we talking about the Americian dubbing so Sailor Moon which turns it into a children's cartoon or the genuiene version about lesbians.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 06-06-2006 19:48 »

The dub really didn't make Haruka and Michiru seem any less like lesbians.  It just made them into cousins so that they were now incestuous lesbians.
Turanga, A

« Reply #11 on: 06-09-2006 00:45 »

Good point David A, by trying to tone it down for kids they just made the whole story have another problematic element. And people say that Futurama is a bad influence (at least our fav show doesn't say its for kids!)
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