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Author Topic: FARNSWORTH PATERNITY RUMOR  (Read 1975 times)
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Chanukah Zombie

Bending Unit
« on: 03-24-2003 11:09 »

I strongly suspect that Mom's three sons -- Walt, Larry and Ignar -- were fathered by Professor Hubert Farnsworth, making them a part of Fry's family tree.  This is the reason Mom hates Mother's Day -- she was pregnant with triplets when Farnsworth left her and she decided never to tell him that he had children (out of spite or embarassment or both).  She must have broken up with Farnsworth before her belly began to show.  She raised the boys on her own as a working single mother.  That would explain why she was doing charity benefits for "knocked-up teenage sluts."  She sympathized as she was once in more-or-less the same situation herself!  This also explains why these guys didn't show up in Leela's search for Fry's living relatives in the year 3000.  Mom is the wealthiest Earthican industrialist.  With a little bribery, she could easily conceal her kids' true parentage from the Fate Assignment Office.  It wouldn't be the first time that "facts" introduced in the first episode were disproven as the series progressed.  Leela introduced herself to Fry as an alien but then learned much later that she is really a Sewer Mutant.  Ignar actually seems to resemble the Professor slightly when the professor is drawn as a younger man in flashback scenes.  The writers must have thought this was safe to do since he's the one you'd least suspect.  He's so stupid that it's counterintuitive to think he's related to the Professor.  Yet Fry is also related to the Professor and he's no genius either.  Think about it.  Luckily, the Professor has that little machine where you insert your finger to prove genetic relationships.  It wouldn't surprise me if he uses it again some day. 

If all of the above is true, then consider too the following: Since all robots consider her their mother, that would mean they are all like Fry's siblings, including his room-mate and best friend, Bender. 

This is all my personal theory but wouldn't it be cool if I were right?  Just remember you heard it here first. 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 03-24-2003 11:14 »
« Last Edit on: 03-24-2003 11:14 »

Only problem is, that would make Walt, Larry and Ignar roughly 70 years old. And they don't look like that, especially not Ignar.

Edit; then again I'm the guy who stubbornly maintained that Leela wasn't a mutant.

And she isn't! She just doesn't know it yet.

Anywho, we discussed a few times before. Too lazy to dig up the threads though.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 03-24-2003 12:00 »

Mom is pretty good for her age, so 1000 years in the future, with Hubert at 160 and still not dead, 70 probably isn't that old. This is the future, anything is possible.

Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 03-24-2003 12:51 »

Originally posted by Chanukah Zombie:
...she was pregnant with triplets when Farnsworth left her...

Hmmmm..I dunno about that. In the DVD commentary for Mothers Day theres a mention of Larry being the middle aged child and there was also a mention of Ignar being the youngest. If they were triplets they'd have been the same age and the wouldn't have said that in the commentary  :)


Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 03-24-2003 13:43 »
« Last Edit on: 03-24-2003 13:43 »

Originally posted by Teral:
Only problem is, that would make Walt, Larry and Ignar roughly 70 years old. And they don't look like that, especially not Ignar.

Edit; then again I'm the guy who stubbornly maintained that Leela wasn't a mutant.

And she isn't! She just doesn't know it yet.

Anywho, we discussed a few times before. Too lazy to dig up the threads though.

Uh, must have missed these. Therefore, this question: If Leela isn't a mutant, what else is she? An alien (a Trill perhaps?), abandonend by her parents on this planet?
Were they killed by the mutants which claim that they are Leela's parents? So many questions....

Besides, on one commentary (can't remember which one) the writers spoke about that they considered to make Farnsworth the father of the youngest (and dumbest) son of Mom, Igner.

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 03-24-2003 15:52 »

I believe you are referring to the commentary for "Mother's Day", in which David X. Cohen says

Of course, this is one of the things which will be never proved/disproved if (when) the series ends  :(.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 03-24-2003 17:56 »

Originally posted by Gocad:
     Uh, must have missed these. Therefore, this question: If Leela isn't a mutant, what else is she? An alien (a Trill perhaps?), abandonend by her parents on this planet?
Were they killed by the mutants which claim that they are Leela's parents? So many questions....

Heh, that's just a little theory of mine, and I hope to have a fanfic done on this plot some time within the next lifetime.

Basically, Leela's parents are political refugees from a far away planet. They're not mutants, but they blend in quite well, thanks to their alien appearence. They've risked to put Leela in the upstairs world, hoping they've escaped their hunters. During a delivery to a very distant planet Leela manage to get her picture in the local papers, through a series of coincidences. This picture catches the eye of an alien secret intelligence, and the plot is in motion.

« Reply #7 on: 03-24-2003 18:00 »

I cant find a link of it but David X Cohen was asked in an interview, what they had planned if they werent cancelled, he said something stupid about Zapp, and that the Professor was the father of Mom's youngest son Ignar

« Reply #8 on: 03-24-2003 20:17 »

Originally posted by Archie2K:
Mom is pretty good for her age, so 1000 years in the future, with Hubert at 160 and still not dead, 70 probably isn't that old. This is the future, anything is possible.
Hubert looks no more than half his true age,
70-80 perhaps by 21st century standards.
with this kind of longevity looks are deceptive, so Igner may be older than he appears: real age = 2 x apparent age.
Still I dont think Igner looks 35, unless someone can make up something to stretch this theory a bit more?

So long coffin stoppers
Chanukah Zombie

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 03-24-2003 22:52 »

Well, let's see... I can come up with answers to three of the difficulties posed:

1) "They don't look old enough."

How old is Fry?  Leela says he's 25 years old in "My Three Suns" but technically he's really 1,025 because he was frozen for a thousand years.  He sure doesn't look his age!  Single working mothers in the twentieth century put their children in daycare centers or leave them with babysitters while they work.  Who is to say that single working mothers in the thirtieth century can't put their children in cryogenic chambers while they work?  That way they don't miss out on any of their kids' childhoods.  If they're wealthy enough, which Mom is, then it's a viable option.  It is even possible that Mom gave birth to them over seventy years ago but kept them on ice until recently and only began to raise them twentysomething years ago.  Welcome to the world of tomorrow!   

Also, in "Time Keeps On Slipping," we have seen that the technology exists to use "chronotons" [spelling?] to instantly mature babies into adulthood.  So we see that a person could also look much older than they actually are. 

2) "They can't be triplets because Igner is described as the youngest and Larry as the middle child."

So what?  Triplets don't come out all at once.  They come out one at a time.  One of each triplet must always necessarily be the eldest, youngest and middle child, if only by a few minutes. 

3) "They can't all be Farnsworth's children because only Igner is described as his child."

We find that in logic, if a statement is made that a man is the father of one child, it does not imply that he is not also the father of another. 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #10 on: 03-25-2003 02:48 »
« Last Edit on: 11-15-2008 08:47 »

Now we know what's inside Farnsworth's ParaBox:

Birth certificates!    :D

<camouflage reflex sets in>

[edited cuz' I can't flamin' spell]

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 03-25-2003 03:55 »
« Last Edit on: 03-25-2003 03:55 »

Originally posted by Teral:
 Heh, that's just a little theory of mine, and I hope to have a fanfic done on this plot some time within the next lifetime.

Basically, Leela's parents are political refugees from a far away planet. They're not mutants, but they blend in quite well, thanks to their alien appearence. They've risked to put Leela in the upstairs world, hoping they've escaped their hunters. During a delivery to a very distant planet Leela manage to get her picture in the local papers, through a series of coincidences. This picture catches the eye of an alien secret intelligence, and the plot is in motion.

But you did notice, that Leela's parents don't look the same, did you? So if they were aliens, it is unlikely that they are from the same species... wait *thinking in progress*, this not really a good argument, but I won't take this back.   :evillaugh:

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 03-25-2003 19:50 »

Originally posted by Chanukah Zombie:
1) "They don't look old enough."

How old is Fry?  Leela says he's 25 years old in "My Three Suns" but technically he's really 1,025 because he was frozen for a thousand years.  He sure doesn't look his age!  Single working mothers in the twentieth century put their children in daycare centers or leave them with babysitters while they work.  Who is to say that single working mothers in the thirtieth century can't put their children in cryogenic chambers while they work?  That way they don't miss out on any of their kids' childhoods.  If they're wealthy enough, which Mom is, then it's a viable option.  It is even possible that Mom gave birth to them over seventy years ago but kept them on ice until recently and only began to raise them twentysomething years ago.  Welcome to the world of tomorrow! 

That's based on the assumption Mom give a crap about her sons, and don't want to miss out on their childhood, and frankly Mom doesn't strike me as a loving, caring parent.

Walt, Larry and Ignar's relationship with Mom seem to be more of a henchmen/kingpin nature than actual offspring/parent love. The brothers may love Mom as a, well a mom, but Mom view them as little more than stupid, but trustworthy and cheap employees. They're loyal because of the blood-line, and hence she use them for the more shadier business of MomCorp. Keeping them in the freezer for 50-odd years would represent a gross misuse of MomCorp resources.


Also, in "Time Keeps On Slipping," we have seen that the technology exists to use "chronotons" [spelling?] to instantly mature babies into adulthood.  So we see that a person could also look much older than they actually are. 

But chroniton technology have a disruptive effect on the spacetime continuum. Even a small amount, used to accelerate the growth of 5 babies nearly caused the destruction of the Universe. Using it to alter the age of Walt, Larry and Ignar would be suicidal at best.
Chanukah Zombie

Bending Unit
« Reply #13 on: 03-25-2003 22:22 »

Well, she must have some fondness for them otherwise they would have ended up in the Orphanarium with Leela.  Or at the "Spa 5 Fitness Camp." Or at the Human Farm that replaced Utah.  I think sticking your kids in the freezer for a few years at a time (or for a few hours a day over the course of a few years) is not the act of a good mother and as such it is right up her alley.  A smart businesswoman is normally willing to pay a higher salary for better quality work.  None of the brothers are particularly bright.  I don't think cheap labor explains the attachment she has for her sons.  Most importantly: Considering that she manufactures all the robots in the world, she probably could get cheaper and more competent henchmen that way.  We have seen that the Robot Mafia is perfectly capable of handling "shady business." 

Even bad mothers are affected by their maternal instincts.  Sociologists have found that abusive and negelctful mothers tend to show very inconsistent behavior, doting on their kids one moment and then hitting them or ignoring them the next moment.  This is attributed largely to their instincts conflicting with their personality. 

Also, I never said that the chronotons were used in this case -- I just pointed out that they existed -- as a support for the assertion that we can't trust appearances in determining age.  Besides, we do know from Bender that the chronotons have, in fact, been used at least once before and that they destroyed an entire civilization as a result.  Now that I think of it, in "Fear of a Bot Planet," Bender says he killed a million billion humans.  It was never certain that he wasn't joking or lying about that.  I wonder if that incident isn't the same as the one mentioned in "Time Keeps On Slipping"?  That would mean that Bender was actually the one responsible for unleashing the chronotons that destroyed that civilization and might also explain why only he knew about it among the Planet Express crew. 

Space Pope
« Reply #14 on: 03-26-2003 04:43 »
« Last Edit on: 03-26-2003 04:43 »

I've said this about a different topic, but think it fits in here as well

Originally posted by Gocad:
I think one could file this under observation, but not without mentioning, that one should analyse every aspect of the TV show and their relationship to reality.

Question: "How does the warp drive work?"
Answer: "Say "Engage" and off you go..."
Get it?

« Reply #15 on: 03-27-2003 20:24 »

big theroies!

Space Pope
« Reply #16 on: 03-28-2003 02:20 »

Originally posted by Chanukah Zombie:
Now that I think of it, in "Fear of a Bot Planet," Bender says he killed a million billion humans.  It was never certain that he wasn't joking or lying about that.   

No, Bender just said that to be popular among the manhunting robots.
That is the joke about Bender saying all the time that he wants to kill all humans, but yet he hasn't killed any. (Nobody mention "The Honking" now, he did ran over the two guys, but then he was a Werecar and not himself.)


« Reply #17 on: 03-28-2003 19:46 »

Nanda concurs with the pithetic humans theory about Professor Hubert Farnsworth and Ignar. But it does not matter because my race will destroy you all MWHAHAHAHA.
Starship Captain
« Reply #18 on: 04-02-2003 05:12 »

Originally posted by Grim:I cant find a link of it but David X Cohen was asked in an interview, what they had planned if they werent cancelled, he said something stupid about Zapp, and that the Professor was the father of Mom's youngest son Ignar

Here it is:  http://forums.toonzone.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=62402 .

Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 04-02-2003 16:56 »
« Last Edit on: 04-02-2003 16:56 »

I like that Leela idea, that her parents are refugees.  After all her mother said, when dropping off Leela, "If my PHD in alien languages is any good" or something like that.  And I thought "Yeah, she got that at Sewer Hopkins University?"

I know the mutants have a society, but it really didn't look like it was capable of producing institutions of higher learning.

Space Pope
« Reply #20 on: 04-02-2003 20:36 »

How ironic... the most intelligent character on Futurama is the father of the stupidest.
Chanukah Zombie

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 04-22-2003 05:10 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
How ironic... the most intelligent character on Futurama is the father of the stupidest.

Well, he's already the "nephew" of one of the stupider characters (Fry).  ;)
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