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Author Topic: Leela and Fry sitting in a............  (Read 21169 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #40 on: 03-06-2002 04:01 »

As important as what they do for each other is what they will forgive doing TO each other.

Check out my little half-assed fanfic in the FanFic section, Venus and friends (the "I'm No Writer (Part One)" thread) and lemme know what you think.

Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 03-06-2002 05:16 »

Ahh shameless self promotion where would we be with out it.

Starship Captain
« Reply #42 on: 03-06-2002 08:10 »

Damn right.  :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 03-06-2002 15:59 »

i already read it brainsluggo. i liked it. it woulda been better if it had been fully writen out instead of half written/half outline, but i liked what i saw.

« Reply #44 on: 03-06-2002 16:12 »

Who will be the guy that steals Leela from PE, and sentences her to a life of "Barefoot Preganancy."

Urban Legend
« Reply #45 on: 03-06-2002 16:16 »

barefoot pregnancy? why can't she be preggers and still wear shoes?

Starship Captain
« Reply #46 on: 03-07-2002 02:12 »

Originally posted by Venus:
i already read it brainsluggo. i liked it. it woulda been better if it had been fully writen out instead of half written/half outline, but i liked what i saw.

Thanks...and point taken. Really jumped the gun, making it up and writing it all in one night. Intended as an outline for someone else to develop, I've tacked on way too much stuff onto it now (added some characters and plot development afterwards, and more keeps sprouting up in my broken nog) for another writer to be interested, so I guess I'll finish it up and send it to LiC (if LiC is up)...


Starship Captain
« Reply #47 on: 03-12-2002 21:29 »

Being the ultimate shipper, I have to say that if Fox picks it up for a fifth/sixth season, they'll probably get together in one of the last episodes of the series.  Either that or it'll be a fling they carry on in secret.  I can see Bender walking in on them, kind of like Xander on Buffy and Spike  :flirt: .  Then again, she was invisible so he didn't know plus they broke up in a later ep  :cry: , but my point remains valid!
And if that doesn't happen, the last ep of the series is about Fry doing something drastic to impress Leela and it is supposed to be semi-finalistic.  Hopefully that means they'll at least kiss  :love: .  And I'll still write my soapy fics!  All LFR, all the ti- Wait a sec.  My "A.I." parody doesn't have LFRism in it.  No, scratch that.  They're married in Bender's dream.  Ah well.  I guess you'll have to put up with more romance from me.  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 03-13-2002 05:32 »

That's what I figure either they end the seires with them getting together or they put it into a movie version  :D well we can dream can't we.
Oh and Theta keep up the good work even I am prone to a bit of soppyness every now and then now in fact  :love:

Bending Unit
« Reply #49 on: 03-13-2002 16:35 »

Originally posted by BumbleBeeTheta:
I guess you'll have to put up with more romance from me.   :)

YAY !!!!!!!!

Hopefully it wont be long before I'm able to do some more fics too

  :love:   :love:

« Reply #50 on: 03-14-2002 16:03 »

WOOOO! How can there be any other combination than Fry and Leela..  There Can't! So ha! Fry and Leela for ever. And personly I think There going to do it like the Simpsons, ie Bart has been the same age for a loooooooong time. And If Leela ever got pregnent their is no way she be barfoot. If anyone tried to stop her from doing what she wants, they'd end up with a black eye!  :p
mmm Yeah, mah first post, thought Id be a little flashy   :rolleyes: I have some Fan art submited on Gotfuturama, and TLZ tell me what you think, k?


Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #51 on: 03-14-2002 16:17 »

Welcome to PEEL Erdrik. Enjoy it here.  :D

If I remember correctly, Matt Groening has said that the chracters of Futurama does age.

And damn straight Leela would shut a few eyes if anybody tried to make her do things against her will.

I'll check out your art, and maybe post some comments.  :)

« Reply #52 on: 03-14-2002 16:28 »

COOL! yes, FeEeEd My ego!


« Reply #53 on: 03-16-2002 08:53 »
« Last Edit on: 03-16-2002 08:53 »

well I just hope that when Fry and Leela do get together, that its HOT and we get to watch!

nah, I'm just joshin' ya. those two annoy me.  :love:   :love:   :love:

nah, I'm just yankin yer chain. I love love!
« Reply #54 on: 03-16-2002 16:54 »
« Last Edit on: 03-16-2002 16:54 »

I dont think this is a question of "if" its just when, where, and how?... I also think that although they could continue the show with Leela and Fry together. I think that they will use it in to bring closure to the show... I hope that they dabble in the Fry/Leela Dating in an episode or two... I think that would be funny.

Urban Legend
« Reply #55 on: 03-18-2002 04:27 »

I don't think the person who started this topic was wodering if but was assuming that it will happen  :love: wait hold on a sec.....I started this topic  :eek:

« Reply #56 on: 03-20-2002 09:55 »

Originally posted by Slavon:
My prophecy:

I don't think it will happen in the last episode, and maybe it won't happen just in one episode, like in Parasites Lost. Leela will discover slowly more things in Fry that will make the couple possible.

Imagine after some seasons, in the year 3006, and Leela and Fry still friends... I don't think so.

I agree tho I think it may change becuase of the Hiatus/Cancallation....


Urban Legend
« Reply #57 on: 03-21-2002 08:02 »

True with the hieatus it could cause a few problems or it could mean that they might make a episode that concludes what level the relationship is to stay at  :love:

« Reply #58 on: 03-22-2002 13:53 »

More near death! More near death!
More cartoon sex!
More annoying posts!

Urban Legend
« Reply #59 on: 03-22-2002 14:10 »

Dude there are times and other internet sites for those sorts of things

« Reply #60 on: 04-03-2002 15:53 »

Fry saves Leela's life!?
When!? What happened???

« Reply #61 on: 04-03-2002 16:04 »

Love&Rockets, season 4

Urban Legend
« Reply #62 on: 04-08-2002 04:59 »

once more I would like to say how much thatb episode rocks  :love:

Starship Captain
« Reply #63 on: 04-08-2002 09:54 »

I completely agree.  :love:

« Reply #64 on: 04-08-2002 09:57 »

I concur.
I agree!
!Si Senior!
Love&Rockets = Roxxors!

Urban Legend
« Reply #65 on: 04-08-2002 10:12 »

Yay I like it when people agree with me and do not make fun of my spelling mistakes  ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #66 on: 04-11-2002 14:09 »

Yep It blew me away (in the good sense) I just hope Leela sees sense and realizes Fry's the one for her

Starship Captain
« Reply #67 on: 04-11-2002 15:04 »

I think eventually she will.  It's just like Crichton and Aeryn in 'Farscape'.  We just need an ep like "The Locket"...  :love:

Bending Unit
« Reply #68 on: 04-11-2002 15:13 »

I'm sure they'll eventually get together and it'll be great but I hope its not for a while yet, eps like L&R are great and it'd be good to see more, but L&F getting together for real should be saved to the very end

Bending Unit
« Reply #69 on: 04-11-2002 18:35 »

I really hope it nevers happens, the show will definitely lose something afterwards. It's just like when Lois inevitably finds out that Clark is Superman, it never feels the same.

Remember - you can never go back!

Unless you do some sort of "it was all a dream" type thing.

Urban Legend
« Reply #70 on: 04-12-2002 10:52 »

Originally posted by BumbleBeeTheta:
I think eventually she will.  It's just like Crichton and Aeryn in 'Farscape'.  We just need an ep like "The Locket"...   :love:

Good choice that sort of episode certainly would ceratinly reveal their true fellings


« Reply #71 on: 04-12-2002 11:22 »

Originally posted by BarneyBurnham:
I really hope it nevers happens, the show will definitely lose something afterwards.
It would gain more than it would lose.
Remember - you can never go back!
Why would they want to?  :rolleyes:

« Reply #72 on: 04-12-2002 11:23 »

I think Fry and Leela should get together in the last episode.

I saw "Love and the rocket" a few days ago, it was great! ^_^
The next new episode is "Leela's homeworld"
Is that a good episode?

Urban Legend
« Reply #73 on: 04-12-2002 11:31 »

Some like it some don't I thought it was pretty good myself  :)

« Reply #74 on: 04-12-2002 11:32 »

mmm, yeah. Leela's homeworld is pretty cool episode. Leela finally finds out the secrets of where she came from in this episode!

« Reply #75 on: 04-12-2002 11:37 »

leela's homeworld has a LOtF type ending. so its great in my book  ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #76 on: 04-12-2002 14:25 »

Originally posted by Erdrik:
Originally posted by BarneyBurnham:
I really hope it nevers happens, the show will definitely lose something afterwards.
It would gain more than it would lose.
Remember - you can never go back!
Why would they want to?   :rolleyes:

to be fair i think many shows have shown us that when the main characters in a comedy get together it can kill the humour. and a lot of good gags have been had whith Leela and Fry as pals and not lovers.

I think its best saving it to the end, but thats just my opinion looking at the comedy side of it

Urban Legend
« Reply #77 on: 04-12-2002 16:05 »

but what about all the good comedys that center around married people? if fun can be had with married people then i see no reason why Leela and Fry couldn't date and still be funny, in fact having them date would open them up to a whole new set of jokes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #78 on: 04-12-2002 17:02 »
« Last Edit on: 04-12-2002 17:02 »

You could be right but it would always be a gamble i think. The show is funny the way it is, if Leela and Fry became a couple the show would either be a different type of funny or it would completely destroy the good humour that we have now. I just don't want to take the risk.

The Leela/Fry thing is something nice and special and special things should be used sparingly or else they cease to be special, thats why i think they should save it to the end, that's all.

Starship Captain
« Reply #79 on: 04-12-2002 17:49 »

I think that as long as the writers handled it well, Leela and Fry being a couple would be okay, maybe even make it funnier.  I mean, look at Xander and Anya in Buffy.  Or...Liz and Whoever (Heck, I don't watch Roswell). Or Marge and Homer.  Chloe and Pete...Chandler and Monica...The writers could definitely pull it off.  But I think that things should either progress in steps on the show of have things be really serious in the last season.  :love:
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