Hip No Toad


I don't think it's intended to make any sense. A lot of the "inconsistencies" in Futurama are there on purpose, as a form of meta-humor; that is, humor that's outside the story and characters...jokes about the fundamentaly bogus nature of TV shows and movies themselves. (I plan a lengthy post about this later, to be titled "Meta-Humor in Modern Animation: A Grand Unified Theory of Futrama, The Simpsons, the Critic, and Duckman" )
And for what it's worth, even way back in the 20th century, we had the technology to freeze embryos for later use.


I read somewhere that the Creators had intended to reveal this at some point in time, but seeing as Futurama was cancelled, it never happened.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Yeah, it was Igner who was supossed to be Farnsworth's son. At one point they even had him set up as the crews arch-nemesis. Check out the David X Cohen interview on ANSTATMAW for more information.