

As has been said earlier, I don't think he's a crack at Judaism, just a stereotypical Jew (although not too many crustaceans would consider themselves Jewish).


More proof:
In the silent movie era, Jewish comediens and writers woul oftn take the "berg" of of the end of their name, as some people woul refuse to watch something made by Jews. Zoidberg's long lot uncle from the "silent hologram" era was just Harold Zoid.
In "Fry and the Slurm Factory", Zoidberg is wearing a shirt in the gift shop that reads "Enjoy Slurm" in Hebrew.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Andy1234: but he might not be as he celebrated xmas which i thought jews never celebrate. He's not Jewish, he just act Jewish.


Maybe the first Earthling to land on Decapod 10 had that kind of accent, so that's where they learned English...
Liquid Emperor
I'm surprised no one seems to notice that Leela's parents are Jewish characters or that they live in a place similiar to the Warsaw ghetto.


I dont think he sounds Jewish at all :P In a commentary on one of the episodes Billy West reveals where he got the voice for Zoidberg for, and I dont remember him saying it was anything remotely Jewish. So no, he's just paranoid.
Liquid Emperor
It's more of a New York Jewish accent and Leela's mom is a sort of classic "Jewish Mother" type character. Hey, listen to Seinfeld vs. Becker sometime. New England accents are quite a bit different, not that you wouldn't find New Yorkers or Jews in New England. And, well, heavens, Leela is voiced by Katie Segal. Although that might be a stage name I think it would be ah, in character.
Leela was probably brought up in the religion of the Cookieville Orphanarium. If it is a state run facility there might not be one.
Liquid Emperor
The point I'm trying to make is that it's not anti-semitism it's self-satirization.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Dr.Jerkbird: I dont think Zoidberg is Jewish, I think its just a conincidence, also if he was Jewish why would we have been kicked out of that Botmitzha? As the old robot said: "No shellfish!" Also if you remember from "Fry and The Slurm Factory" Zoidberg bought a t-shirt with Jewish writing.
Liquid Emperor
You guys are wearing me out. I need a prescription for some deep fat and nicotine.


Originally posted by parasite?: Ummm, in one of the DVD commentaries David X. Cohen(I think) said that the name of Dr. Zoidberg came from a game that he wasted time programming for the Apple II called "Zoid". Don't know if he was trying to cover for anti-semitism or not but... Bite thy tongue, oh parasitic one! David Cohen anti-semitic? As Harlan Ellison once said in a similar situation, "Some of my best friends are Jewish. Like my mother. My father. Me."


It was his grandfather, and it's possible he (the grandfather) was Jewish, but not certain.
Anyway, do you really think Matt Groening would hang out with someone who was racist?


I doubt he's actually meant to be Jewish, I think it's just a series of continuous jokes.
Liquid Emperor
You guys need to check out some common Yiddish expressions. Oy.
Liquid Emperor
I think it would only be offensive if it was felt that it was something to be ashamed of or that the characters were seen as diminished in some way.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by ebotron: I'm surprised no-one has mensioned the freedom dancethat seemed very jewish to me... You don't know many Jews, do you? Now the dancing at the Bot-mitzvah was adopted from traditional Jewish dances, and the music from the end of "FoaBP" had a distinctly Yiddish feel to it. I don't think these were "shots" at Jewish culture in the least bit. That would be like saying that Fry is obviously a Christian (or Western European) stereotype. He may be, but it's not the defining element of his character. Zoidberg may be Jewish (or whatever the post-"second coming of Jesus" term is), but it's a part of who he is, not why he is there.