
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by germanfryfan: The mods should decide which thread should survive. Possble TLL's, cos I forgot the word "Poll" in the title I've told Tweek to close mine ... *looks* ... and he did. About the title: Aren't mistakes in PotM-titles a new PEEL-tradition? 

DOOP Secretary

Look what you did with your ambiguity, Tweek.
I vote for the other old man, Zed.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Haha, why are Spice Weasal and eggsandwich even in that pic?  Well FilthyCrab, you're climbing slowly, take that *scans list*.... Gleno!! Kodos: I am looking forward to an orderly election tomorrow today, which will eliminate the need for a violent blood bath.

DOOP Secretary

Spice Weasel and eggsandwich: POTM's assumed, perennial losers.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
@canned: I know, but didn't count Jan-Michael Vincent for these resons: 1. The only Jan-Michael Vincent I know this the actor playing in airwolf. 2. If it's a Peeler's realname, sorry, but please use his screenname or a shortform of it next time. I also didn't count: - ~FazeShift~'s Mother
- Broken-down Volkswagen I saw on the M6
- Sammi Curr
- General Tso
Again, if these names were some nicks of Peeler's, I'm sorry, but I don't know any of these names.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Well, you don't have to be Nostradamus to predict this one, that said I'm voting for Zed.

DOOP Secretary

Come on Lunchy, you can still win! seduce the female posters!

Urban Legend
Originally posted by germanfryfan: Again, if these names were some nicks of Peeler's, I'm sorry, but I don't know any of these names. You disenfranchised me you authoritarian bureaucrat! If you spent less time making spread sheets, you might notice how deserving Jan-Michael Vincent is of POTM. He'll win one day in spite of you. You'll see. And what's wrong with ~FazeShift~'s Mother? I think I'll vote for canned eggs. He makes choice nominations.

Urban Legend
Originally posted by Teral: You're going to stalk him/her, aren't you? No, but I mean, hell, it would be nice to know, it's going to drive me insane knowing that I have a closet fan. Anything I say beyond that will drive this post in circles. Why don't we just declare aslate the winner now? This poll seemed almost unnecessary.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
Oh, there is no other number than 1,2 and 3 now in the poll  I'd also like to know who votet for me, but it isn't that important. Originally posted by bankrupt: You disenfranchised me you authoritarian bureaucrat!
All I have to say is : I'm German! If you spent less time making spread sheets, you might notice how deserving Jan-Michael Vincent is of POTM. He'll win one day in spite of you. You'll see.
His chance would be much higher if he'd be a member  I didn't know that this is a running gag by you and canned eggs. And what's wrong with ~FazeShift~'s Mother?
Nothing, maybe she's a nice lady, I dunno! But is she registred? That's all from me on this topic, say what you want. Back on the topic named POTM June 2004.