
DOOP Secretary

That's a good idea, but I rarely use my signature.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Maybe if you had a POTM thing in there, you'd show it off, and use it more. Eh? eh? That's thinking for ya!

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

What? What??
Ok, fine. I'll vote for you the next time you are in the running.

DOOP Secretary

My votes go for: Newhook_1 - He's a fellow South Park fan who truly understands the show, rather than just a shallow asshole who watches it for the tasteless jokes. South Park needs more fans like Newhook.  Alexvilagosh - A fellow Aussie PEELer. And yes, I know there are lots of other Aussie PEELers here, but by the looks of the nomination sysem, Alex has the biggest chance of winning. One Aussie at a time, PEEL. One Aussie at a time... Aslate - Well, if he gets lots of nominations, it might shut him up about not winning. 

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Ok so it's May tomorrow (well here in the East of the world)... so it deserves a tally up:
This is a bitch to do, why did I do it? I'll never do it again
AND: Sorry if I mis-tallied anyone!
18 votes: EvilLunch PCC Fred 14 votes: aslate 11 votes: catsindisguise 10 votes: NibblerJr 9: davierocks 8: canned eggs 7: TheLampIncident 6: evan Gleno 5: David A. Coilette 4: CyberKnight alexvilagosh TheLesbianLeela 3: Anarchist PikkaBird Speli Edel Xmpel HomerJaySimpson germanfryfan StuartB 2: Gocad Jamesbondcja cube_166 Mr.MastodonFarm 1: wu_konguk, Beamer, Phoenixie, bend-err, Mercapto, Juliet, MouseOnVenus, mikey, Zed85, IronChef, slimmy, Booze, Bell, Mango, Mr.Nintendo, Daniela, Nasty Pasty, Sixbynine, FilthyCrab, Robiben, RageDump, Ziodman, ManiaX, ~FazeShift~, Zeep, Amy20, Newhook_1, JackTheChimp, Jan_MichaelVincent... and a couple other strange nicks I didn't get.

Urban Legend
My nominees: Zed 85 - See last month. And the month before that. And before that. LAN.gnome - even if he won't admit to running Lingering Dark PCC Fred - injected a storyline into the NS thread and has been on my list for ages.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Hey, I still got a nomination, even though I won last month! (Thanks GM  ) Now that's a fan!! 

Urban Legend
PCCFred aslate catindisguise 


Huh? Who are you and why do you have a inferior spelling of my name?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

I have this statement to release: Zed85 CyberKnight David A
That is all. You don't have to go home, but you can stay here. Originally posted by Gocad: How can you not nominate a crappy Cardassian spacestation? ;9

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Teral: I have this statement to release:
Zed85 CyberKnight David A
That is all. You don't have to go home, but you can stay here.
Crappy? I don't get it. It's Terok Nor, not Teral Nor.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Cube_166: Ninaka: I don't know if people were allowed to do that before, but it's frowned upon now... It encourages tactical nominations! (also I got three votes... from mr. Nintendo, Jamesbondcja, and Gleno.)
EDIT: (Also... I have the impression that if you leave it, then people will just let you off because of your popularity etc.) *shrugs* oh well. I"ll never do it again anyway. What a pain. I knew some people would be wrong anyway. Yeah I guess I"m used to seeing a tally at the end of the month (but that was a long time ago too) Anyway... huh, I'm popular??