The Names Nick


Daniela speli evillucnhEveryone else is nominating her so why not?

Space Pope
« Reply #43 on: 04-29-2004 11:54 »
« Last Edit on: 04-29-2004 11:54 »
this month's usual suspects: CyberKnight - why? How can you not nominate a crappy Cardassian spacestation? ;9 homerjaysimpson - why? Not a single month goes by where I ask myself the same question... TheLesbianLeela - why? Because of being a ... sociology student! honorary nominee of the month: DrThunder

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 04-29-2004 12:48 »
« Last Edit on: 04-29-2004 12:48 »
Originally posted by Bushmeister: germanfryfan
Thanks, but why? My nominees (From what I've seen in 2 weeks): PCC Fred Just got DOOP Secretary Helpy McHelphelp Teral has been POTM before, but the small e-mail talk, and several posts here showes me he deseves it another time. Edit: I'm looking at the post right behind this one! aslate Beeing here since Dec 2001 and still hasn't won this. Nasty Pasty From Poppler to professor in about 6 weeks! ------------------ "See you on some other thread"

Space Pope
PCC Fred: Great poster, just celebrated 10,000 posts of goodness. germanfryfan: I dunno why, but i like him. Intergrated well into PEEL. Sixbynine: General, all round good poster. And GFF, although you may want to nomiate a pre-existing winner, you can't. Rules are one win only. We may reset this when everyone has won (and when i still haven't  ).
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Xmpel aslate, better late than never... The guy with no name...

DOOP Secretary

EvilLunch: for this:  StuartB - For being a great guy to chat to. Amy20 - nice girl to chat to

Urban Legend
Nibbler Jr- I promised Pcc Fred- I probably promised him too and.... Rage0r haha... not in a million years Gleno- why not?

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by davierocks: Sure. However I don't think that you will be able to truly grasp the trick until you realise that you and in fact no-one and nothing else really exists. Once you have done that time and space will be your plaything. You will be immortal.
Is this one of those "there is no spoon" things? Originally posted by alenacat: DrThunder88 for voting for me last month Does the fact that February only had 29 days this month mean that my win didn't really count? Or was it, like so many of the things I do here, instantly forgotten?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by DrThunder88: Does the fact that February only had 29 days this month mean that my win didn't really count? Or was it, like so many of the things I do here, instantly forgotten? Instantly forgotten. Why do you think I have it written in my siggy? It's there Just to make sure it really happened.