

Melllvar PCCFred Archie2K - as usual. I don't expect to win this month (that's for next month!) but it'd be nice to have some nominations....

DOOP Secretary

I'll go along with having it now:
Impossible - for my Avatar (owed from last month) Red5 - for cracking me - so consistantly - up Archie2K - for numerous contributions to cool threads, and for being a mate

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 02-24-2003 19:10 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2003 19:10 »
Juliet Kryten Hawk totalnerduk
Creator of the Original PEELie Sig No you weren't! That was me! I even had three suggestions for how it should look! 


Clamybot- You gotta love this guy Dog turd- same reason and as per usual I'll do sexual favours and vote for the first person to vote for me

DOOP Secretary

Melllvar - For being a good friend of mine, some great mp3's, and for giving me advide when I need one.
Archie - for being and friend and for being there when I need help on some things.
Margarita - she such a luagh and very great to chat to.


Cum on isn't anyone going to vote for Clampybot or Dog turd? these guys are the future of peel

DOOP Secretary

No and nobody going to vote for you too.


« Reply #13 on: 02-24-2003 19:37 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2003 19:37 »
Originally posted by Juliet: No and nobody going to vote for you too. hahaha in you face Juli, I love you teral just name your sexual favour. My turd vote goes to Teral

DOOP Secretary

ok then so I was wrong.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by iliketowankalot: Originally posted by Juliet: No and nobody going to vote for you too. hahaha in you face Juli, I love you teral just name your sexual favour. My turd vote goes to Teral If I get the Leela toboggan you promised me a couple of weeks ago, I'll even run your campaign. No, no. No need to shake hands on the deal, we're men of honour´, we can trust eachother.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Who won January???


This whole Nurdbot campaign better pay off..
Nurdbot Speli Nix

Urban Legend
Dammit, I told you not to nominate me! Does this make you happy? Don't vote for.. TMC Nix HoJew

« Reply #24 on: 02-24-2003 22:23 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2003 22:23 »
M5438, TMC, HJS (just cause of the Bananas)

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

You voted for people without real names... is this a new trend?

DOOP Secretary

Oh well, I'll vote for Nix, Wanky, and PCC. Send a few more nominations my way people 


Nixorbo Ricky Kryten


[21:24:43] mrbart182: I'm gonna vote for you [21:24:47] mrbart182: do I get anything in return? [21:24:51] MadCapper: oh yey :-D [21:25:02] MadCapper: pride for doing the right thing? [21:25:09] mrbart182: nothing else? [21:26:06] MadCapper: Also you get to take my POTM trophy home for a few days if I win [21:26:15] TheReturnOfMark: to impress the ladies with. [21:26:22] mrbart182: OooO [21:26:24] mrbart182: I like that idea
I nominate: MadCapper Marg Juli


Nu-uh! If everyone who votes for me, also votes for max, then everyone who votes for max, also votes for me!

Space Pope
« Reply #34 on: 02-25-2003 03:41 »
« Last Edit on: 02-25-2003 03:41 »
I'm going to be really bizarreand vote for: Bend-Err BendingUnit1141 and I'd like to vote for Ben aswell so we have a pattern emerging, but since I can't... JustChris for this posting in the Bizarro thread "Nurdbot's mom finds him checking out his hentai, and she says "Look, if you wanted some real porno, just ask and I can buy you some.""  Ninaka: SpacemanSpiff won January. evan, who the fuck is HoJew?

DOOP Secretary

I knew Feruary was a short month, I didn't realise it had been reduced to 24 days though  Anyway my nominations are: Nixorbo iliketowankalot Impossible
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Archie2K:
evan, who the fuck is HoJew? HoJu (correct spelling) is short for Homer Jay Simpson, and Homer Junior. So... he means HJS.

DOOP Secretary

Thx Archie
I nominate: Archie2K Hawk Margarita