
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #2 on: 09-01-2013 08:45 »
« Last Edit on: 09-01-2013 08:46 »
Interestingly, all of my noms for August are in the same vein. Eternium for this POT Y worthy material: Draw a turtle.
Draw porn.

Solid Gold Bender for his brilliant satire of our favorite lovable reviewer: Jezzem for his rapier-witted comback: You don't even like Futurama.
You don't even have a full brain.
What I have left of it clearly works better than your whole brain.
PLUS, not one, but TWO honorable mentions. Doctor T. for his usual insight: If it was in a PM then I'm guessing it's tnuk.
I was thinking him...if it weren't for that last line. Look at it - the three ellipses, followed by a space, followed by a capital A. Something like that would drive him insane.
Does he go into convulsions as well? It could be...Epilipsisy.
And Boasel for his scary "tail" with the heartwarming ending (and squeee-filled kitten pics): I went round to my parents to play with her. She was rather shy at first but then came out of her shell a bit. What I didn't realise (having lived in the house for 2 years) was that there was a hole in the wall behind the family pc. She decided to climb in and fall the other side, in between the two houses I assume. At this point it was like being in a horror movie kind off. You hear of those stories of cats getting stuck between walls and such so I was kind of freaking out. She tried to get out a few times to no avail. She managed to get her paws underneath her head but again couldn't move so I quickly grabbed her head and pulled her out. To probably the biggest relief I've felt. Scared wasn't even the word. But all is good now 
New kitten yayay!

Me and new kitten 


salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Beamer El-Man and I think I recall Nibblonian Leader doing something noteworthy or another this month

DOOP Secretary

Quite a lot of PotM-worthy posters this month, but these three have stuck out the most for me:
Jezzem Monster_Robot_Maniac UnrealLegend


Ehhm, I'll go with MRM, URL and that guy with the pelican avatar, BEAMER
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #10 on: 09-01-2013 17:54 »
« Last Edit on: 09-01-2013 17:56 by totalnerduk »
This month: - coffeeBot said some very special things.
- UnrealLegend said some reasonable things.
- Nibblonian Leader said some more things.
If all three make the poll, I shall need to find a three-sided coin to flip. Honourable mentions: JoshTheater, Gorky, and Eternium.

Urban Legend
I don't know what the hell I said that was special, but you guys are lovely. Eternium for that hilarious gif. Beamer for being fabulous and pretty much taking over PEEL with his greatness. winna for being my ever-faithful spirit animal.

Space Pope
You mean we peli-can't just give it to Beamer this month? 
AHHHH TRFVBFXSFHZTV the supplicant replicant "Peli-can't", OF COURSSSE... I peli-can't believe I didn't think of that.  --- No, but, seriously, though, CreamyBeamy has brought me a good deal of beams of sunshine this week. (not beans)At any rate, I don't think there was ever a previous hippo-POTM-time, in my time here, when it was more glaringly evident, who was most-deserving. there, you can deposit the gold doubloons, Plantagenet silk tapestry and skein of rare Beowulfian mead in my Arcturian bank account, please

DOOP Secretary

Ehh, I thought it was too rooted in absurdism to be considered mean-spirited, but I'll gladly pretend to agree with you if it means getting your vote for PotM... Hey, wait, you've already voted! Shame on you, UnrealLegend. Shame on You. 


I say Beamer, Inquisitor Hein, and Monster Robot Maniac.

DOOP Secretary

Beamer Eternium UnrealLegend

Liquid Emperor
Not Beamer, because fuck that guy.
You're just mad at him because he told everyone that you only have one Testicle in the Test Thread..... .....Funny thing is, we already knew....


I say Cartoonlover27, Beamer, and Hippie toad.

DOOP Secretary

I believe one week from the nomination thread being opened.