
Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 02-06-2012 23:33 »
« Last Edit on: 02-07-2012 01:03 »
I voted for cyber_turnip. He's been drilling out quality posts constantly and even though we don't always agree, he's a valuable member of PEEL. Honourable mentions go to Professor Zoidy and Solid Gold Bender. * UnrealLegend leans forward and hopes that he gets at least one vote. EDIT: Name removed from poll 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 02-06-2012 23:34 »
« Last Edit on: 02-06-2012 23:39 »
Oh god can this be any more harder to choose?! I mean we have so much greats like NibblonianLeader, Professor Zoidy, Solid Gold Bender, Tedward, TheMadCapper and UnrealLegend. And I also voted for the three in bold.  This is so hard!! I'll sleep on it, but at the moment my vote is more leaning towards SGB ( I can't help it I just love that kid he's so cool  ) Edit: Alright I'm voting for SGB. I feel he deserves it.

DOOP Secretary

Some good choices this month. TheMadCapper has my endorsement, though.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Yeah..it is tough. He has proved a valuable asset in quickly putting the hammer down on Ontopic spam.

Bending Unit
I feel obliged to vote for Solid Gold Bender, because he went from this: I would like to propose that Solid Gold Bender be declared inelegible to ever win POTM, on account of being unable to make a post that isn't completely and totally without merit on any objective scale.
To being on this month's poll. Bravo good sir. Bravo indeed.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
* Professor Zoidy jumps for joy at being mentioned by UnrealLegend and Beanoz4. You two are sweethearts you know, for even mentioning me. I've been PEELing since 2005 and that's the first time I've seen myself mentioned at all.  Something actually relevant: I chose cyber_turnip for the same reasons UnrealLegend chose him; I've seen several of his posts and they've been lengthy and thought out, and I always appreciate that kinda thing. Anyone who can post well-thought-out and lengthy posts is certainly a valuable member.

DOOP Secretary

I feel obliged to vote for Solid Gold Bender, because he went from this:
I would like to propose that Solid Gold Bender be declared inelegible to ever win POTM, on account of being unable to make a post that isn't completely and totally without merit on any objective scale.
To being on this month's poll.
Bravo good sir. Bravo indeed.
People having a different opinion of you from TNUK is an achievement now? Duly noted.

DOOP Secretary

My vote went to someone other than me. For most of us, PEEL is a choice. For my candidate, PEEL is a priority.
Vote for (whoever I voted for but didn't name)!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Good choices, but I went with Solid Gold Bender though...

DOOP Secretary

cyber_turnip gets it, posted so many replies of his in the Nom-Worthy Posts thread...

DOOP Secretary

I voted for: I'm chalking that one up as a vote for me. I'm pulling ahead, bitches! Hanging chads, don't fail me now!


I voted for SGB because of his quality posts and his good friendship. 

DOOP Secretary

Bendersfan is the only PEELer who is brutally honest yet doesn't make me hate them.


What is this nonsense? I demand a recount!

DOOP Secretary

Right on, Teddy Boy! I pity the PEELers left in your dust slime.

DOOP Secretary

Wow I can't believe I came in 2nd place!
Actually you tied with turnip...

DOOP Secretary

@tnuk: The apes had their chance!* Now it's our turn!**
* Not true.
** Not actually possible to determine.