
commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Dr T got my vote this month.
winna - so if you voted for yourself (which seems like what's happened already) does that make you gay for yourself? Or some variation thereof?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

I saw a guy today in the bank that had a set of boobs almost as nice as mine. He was also smuggling peanuts.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

What the... WHO MOVED THE VOTES...
Why is my... where the... how.. Fuck you guys!
*clutches her wine and grunts*

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, the sexual tension is killing me.
I vote for Ninaka this month!

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

But ..
The poll is LYING!

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
Okay, lets do this. [Cracks knuckles, rolls up sleeves] So who do we have?
- H_the_Small - No, aready won.
- BathdayTantrum - No, aready won.
- o.Bionca.o - Feh... pass.
- LightningMcQueen95 - No, aready won, twice!
- Pants - Who?
- Cha's tity - No, aready won.
- Crisco 3:16 - Definately maybe.
- 73miles - Hmmm... possible.
- Dinner - No, aready won.
- Shepherdofsuck - Why not?
All righty, that narrows it down to three contenders. [Covers eyes] Eenie, Meenie, Mhynie, ...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
What the... WHO MOVED THE VOTES...
Why is my... where the... how.. Fuck you guys!
*clutches her wine and grunts*


commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

You bastard!

DOOP Secretary

I'm voting for km. She likes my writing which is a scary first.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Why did you change my vote from Dr T to give to Chay? I mean, if I wanted to vote for Chay I would. But I didn't.
This is exactly why I didn't take part in the PEELies this year.
It's srs bizniss.

DOOP Secretary

I voted for Rach...

DOOP Secretary

Vote for Chay! Or km! Or whoever!