PCC Fred
Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 04-25-2004 22:45 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2004 22:45 »
I believe that Slimmy was the original PEEL administrator, and he promoted mArc later. VF, Nix, Kryten, Paul FSAC, Drippy and Jon were all mods when I joined.
After the PEEL crash of October 2002, Nix, Kryten and VF all got bumped up to Ubermod, while Tweek was promoted to Moderator, partly because of the crash and partly so there'd be someone online during times when the American mods aren't usually about.
I also recall VF stepping down as Moderator at some point last year, only for her mod powers to be restored a couple of months later.
DOOP Secretary
After the crash there was talk about need for a moderator on this side of the Atlantic who was on line a reasonable amount, some people suggested me and mArc said if I wanted the job I could have it, I said yes As I recall Drippy was made a moderator shortly after I joined, and Nix shortly before.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by PCC Fred: I believe that Slimmy was the original PEEL administrator, Yes, and no. Slot-C was the creator of PEEL, way back when it was part of The Futurama Elite. Sometime around May 2000 PEEL became a co-ownership of CGEF and Futurama Elite, that's when Slimmy became administrator. The rest of your story check out. At least according to what I've gathered over the years.
David A
Space Pope
Originally posted by DrJohnZ: So what happened to most of the Mods? I rarely see them post as much as the used to (looking back to like 2000) They would post all the time, now you rarely hear from some of them, like [-mArc-] ? Marc and Slimmy never posted very often to begin with. It just seems like they posted more in the old days because back then there were fewer posters in general. Rest assured though, even when you don't see them, Marc and Slimmy are working to keep PEEL running smoothly. VF, Nix, and Tweek still post regularly. So does Kryten, to a lesser extent. He probably just has a life, or something. Jon is only a moderator in the toy forum, so he doesn't really count anyway. Paul prides himself on being the moderator with the lowest post count. And as for Travis, I don't think he ever really existed.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by SixByNine: Legend has it that before the apocalypse the nine Moderators of the Forum will once again ride forth to once and for all eliminate the last spam, but in doing so cause the end of the world... Is that a combination of Revelation, Lord of the Rings, and Wheel of Time?
DOOP Secretary
Geez, welcome to last month, Slimmy.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Bunk! Bunk, I say! Drippy is a myth.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by kiffan: call me an idiot (I'm sure you have already) but what is the diference between mods, ubermods and admins? not that it realy maters I supose. What are admins?What are moderators?The only difference between mods and ubermods are ubermods can ban members temporary (1 week). P.S. how do you remember EVERYONES name? I seem to be the only one who doesn't know everyone pesonaly.
Longevity. Once you've been here for some time you'll start remembering a few names, stay a little longer, more names, etc.