
The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #211 on: 12-05-2004 17:39 »
« Last Edit on: 12-05-2004 17:39 »
Meh... I think I'll join the crowd. Oh fellow avatar makers, see what you can do with poor little Fry, give him something for X-mas. Here is the scan I used to make the original . (attention: 1396x1836 pixels but only 256 Colors) I'll later see if I take your version, or if I make one myself. 


Just a little question: Uploading to custom puts the pictures in my personal pool, right?

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #229 on: 12-07-2004 18:36 »
« Last Edit on: 12-07-2004 18:36 »
aww... that looks so nice mint Sadly it loses some quality when I resize it.  But I leave it as a scanned picture and take it as an early birthday present.   Oh, about your avatar: The normal procedure is that you post it in the avatar thread in the offtopic board (right now it is Ohh, I have poision Avy ) with Upload to custom underneath. Then I'll pick it up and add it to a zip-file which will get uploaded by SlimmyCGEF, the admin of Peel. This can take few weeks... However you don't need to post there now, because I'll pick your request from here. But still you got to wait for it. 
Guineapig Trick


Please, possibly? Would you like your current one christmas-fied, or just another, new, different Amy avy?
Preety In Pink


Originally posted by Guineapig Trick: Please, possibly? Would you like your current one christmas-fied, or just another, new, different Amy avy? ohh! may i pretty PLEASE have my current one christmas-fied?? AH that would be great! yay