
Delivery Boy
Aaalriiight! Time to start preparing... We've managed to get hold on 2 klezmer cd's -great party music!- to the robot and chair-dancing  With food, we'll probably take the easy lugnut-solution by ordering pizzas, and carving out the middle part so it resembles a lugnut... (The ceremonial lugnut-eating will take place in front of the TV, where we'll whitness the Robanukah evangel...) The drinking will be easy -lots of beer!- unfortunately, I have to give a presentation at 8am the morning after...  ...don't they know it's the day after Robanukah?!
Al Gore


Hello everybody! Were mother fucking celebrating Robanukah right now. Beer (hopefully a fight with cruched beer bottles soon), Klezmer, Robot dance etc. Hope you enjoy Robanukah. We in Sweden sure do. http://groups.msn.com/BobcatZ/robanukah.msnw
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Oh. My. God.
That is fucking great dude. I cant believe someone finally did it. Now i have to have a Robanuka Party too.


I put two pictures up as well.
HAPPY LOVE DAY everyone!
I mean Robanukah...
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

That should definitely should become a tradition over here in the states.
Who's with me?!

Delivery Boy
Today's the day... ...HAPPY ROBANUKAH!!! Time to party  !


I will be celebrating Robonza on March 28th. I declare that Robonza will always be celebrated on the 28th of March.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Speaking of holidays, anyone know when it's 'Growth-Scraping Day'?
Set a date and celebrate. I suggest using the original US airdate of the episode in which it occurred. I will be celebrating Robonza on March 28th. I declare that Robonza will always be celebrated on the 28th of March.
If Robannukah starts on April 20th, (obviously ending on May 4th) and the week before marks the commencement of Robamadan, (that would be April 13th to May 13th then) then Robanza should be celebrated the week before that. So we've got April 6th as the date on which Robanza should fall. March 28th is 9 days early. what about robanakuh was that not in april sometime. whens freedom day?
I'd guess it replaced the Fourth of July. So... let's recap. Robanza would be a black Xmas themed robot drinking party on the 6th April. Robamadan would be a month of great holy significance to the robot community which begins on April 13th... and the Jewish-themed robot-themed Robannukah party on 20th April brings us almost to the end of the "Party Month" of April. If you want to keep the spirit of these holidays, just drink constantly throughout April. It's the way that Bender would do it.