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Author Topic: What did Fox do wrong?  (Read 1111 times)
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Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« on: 02-27-2004 02:24 »

I think the topic say's it all, but i'll say it here to hoping it's not been asked before.

What did Fox do wrong? I see alot of people saying that the reason Futurama got cancled is because Fox screwed up. How?

And also: Have you noticed that every post i've ever made (total: 2!!!) has been closed? Wow the mods must really hate me, not unlike the Anime Republic forum.

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 02-27-2004 03:28 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2004 03:28 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
I think the topic say's it all, but i'll say it here to hoping it's not been asked before.

What did Fox do wrong? I see alot of people saying that the reason Futurama got cancled is because Fox screwed up. How?

And also: Have you noticed that every post i've ever made (total: 2!!!) has been closed? Wow the mods must really hate me, not unlike the Anime Republic forum.

One thread was closed because you asked a question and it was answered, the other because it didn't have anything to do with Futurama. At least, that's what I would guess, I'm not the mod who closed them. Or a mod at all.  Speaking of which, I would expect that this thread will be closed, as it is a well-discussed topic.
This thread is one on the first page that will have the exact same kinds of posts that this one will get.
Edit: I win!

Edit2: Also, I'm assuming you have read the PEEL FAQ at some point, right? Of course, you have.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 02-27-2004 03:29 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2004 03:29 »

EDIT: Answered one second too late, and what I said had already been said.   :cry:

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 02-27-2004 04:12 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
Anime Republic forum
You post there? Man, I hate you too.  :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 02-27-2004 07:19 »

From wat i can gather Fox never gave the show much attention and kept changing the time slot, so fans never knew when it was on. I live in the uk however Channel 4 are doin the same now, the first few episodes were on around 7pm on a thursday. but now there on at 2am saturdays. GGRRRRRRR
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #5 on: 02-27-2004 08:09 »

Then i apologize if i haven't been the best of posters, it just so happens i'm pretty new at this forum game.

« Reply #6 on: 02-27-2004 08:35 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
Then i apologize if i haven't been the best of posters, it just so happens i'm pretty new at this forum game.

Yeah, I hear you man, I had that trouble when I discovered these phpbb forums, I just can't keep away though, there to addictive!
But after posting on a few forums which weren't as well looked after (or strict - depending on how you view 'em) as this one, it took awhile to get used to!
Just take it with a pinch of salt init!  :)

On topic though, FOX SUX COX!!  :finger:
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #7 on: 02-27-2004 08:43 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2004 08:43 »

Originally posted by nerdlingus:
On topic though, FOX SUX COX!!    :finger:

I think we've all thought that line at some time, i know i have. Fox - Sux - Cox... gawd, we must be the biggest bunch of goobers online.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #8 on: 02-27-2004 09:06 »

What Fox got wrong, as is outlined in one of the DVD commentaries (I think it's "Bender Should Not Be Allowed On Television" ), is that they did nothing to promote the show.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #9 on: 02-27-2004 09:39 »

I would also imagine a changing timeslot really doesn't help a show.  I know it didn't do anything for Family Guy.  Futurama is no doubt not any different.  I know I was never able to watch Futurama at 7 on Sundays.  I'm doing **** that early.  Seriously.

Though lack of promotion is definately another part.  But you can't ignore public opinion either... So it isn't entirely Fox's fault, but I do wish they hadn't canned the show as well...  :(
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 02-27-2004 12:51 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
Then i apologize if i haven't been the best of posters, it just so happens i'm pretty new at this forum game.

Okay.  Rule One is stop opening threads for the sake of opening threads.

Rule Two is no-one talks about Fight Club.
« Reply #11 on: 02-27-2004 13:13 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2004 13:13 »

Originally posted by Roddney:
From wat i can gather Fox never gave the show much attention and kept changing the time slot, so fans never knew when it was on. I live in the uk however Channel 4 are doin the same now, the first few episodes were on around 7pm on a thursday. but now there on at 2am saturdays. GGRRRRRRR

Yeah but if you had Sky one you'd have seen them already. in fact because Fox never wanted to show it and Sky did, they were like only a few weeks behind. Plus we have them out on DVD unlike in the U.S.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 02-27-2004 13:27 »

User_Names_suck speaks the truth.  "The Devil's Hands..." aired on Sky only a week after airing on FOX.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 02-27-2004 14:11 »

What did Fox do wrong?


Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 02-27-2004 14:45 »

Originally posted by User_names_suck:
Originally posted by Roddney:
From wat i can gather Fox never gave the show much attention and kept changing the time slot, so fans never knew when it was on. I live in the uk however Channel 4 are doin the same now, the first few episodes were on around 7pm on a thursday. but now there on at 2am saturdays. GGRRRRRRR

Yeah but if you had Sky one you'd have seen them already. in fact because Fox never wanted to show it and Sky did, they were like only a few weeks behind. Plus we have them out on DVD unlike in the U.S.

True but i cant afford sky plus i have got all 4 series on dvd.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #15 on: 02-27-2004 15:28 »

What did FOX do wrong?
[Comic Book Guy]Oh, I don't know, try EVERYTHING![/CBG]

Starship Captain
« Reply #16 on: 02-27-2004 15:57 »

From Futurama Comics #2-20 Questions for David X. Cohen:

5.  If you were the President of FOX, the one thing you'd allow Futurama to do more of is...?
Cohen-Be seen!  We would eat our shorts to be on in a timeslot better than our current one, Sunday at 7PM (or worse, 6PM in some parts of the country).

That sums it up pretty well.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #17 on: 02-27-2004 17:57 »

Originally posted by Roddney:
 True but i cant afford sky plus i have got all 4 series on dvd.

If you have the entire series on DVD, what does it matter when C4 air it?
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #18 on: 02-27-2004 19:06 »


* debug output: problem{Not concrete answer}


Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 02-27-2004 19:21 »

Originally posted by PCC Fred:
 If you have the entire series on DVD, what does it matter when C4 air it?

The more people who watch it the more fox will pay attention to it!!????
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #20 on: 02-27-2004 19:25 »

Yeah, I would like it if some people I know could get into Futurama. However, since they don't wanna fork out for the DVDs for a show they haven't really seen, TV would be the best option. However, since Channel 4 puts it on at an ungodly hour, they're not gonna see it.

 On a global level, one more viewer won't make much difference, but on a personal note it's stopping me from sharing with others a show I love.

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 02-27-2004 19:32 »

On a global level, one more viewer won't make much difference, but on a personal note it's stopping me from sharing with others a show I love.

here here, i agree. ive just got back from the pub. just a tad merry, and its unlikley im gonna be awake for the next hour an half before the show starts on C4. which is a pain the the ass. Despite having the episode on DVD i still want to watch it on tV so that i can say ive put towards viewing numbers
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #22 on: 02-27-2004 19:38 »

Originally posted by Roddney:
 The more people who watch it the more fox will pay attention to it!!????

One more time: the UK ratings for American shows have little or no bearing on whether or not the American network decides to produce more episodes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #23 on: 02-27-2004 19:45 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2004 19:45 »

?? C4 has to pay to buy the episodes off of fox, more money in there pocket, surely that would have some bearing??
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #24 on: 02-27-2004 20:04 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2004 20:04 »

I suppose you're right to some extent.  If Futurama did badly enough that C4 decided not to buy McSeason 5, FOX would lose out.

However I imagine that the amount of money that FOX makes from international sales is largely insignificant when compared to the money they recieve from the syndication market, or the money they got from commercial sponsors when they aired the show in the first place.

Bending Unit
« Reply #25 on: 02-27-2004 20:08 »


However I imagine that the amount of money that FOX makes from international sales is largely insignificant when compared to the money they recieve from the syndication market, or the money they got from commercial sponsors when they aired the show in the first place.

True True. cant think of a come back on that for the moment.

Bending Unit
« Reply #26 on: 02-27-2004 21:07 »

However, ive just switched on C4 to watch futurama, as its shown in my newspaper (2am) and the end credits were on. GGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Starship Captain
« Reply #27 on: 02-28-2004 16:04 »

yo, dont go defending fox, that angers me. also your threads will be closed if already been threaded into the web, or if its going nowhere

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 02-28-2004 17:29 »

no one here is trying to defend fox, if i lived in america id have driven to there HQ and chained myself to the railings (wat good it would actually do i dont know, but at least ive had got my feelings across to them).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #29 on: 02-28-2004 18:22 »

Originally posted by Ranadok:
This thread is one on the first page that will have the exact same kinds of posts that this one will get.

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