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Author Topic: 2 part episode  (Read 1594 times)
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Starship Captain
« on: 09-02-2001 16:38 »

what i'd like to see, if fox is just planning to put a regular episode on as the season finale instead of something like AOI3 or whatever, is a 2 part episode with a mystery.  like who shot mr burns, or cartman's mom is a dirty slut (the mystery that was left to be pondered over the summer was who was cartman's real father). 

they do this a lot with live action tv shows, and i'd like to see it done with futurama.  i'm sure ppl are gonna have reasons why they think there shouldn't be a 2-parter like i'm suggesting, but i think it would be great publicity for futurama.  kinda like the whole "where's dewie" thing for malcom in the middle.  i think there was even a couple contests with that publicity thing. 

i don't know what the writers would do plot-wise.  i have this funky idea where they show the PART 2 episode FIRST.  and the next episode, the first 20 minutes shows how the characters got where they were, and the last 10 minutes shows how everything goes back to normal (remember the rule about all tv show episodes fry tells about in "when aliens attack"?)  each character could have found some new happy life with some scerario like:

zoidberg:  he becomes a millionaire with some new money making scheme.
fry & leela: some fry/leela-romance thingy.
hermes:  he becomes beurocrat #2, beurocrat #1's ass-kissing assistant.
bender:  becomes mayor of los vegas

ok now my ideas are getting stupid, but i was thinking something along those lines.  it would take some pretty clever writing to intricitly intertwine all of those sub plots together into part 2's half an hour.  unless they made it a 3-part series, but i've never seen that done.

what are your ideas on this?

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 09-02-2001 16:53 »

Leela: She really discovers another of her kind.
Fry: Wants to go back to 21st century (heck, why should he?)
Bender: Starts to rust.

But it would be much cooler if it was a mystery to all the main characters...e.g. like the detective story in Anthology of Interest, I. Some crime or strange happening, and all try to discover the truth. Okay, might sound like the Who shot Mr. Burns? Episode.

The idea of showing the 2nd episode first is interesting, but then you'd have to look that there are no logical dead-ends like people gone - suddenly back or such.

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 09-02-2001 17:17 »

you're right about that.  i was just throwing it out in the idea pool cause i'd never seen it done before.  i was thinking about a crime like who shot mr burns, or nibbler/bender/fry/professor being missing/kidnapped.  i know it isn't too original, but i don't really care, as long as it's good.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 09-03-2001 05:43 »
« Last Edit on: 09-04-2001 00:00 by edeltraut »

I think 2 headers don't work for shows which don't have a huge fan base and face it, Futurama is still a small show, sadly. FOX is scared that the casual public will drop out if they don't get it. That is, if it's too dependent on the first bit.

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 09-03-2001 10:54 »

cooool - maybe a who shot cubert!!!!

yeah kill the little b@st@rd!!  :evillaugh:

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 09-04-2001 08:13 »
« Last Edit on: 09-04-2001 08:13 »

It will be great if they made that. WOW, a whole hour of Futurama!!!!  :rolleyes:

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 09-04-2001 16:06 »

Originally posted by flexo:
cooool - maybe a who shot cubert!!!!

yeah kill the little b@st@rd!!   :evillaugh:

you read my mind flexo   :evillaugh:
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