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Author Topic: DVD inter-frame flicker  (Read 812 times)
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« on: 12-06-2003 07:58 »

I have recently watched seasons 1 & 2 (European version) and I have been annoyed by this effect: Whenever the action moves fast in 2D (scrolling background for instance) the picture mushes up consecutive frames of animation, so that signs are unreadable and little details go missing.

When I pause, the effect occurs at all times: frames of animation are displayed simultaneously, so when Fry talks, he has two mouths forming the syllables.

However, the 3D animation shots are smooth.

What causes this effect?

(I'm using Windows XP and PowerDVD, both patched to the latest versions. I even flashed my motherboard BIOS)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 12-06-2003 08:12 »

It's because the 3D animation is done at a much quicker framerate, allowing it to be faster. 2D animation is done at half the speed of an average DVD, hence why shots in 2D animation last 2 frames long, and the 3D ones go frame-by frame. That blurriness of animation in 2D freezeframes is only natural, as if it wasn't like that - the animation would look very clunky at normal speed.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 12-06-2003 09:49 »

This belongs in the Stockroom.

Also, you might want to pick a different avatar before TMC sees you, Marco.

« Reply #3 on: 12-06-2003 10:13 »

Thanks for your reply -- so basically there's nothing I can do about the effect... also, I mistakenly posted this message again; I was confused with the "assign-automatic-password-but-not-tell-you-what-it-is-procedure"
of this BB, plus I'm stupid.

What I meant to say is "Sorry about the repost".

Tell TMC I'll do something about that avatar soon... like, now.
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