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Author Topic: Accessing commentary on DVD  (Read 1360 times)
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« on: 12-05-2003 22:14 »

I feel very stupid asking this question, but how DO you access commentary on DVD's? The main menu is just the list of episodes, and within each episode the choices are:

Play episode
Scene selection
Special features

The "special features" are deleted scenes, storyboards, and (on some DVD's) featurettes. Yet each cover claims "commentary" for every episode. Where are they?
Action Jacktion

« Reply #1 on: 12-05-2003 22:16 »

I think it's under "language."

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 12-05-2003 22:17 »
« Last Edit on: 12-05-2003 22:17 »

There are at least three known ways to access the commentaries:

  • Press the "Audio" button on your DVD remote. This will cycle through the audio tracks (the commentary is usually English 2, and in the case of the extra commentary, English 3).
  • If you're using a PC DVD player, you can select the audio track manually. In PowerDVD, right click on the DVD screen, move to the Audio menu, and check English 2/English 3.
  • Finally, the "correct" way to do it (i.e. the way programmed into the discs) is to go to the language options menu for the episode in question and click on "Audio Commentary". This will enable the commentary but can be quite difficult to tell whether it's enabled or not.

Hope this helps, and welcome to PEEL.   :)
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