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Author Topic: The Animatrix - well and truly ashamed  (Read 1006 times)
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« on: 12-05-2003 17:35 »

Okay, so I dunno about the rest of y'all, but my I consider myself something of an expert on voice actors, particularly those featuring in the Simpsons and Futurama, mostly because I have far too much time on my hands.

For example, I have been known to sit up sharply and yell loudly "that's Tress MacNeille!!" at the TV while some people are still trying to nurse their hangovers.

But the other night, I watch the Animatrix for the first time, and discover to my horror that not one, not two but five Futurama voice actors feature prominently in the shows. 
Needless to say I rewound the DVD and had another listen.  I was mortified, particularly as I had just watched two episodes featuring John DiMaggio without a flicker of recognition. 

And it's not like his voice isn't recognisible!

Tress MacNeille, John DiMaggio, Phil LaMarr, Kath Soucie and Tom Kenny are the actors I noted in the credits at the end.

So there ya go - that's what happens when my ass gets too big for my pants!   :evillaugh:
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 12-05-2003 17:39 »

Most people tend to either lose some weight or buy new pants.

And I believe whatshisname posted a similar topic thread in "It's Got A TV" which was shortly closed.  :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 12-05-2003 17:40 »

John Dimaggio is Dr Drakken in Kim Possible and i had no clue until i saw the credits. When i went and listened again it seemed fairly obvious.
Action Jacktion

« Reply #3 on: 12-05-2003 17:58 »

You missed James Arnold Taylor.  And yeah, there was another topic like this that was closed.
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