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Author Topic: I think Zapp tricked Leela!  (Read 4378 times)
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Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 10-25-2003 14:10 »

Besides Leela is a human. Granted she's a mutant but she is "the least mutated mutant" on record. I'm pretty sure her gestation period is 9 months (give or take a couple of weeks).

As for a cryo womb: the only meningful reason for such a "feature" would be to allow the body to put the fetus "on hold" if the external conditions changed (drought, food-shortage, etc), and would be completely autonomous. Leela live in NNY with abundant food, water and so on. Even if she had such a cryo-womb (which I highly doubt) the body would never make use of it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 10-26-2003 12:47 »

Originally posted by Britz:
[insults deleted, user banned]

Anybody else REALLY REALLY wondering what that was?

And maybe Leela can't even get pregant through sex.  It sounds stupid, but even though she's human-looking, she IS a mutant.  Kif's reproductive act was just getting touched while in love.

Lionel Hutz Esq

Bending Unit
« Reply #42 on: 10-26-2003 21:22 »
« Last Edit on: 10-26-2003 21:22 »

Originally posted by Teral:
I wouldn't say Leela has bad taste in men as such. When she first met them they all seemed freidnly, nice and charming.

I understand your desire to defend her, but let's be truthful here.

Zapp: the hero of DOOP, 25-star general, etc. I guess he's goodlooking (how would I know), etc. His reputation make him sound like a true defender of what's right.

Had arrested her, was condensending to her, treated her badly, and, as she was ready to storm out, got her in bed by pitty.

Adlai: Her childhood love, tall, handsome, succesfull doctor, defends her agaisnt the other orphans, fulfill her lifelong dream of being normal

You couldn't tell Adlai was trouble?  He was boring, non-accepting, and non-trusting.  He didn't care about Leela, didn't listen to her, and as far as I can tell, the only reason Leela liked him was that he was cute (and a doctor).

Alkazar: charming, athletic, sensitive, and above all the last surviving male of her speices (or so Leela think)

All right, I'll give you half of this.  Alkazar was fine until he got her in bed (95% of men), but turned to crap as soon as Leela and Him hooked up (50% of men).  Perhaps she should have got to know him?  But, I grant you, being under the belief that you were the last of your race, it is understandable.  However, given her other relationships, it doesn't seem unusual.

Sean: Leela don't really see that he has been playing her all along, until Fry say so in WMIBACIL. And he apparently have a "beautiful, creative soul" she fell for.

It is hard to judge this one, because we only know it from comments (has there ever been a determination of when they went out?  It always sounded like college to me).  But, based on what we have seen of her other relationships and what we have heard, I don't think it was a great one.

Chaz: loyal, dedicated, ambitious, snappy dresser, all thinks Leela admire.

Overly full of himself, and Leela is old enough and experience enough to not be impressed by a mayor's aid.  I think you hit on it with the ambitious and snappy dresser.  Leela goes with Style first, and then gets surprised when she finds no substance.

And as Venus said, she dumped them all as soon as their real nature showed.
No, she usually got herself in too deep and only seperated when how bad the men were was blatently obvious.

However, that is why Leela and Fry have a chance.  She has given their relationship time to grow and to be based on something.  Fry has grown in his pursuit of her (cf. Parasites Lost, The Devil's Hands) as has she (The Why of Fry, The Sting).    If anything, its the best relationship they have ever had, possibly ever will, given their track records.

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 10-26-2003 21:37 »
« Last Edit on: 10-26-2003 21:37 »

She didn't like Adlai cause he was a cute doctor, she liked him cause he treated her like she was normal. i've seldem seen her so thrilled.

And i don't think her attraction to Chaz was based on style i think it was cause she assumed he was stable. I would rather have a cheif executive than a mcdonalds fry guy cause the first guy is less likely to become a mooch. And since she has had to work for everything she has she appreciates ambition which someone who worked their way up to mayors aid would have to have.

and i don't think she just gets to deep and then leaves when it becomes glaringly obvious. well..actually, kind of. You know that 'honeymoon' period people tend to go through when they first hook up with someone where they are completely blind to faults everyone else sees as obvious? i think it's that. Which i guess is pretty much the same as what you said...
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