Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Reading through different peoples thoughts regarding Futurama episodes I've realised that Teral has almost exactly the same opinions as me. I've read many of Teral's reviews in other threads and our opinions are frighteningly similar. For example I loved "AOI 1" and was dissapointed with "AOI 2". I still though "AOI 2" was great but not what I hoped it would be, and just like Teral I thought the "wizzin" part was best.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Reading your review in the AOI II-thread, I had the exact same feeling, Otis. Our oppinions was frightingly similar. Spooky, eh? (Que, Twilight Zone-theme) Originally posted by BrainSluggo: Singing: If everybody had a Leela across the D-O-O-P Then everybody'd toboggan From sea to oily sea!
Way down to Atlanta Up to the Stone Ass of Mars Everyone ride Leela! It's much more fun than cars
--The Beachie Boys' "Leela" from Best of the Heads of the Beachie Boys (2999), available from Amazonia.com
Dude, that sounds like the coolest song ever. Beachie Boys rules. Once they do make Leela-toboggans, I'll see you all on the slopes. I want a Leela-toboggan, damnit!!
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by wiggles: Personally I didn't think that 'The Honking' was that bad. I suppose as a season opener it was a bit weak, but compared to 'All Roswell That Ends Well' it was a freaking Emmy winner. They should have started S4 with AOI-2. What! you though "The Honking" was better than "Roswell That Ends Well"? I like "The Honking" but it's not one of the best or anything. As for "Roswell That Ends Well" I think it's one of the very best Futurama episodes ever. I don't understand why so many people are bad mouthing it.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Gilgamesh: Wiggles goes down in history as the only person on the planet who didn't like Roswell Don't forget Mike!


"The honking" was a brilliant episode, but it was nothing compared to "Roswell that ends well"
I think "The cryonic woman" was the worst episode, i just saw it for the first time today.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I agree that "Mothers Day" is one of the lowlights of Season 2.
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
1) A tale of two santas (the worst I ever seen; it isn't matter of Santa or Xmas atmosphere, I liked "Xmas story", but I found this second Xmas story too stupid, except for Zoidberg cameo as "Jesus"  that was the only real funny scene of the entire episode) 2) A Pharaoh to remember (though the Stargate parody, the plot sucks) 3) The honking (enjoyable, but mixing horror and sci-fi parody doens't -always- work) speaking of whole seasons, I think my favourite is the first one, then comes the second. Season three and four are average (with exception of some very excellent episodes of course).

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

The worst eps for me are: How Hermes requisitioned his groove back and A pharaoh to remember

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Worst episode is "The Cryonic Woman" (or was it cryohenic? I don't care), no competition. The joy-ride was good, the rest just meh. And Michelle? Urrggh! Let's never see her again okay, I'd rather have some Cubert-centered episodes.

DOOP Secretary

Worst episode?
Leela's Homeworld. Should never have revealed where Leela came from.
"again with the orphanarium....."


I have to aggree. It was more interesting when we thought Leela was an alien and could have led to much more varied story lines.

DOOP Secretary

I agree, any episode with the Robot Mafia really does it for me - it had a few dull moments (mainly involving Angeline), but the side gags are hilarious. Poor Zoidy!
"kicksin my back and slushing my fund"