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Author Topic: Worst episode??  (Read 29437 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #120 on: 03-30-2002 04:34 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2002 00:00 »

Originally posted by Teral:
  I want a Leela toboggan, damnit!!

If everybody had a Leela
across the D-O-O-P
Then everybody'd toboggan
From sea to oily sea!

Way down to Atlanta
Up to the Stone Ass of Mars
Everyone ride Leela!
It's much more fun than cars

--The Beachie Boys' "Leela" from Best of the Heads of the Beachie Boys (2999), available from Amazonia.com

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #121 on: 03-31-2002 17:13 »

Reading through different peoples thoughts regarding Futurama episodes I've realised that Teral has almost exactly the same opinions as me. I've read many of Teral's reviews in other threads and our opinions are frighteningly similar. For example I loved "AOI 1" and was dissapointed with "AOI 2". I still though "AOI 2" was great but not what I hoped it would be, and just like Teral I thought the "wizzin" part was best.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #122 on: 03-31-2002 17:35 »

Reading your review in the AOI II-thread, I had the exact same feeling, Otis. Our oppinions was frightingly similar. Spooky, eh? (Que, Twilight Zone-theme)  :)

Originally posted by BrainSluggo:
If everybody had a Leela
across the D-O-O-P
Then everybody'd toboggan
From sea to oily sea!

Way down to Atlanta
Up to the Stone Ass of Mars
Everyone ride Leela!
It's much more fun than cars

--The Beachie Boys' "Leela" from Best of the Heads of the Beachie Boys (2999), available from Amazonia.com

Dude, that sounds like the coolest song ever. Beachie Boys rules.

Once they do make Leela-toboggans, I'll see you all on the slopes. 

I want a Leela-toboggan, damnit!!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #123 on: 03-31-2002 20:41 »

Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #124 on: 04-01-2002 00:04 »

I thought I already posted my opinion here before! Ah well...

That's Lobstertainment
Bendless Love
The Cryogenic Woman
The Cyber-house Rules
Oni Zyxer

Bending Unit
« Reply #125 on: 04-02-2002 06:38 »

the honking was crappy crap crap, but just because it was so obscure. if you do a horror movie spoof, do it right. the modem thing was pathetic, and bender's teraforming was ridiculous. the psychic nearlly made it, but not quite. the one good bit i can remember in that ep, the son and daughter bit. is that a lot?. hmm. also, how it was a spoof of the simpsons ep. still, worst ep ever.

Bending Unit
« Reply #126 on: 04-03-2002 14:51 »

Personally I didn't think that 'The Honking' was that bad. I suppose as a season opener it was a bit weak, but compared to 'All Roswell That Ends Well' it was a freaking Emmy winner. They should have started S4 with AOI-2.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #127 on: 04-03-2002 15:18 »

Originally posted by wiggles:
Personally I didn't think that 'The Honking' was that bad. I suppose as a season opener it was a bit weak, but compared to 'All Roswell That Ends Well' it was a freaking Emmy winner. They should have started S4 with AOI-2.

What! you though "The Honking" was better than "Roswell That Ends Well"? I like "The Honking" but it's not one of the best or anything. As for "Roswell That Ends Well" I think it's one of the very best Futurama episodes ever. I don't understand why so many people are bad mouthing it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #128 on: 04-03-2002 15:20 »

Wiggles goes down in history as the only person on the planet who didn't like Roswell
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #129 on: 04-03-2002 15:29 »

Originally posted by Gilgamesh:
Wiggles goes down in history as the only person on the planet who didn't like Roswell

Don't forget Mike!


« Reply #130 on: 04-03-2002 15:34 »

"The honking" was a brilliant episode, but it was nothing compared to "Roswell that ends well"

I think "The cryonic woman" was the worst episode, i just saw it for the first time today.

Bending Unit
« Reply #131 on: 04-03-2002 15:36 »

People who didn't like "Roswell That Ends Well" please enter this room. We swear it's not a slaughterhouse.

Space Pope
« Reply #132 on: 04-03-2002 17:03 »

I havent seen most of the episodes you talk about, but the Roswell one was rather tiring with Fry constantly going round trying to stop his grandfather from being killed. Fishfull of Dollars was fairly poor too, probably worst from Season 1.

The one where they get trapped underwater has probably the funniest animated sketch Ive ever seen, where Leela keeps catching the boot and the fish stick to Farnsworth's face. heh heh heh

Bending Unit
« Reply #133 on: 04-03-2002 17:23 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
 Don't forget Mike!

Yeah, and I think The Honking is great, too.. Hey, me and Wiggles have got a lot in common.


Bending Unit
« Reply #134 on: 04-03-2002 18:31 »

The only episode I dont really like is "Bending in the wind"

Bending Unit
« Reply #135 on: 04-03-2002 19:24 »

I must be seeing different episodes from everyone else, Roswell was a work of genius and Bird-bot was the funniest thing I've seen on tv in a loooooong time. Lobstertainment has to be the low point of Futurama, five minutes into it I just wanted it to end. If I get short of hard disk space, Lobstertainment is the first one to go.

Bending Unit
« Reply #136 on: 04-03-2002 19:26 »

Originally posted by Otis P Jivefunk:
 Don't forget Mike!

okay, Wiggles goes down in history as the first person I noticed who didn't like Roswell
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #137 on: 04-04-2002 01:30 »

OK, it seems that the newbies are infected with  the "Roswell hater" bug.

But "The Honking" was a decent episode.

« Reply #138 on: 04-04-2002 05:47 »

i think the worst episode is 'mother's day'

Bending Unit
« Reply #139 on: 04-04-2002 06:09 »

i agree with that mr.220.voltage

« Reply #140 on: 04-04-2002 07:48 »

damn right!
 ;) :D
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #141 on: 04-04-2002 13:59 »

I agree that "Mothers Day" is one of the lowlights of Season 2.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #142 on: 04-04-2002 16:08 »

I remember Mother's Day being good, yet for some reason it is easily my least-watched episode. I think I've only seen it twice.

Honking was decent, I'm surprised anyone would put it on their worst episode list, or even their best episode list.

Recently rewatching Godfellas, I think that may be one of the worst episodes ever. At first I semi-appreciated it for its cool and creative story, but the lack of jokes makes it seriously painful to watch.

Bending Unit
« Reply #143 on: 06-20-2002 14:07 »

Now that "the best episode" thread is alive again, I thought it was only proper for this tread to come back

Worst episode: Cryonic Woman
Runner up: 30% Iron Chef

Space Pope
« Reply #144 on: 06-20-2002 14:17 »

I finally get to see "A Pharaoh to Remember" this Sunday. Maybe I'll finally find out what all the fuss is about.
Robotany 500

Bending Unit
« Reply #145 on: 06-20-2002 14:22 »

1) A tale of two santas (the worst I ever seen; it isn't matter of Santa or Xmas atmosphere, I liked "Xmas story", but I found this second Xmas story too stupid, except for Zoidberg cameo as "Jesus"  :D that was the only real funny scene of the entire episode)

2) A Pharaoh to remember (though the Stargate parody, the plot sucks)

3) The honking (enjoyable, but mixing horror and sci-fi parody doens't -always- work)

speaking of whole seasons, I think my favourite is the first one, then comes the second. Season three and four are average (with exception of some very excellent episodes of course).

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #146 on: 06-20-2002 14:25 »

The worst eps for me are: How Hermes requisitioned his groove back
A pharaoh to remember

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #147 on: 06-20-2002 15:03 »

Worst episode is "The Cryonic Woman" (or was it cryohenic? I don't care), no competition. The joy-ride was good, the rest just meh. And Michelle? Urrggh! Let's never see her again okay, I'd rather have some Cubert-centered episodes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #148 on: 06-20-2002 15:13 »

Originally posted by Teral:
Worst episode is "The Cryonic Woman" (or was it cryohenic? I don't care), no competition. The joy-ride was good, the rest just meh. And Michelle? Urrggh! Let's never see her again okay, I'd rather have some Cubert-centered episodes.

Also I found it very wierd that the Professer fired Fry at the end of the episode and tried to kill him (how the hell did Fry survive that fall anyway?)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #149 on: 06-20-2002 15:47 »

I would say the worst episode I've seen is the Titanaic episode. What is it callaed? Think boy think. Think think think. Oh, I suppose I'd better look it up.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #150 on: 06-20-2002 15:50 »

Originally posted by Bender3000:
I would say the worst episode I've seen is the Titanaic episode. What is it callaed? Think boy think. Think think think. Oh, I suppose I'd better look it up.

It's called "A Flight To Remember", and I think it's a great episode :)


Delivery Boy
« Reply #151 on: 06-20-2002 15:52 »

That's it! Curse you beating me to it!
It's OK, I've just seen it so many times. C4 can't enough of it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #152 on: 06-29-2002 00:11 »

Worst episode?

Leela's Homeworld.  Should never have revealed where Leela came from.

"again with the orphanarium....."



« Reply #153 on: 06-29-2002 00:14 »

I have to aggree.  It was more interesting when we thought Leela was an alien and could have led to much more varied story lines.


Urban Legend
« Reply #154 on: 06-29-2002 16:23 »
« Last Edit on: 06-29-2002 16:23 »

i loved Leela's Homeworld, it's my favorite, right after Love and Rocket, but i agree they shouldn't have revealed her history so soon. And they should have thrown us a curve, like instead of giving her a family, how about telling her shes a rejected genetic experiment. talk about a mind trip.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #155 on: 06-29-2002 17:39 »

"A fishfull of dollars"

Delivery Boy
« Reply #156 on: 06-29-2002 22:16 »
« Last Edit on: 06-29-2002 22:16 »

I'd have to go with That's Lobstertainment and The Cyronic Woman.  The other episodes, like Bendless Love had a few moments that really saved the episode.  I had to pause the playback of "Bendless Love" for a full minute because I was laughing so hard at Zoidberg's slinky spontaneously catching on fire.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #157 on: 07-01-2002 04:00 »

I agree, any episode with the Robot Mafia really does it for me - it had a few dull moments (mainly involving Angeline), but the side gags are hilarious. Poor Zoidy!

"kicksin my back and slushing my fund"


Space Pope
« Reply #158 on: 07-01-2002 06:41 »

My three least favourite episodes were:

3) Mars University: Guenthur (whatever its name was!) was irritating ad nauseum, and the plot was mainly ridiculous. I mean it revolved around Fry challenging a monkey for the affections of everyone.

2) Bendless Love: Argh!! The whole scene where Bender is pretending to be Flexo for the affections of Angeline (sp?) just runied it. What did he hope to gain from that anyway?!!

1) Pharaoh to Remember: It had NO plot whatsoever, but I didn't find many of the gags funny either. The funeral scene had the possibility to be funny, but instead it was just plain irritating because Bender was too evil. And the way Bender kept interupting the Pharaoh was really annoying, and then Fry and Leela being enslaved and accepting it. This also was the low point of Futurama for another reason - it was the first episode my Dad decided to watch with me.

I would like to say that I haven't seen Lobstertainment yet, and I'm not a fan of Zoidberg, so I expect that to race into the top 3. Also I really do not see why everyone keeps bad mouthing The Cryonic Woman. What was so awful about it? It wasn't great, but there have been many worse episodes. Indeed most of Season 4 was worse than that.

Urban Legend
« Reply #159 on: 07-05-2002 10:49 »

Some episodes have had bits that I didn't particularly like, but I can watch any of them without complaint.  I really don't think there is a worst ep.  Quality like this, you don't get every day.
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