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Author Topic: Futurama sound bite  (Read 916 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« on: 08-13-2003 15:29 »

Hey, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section but I was listening to the radio and thought I heard a line from futurama. It was from the episode "Mars university" and was Fry saying "Now thats entertainment"
I was wondering if anyone could confirm this. Does anyone come from Liverpool, England and could listen to Radio city?
Or, someone could just listen online to the radio at the website. www.radiocity.co.uk  and click on the listen online link. I think it appears between 7pm and 10pm GMT.
Sorry if this has already been discussed. I think there are some simpsons quotes on there too.....
btw this is NOT an advert for them. if it was I would be getting paid *sigh*
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