

Yeh, thats what im trying to say. It would be evn better with music

Bending Unit
« Reply #43 on: 09-16-2003 22:24 »
« Last Edit on: 09-17-2003 00:00 »
I've decided that it wasn't enough to just do a look back. I want to do a song tribute to Bender  : (To the tune of Iron Man) I AM BENDER! Has FOX lost their mind! Can't they see? They're surely blind! No convincing them! That they canned a tv gem. Was Bender soon shut down? Are there no more crime sprees across town? They just left him there! They say that they don't even care! How much can he bend? How does he shine his metal rear end? How much beer can he take to help him properly opperate? Bender was awsome! He was a master of crime! A national treasure! Was a pro for his time! I hope he's still here! It is time for Bender to spread his fear! Vengence you don't see! He'll steal your wallet while you talk to me! Everyone want's him! But FOX just turns their heads! They just won't help him! But he'll have his revenge! Arms can bend them well! He will send those fatcats strait to robot hell! Give into our demands then! Time for Bender to live again!

Bending Unit
I feel that all of these songs should be collected into a CD collection. I would buy it. Not just because I would be in it (It would consist of all the songs and salutes), but because I want to hear Futurama fans pour their hearts out.  They can be sad,  they can be mad,  they can be pissed,  they can speak of love,  they can be hilarious,  they can try and be cool,  They can talk about how this is the beginning of something new.....The list goes on and on. I jus think this could be a great seller for fans everywhere.

Bending Unit
« Reply #51 on: 11-09-2003 03:01 »
« Last Edit on: 11-09-2003 03:01 »
Kryten (page 1) and Allen, nice song lyrics! Here is my Futurama Haiku poem (5,7,5 meter): Futurama rocks, Though it was not loved by Fox, Gail Berman, you suck!


« Reply #52 on: 11-09-2003 04:40 »
« Last Edit on: 11-09-2003 04:40 »
these songs are brilliant  good work everybody, i'd love to see it sung out with memorable moments thru the whole saga, if anyone here has video editing software or knows how... perhaps a new thread can be made "peeler's dedication to futurama" and we pick memorable moments that made us crack up laughing, and of course touched our nerves i actually make industrial-influenced music, part of a project, when i get more time, i might actually make something as a dedication, luckily i got the dvds of first 3 seasons of futurama, so samples ahoy  (of course i need to ask permission to use'em, i know this part is off topic, but if anyone here knows how to, feel free to email me please, cheers)

Liquid Emperor
Hil that song sounds awesome, I was singing it in my head as I was reading it....! Can anyone else picture Blind Guardian doing that....man so cool.... Lyrics are hard to write so good job.... 


Thanks to everyone who reviewed my song.

Bending Unit
This is a little something W.H. Auden and I worked on together during my syphilitic (sic)years, it's called Ode to Bender:
Ode to Bender
Stop all the clocks, turcut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Turn off the TV, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead, Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one: Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods: For nothing now can ever come to any good.


Originally posted by futuramamama: I mean, you bloody Americans, I don't care if you kick the shit out of every little brown nation on earth, BUT YOU DON'T FLECK WITH FUTURAMA! I think I speak for at least me when I go "huh?"

Bending Unit
Originally posted by Allen: I think I speak for at least me when I go "huh?"
Is it the word "Fleck" you're rebelling against? There was someone on a quote topic that started a new word instead of F-U-C-K he used Fleck, so I just thought I'd, you know... Something. As for the brown nations, take a look at the state of the middle east, baby! Watch something besides Fox, you might learn something! Also Bill Hicks used that quote. Also, it hurt my feelings. I aslo know, that it's americans who makes Futurama, except the Korean animation thingy. So I guess the joke is on me. Although Matt Groening is to some extent Norwegian and German (let's party!)

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by futuramamama: aslo is not a word. Although Oslo is the capital of the greatest nation on earth. Wrong, Denmark's capital is named København. Oslo is the principal city of our old northern province.  For Futurama: Goodbye dear old friend. One day we will meet again if there is a God.

Bending Unit
Originally posted by Teral: Wrong, Denmark's capital is named København. Oslo is the principal city of our old northern province. 
That dog won't hunt, monsignor!
I stand corrected. Denmark is a much better country than Norway. I hope to live in Copenhagen when I grow up. And as for Norway being your old province, Our king, Haakon 6. was married to the daughter (margrete 1.) of your king Valdemar Atterdag. Their son (Olav 4.) became king of Denmark in 1375. Five years later, he became king of Norway also, when his father died. So Norway entered a union with Denmark in 1380. When Olav died (17 years old) his mother became queen of all of scandinavia (The Kalmarunion). Sweden pulled out before it got too hot, but Norway was a poor and retched country, mostly because of the black plauge and the arctic climate and didn't have institutions of their own to base the independence on, so we'd rather stand on the shoulders of midgets than do anything for ourselves. After Denmark, we became part of Sweden, but now, we are a rich and prosperous country, but right-wing forces are about to destroy it like they have in the US and Denmark before us.
Wow, How off-topic can you get?
Wow, how off-topic can one get!


Originally posted by futuramamama:
Originally posted by Allen: I think I speak for at least me when I go "huh?"
Is it the word "Fleck" you're rebelling against? There was someone on a quote topic that started a new word instead of F-U-C-K he used Fleck, so I just thought I'd, you know... Something. As for the brown nations, take a look at the state of the middle east, baby! Watch something besides Fox, you might learn something! Also Bill Hicks used that quote. Also, it hurt my feelings. I aslo know, that it's americans who makes Futurama, except the Korean animation thingy. So I guess the joke is on me. Although Matt Groening is to some extent Norwegian and German (let's party!) Just so you know, I was going "huh?" because your little rant had nothing to do with the topic. Otherwise, I'd agree wholeheartedly except for the fact that when you refer to all Americans, you're making a big generalization. Sorry, but there is no "norm" That's just a falsehood invented by people who feel better if they make the world black and white.
Sorry, continue with the topic. Great stuff by everyone here