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Author Topic: What happened to Anthology of Interest 3?  (Read 964 times)
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Starship Captain
« on: 07-28-2003 02:50 »

Like The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror, AoI began in the seocond season, but unlike THoH it hasn't appeared this season (meaning number 4). Was an AoI 3 planned but scrapped (and made into the three futurama "What If?" comics) or was it not a seasonal thing to begin with and just happened to have a second one made the season after the first one?

« Reply #1 on: 07-28-2003 03:03 »

They probably could'nt think of enough new segments. I'd imagine it would be pretty hard to come up with new ideas.

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 07-28-2003 03:08 »
« Last Edit on: 07-28-2003 03:08 »

my ideas for segments:
What if Leela goes into a time machine and gets sent back 3000 years, title it...uh...Forward to the Past?

What if Zoidy owned Planet Express? Title it...um...no wait..uh...Who Wants to be a Zoid-zillionare?

Fry asks what if the Future were more like what movies made it out to be in the year 1999? Title it...beh...
ShineFusion, you have a point.

« Reply #3 on: 07-28-2003 03:11 »

I most definatelty do   ;)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #4 on: 07-28-2003 04:04 »

As far as I know, it WAS meant to be seasonal.  But, as you may have noticed, Anthology of Interest II, one of the episodes produced for the 3ACV production run, didn't air until season four thanks to Fox.  I think, because of all the scheduling issues that Fox got the show into starting with season three, and with AOI II not even appearing on time, they decided they'd have to abandon the idea for the time being.  And of course they were cancelled, so we wont get to see any more.  :(

Look at the end of AOI II though.  Hermes clearly says "there's always next year, Professor", as if originally there was going to be a third one.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 07-28-2003 06:57 »

It was originally going to be annually, but since AOI 2 was pushed back to McSeason4, they decided not to do a third one that year, just in case it was also aired in McSeason 4 - as it would look strange having 2 "annual" events aired during the same season.

Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 07-28-2003 13:00 »

I don't think it would have been hard to come up with ideas.  In fact, I think it would have been easier!  There are no consequences of the storyline, since it's just the machine.  They could kill people off (and often have) in the AOIs without having to worry about it affecting the overall storyline of the show.  I think those would be the best episodes to write.  You wouldn't have to worry about anything.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 07-28-2003 13:47 »

Fox are very evil.  I love the anthologys of interest (especially when bender is human!!!!)  The episodes are quite hard to write actually cos they have 3 storys and they have to fit the whole thing into 22 mins (THANKS AGAIN FOX!!!!!!!!) when they have about 2 hours of material. They also have to make sure that people can follow the plots that race along.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #8 on: 07-28-2003 14:03 »

Originally posted by DotheBartman:
Look at the end of AOI II though.  Hermes clearly says "there's always next year, Professor", as if originally there was going to be a third one.

Very good point, just like when Robot Santa said at the end of 'Xmas Story' about being back next year. But sadly it took over 2 years before 'A Tale of Two Santas' aired. If only Futurama had that much time after 'AOI II', then we might have seen a third installment, which there obviously should have been  :)...  :(


« Reply #9 on: 07-28-2003 14:36 »

And to add to that John Goodman didn't come back at all!

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 07-28-2003 17:23 »

there is going to be a fan fic version aoi 3 actually

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #11 on: 07-28-2003 17:33 »

I think they would probably make one for 4ACV, 5ACV and so on, but when it became clear that they were on the verge of cancellation, they probably decided to not make any more after the second one.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 07-28-2003 18:33 »

I still think they would have made a third one in 4ACV if Fox hadn't aired the second one during McSeason 4. Same thing goes for the Xmas special, too.

Urban Legend
« Reply #13 on: 07-28-2003 22:59 »

Good question.  I was wondering myself why a AOI III was never made as I enjoyed the first two quite a bit.  It makes sense that they would dump the idea because they couldn't count on what order it'd be aired.  I guess that's just another thing I can thank fox for.

Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 07-28-2003 23:04 »

John Goodman?  Who was he?  Was he Santa Bot or something?

« Reply #15 on: 07-28-2003 23:35 »

He was Santa in X-mas story then John De maggio did the Santa's voice in A Tale of Two Santas.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #16 on: 07-29-2003 12:48 »

Psst. His name is John Dimaggio
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #17 on: 07-29-2003 12:55 »

hasent he the voice of bender too?

Starship Captain
« Reply #18 on: 07-29-2003 14:14 »

He does has the voice of Bender! He has!

« Reply #19 on: 07-29-2003 15:43 »

Well if you scrapp it you have a hell lot of material
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