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Author Topic: Thoughts on [3avc08] "That's Lobstertainment!"  (Read 7699 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #40 on: 04-10-2004 17:12 »
« Last Edit on: 04-11-2004 00:00 »

I know I'm not the only person who thinks this is a bad episode but am I the only one who thinks it was just a complete waste of time?
Normally a Zoidberg episode would make me laugh my head off, but this one just wasn't funny.
Rather late TOTPD

Starship Captain
« Reply #41 on: 04-10-2004 17:24 »
« Last Edit on: 04-10-2004 17:24 »

Its not crap just not very good.
Bending Unit
« Reply #42 on: 04-10-2004 17:59 »

It was not crap! You don't appreciate Futurama enough to even just say that it was not as good as the others! No Futurama episode is crap!

Starship Captain
« Reply #43 on: 04-10-2004 18:03 »

I just don't like it, its my least favourite epsiode
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #44 on: 04-10-2004 18:17 »

Though it was not the best episode, I enjoyed it and I laughed at many parts.

Starship Captain
« Reply #45 on: 04-10-2004 18:23 »

I can't choose a least favorite episode, and I still liked this one. I don't know why some hate it and A LOHO. I mean, at least they are Futurama episodes, and we all agree that Futurama is great.

Starship Captain
« Reply #46 on: 04-10-2004 18:24 »

I laughed when they were on the roof top and he falls off the edge. OOIII!
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #47 on: 04-10-2004 18:31 »

Originally posted by tom123:
I can't choose a least favorite episode, and I still liked this one. I don't know why some hate it and A LOHO. I mean, at least they are Futurama episodes, and we all agree that Futurama is great.

Yeah, but that's not an argument. Futurama episodes vary in quality and for many, TL! and ALOHO don't reach the standards that other episodes in the series do, and that can be disappointing.

 Don't get me wrong, I love Futurama, but I also loved The Simpsons and when it started going pony throughout series 9-12, I didn't just think "At least these are Simpsons episodes and we all agree Simpsons are great", I damn well stopped watching because I was appalled by how much the show had changed from the show I originally loved. Futurama never did a 'Simpsons', but it did have its weaker episodes and I'm not gonna pretend that it didn't.  :hmpf:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #48 on: 04-10-2004 20:00 »

Yes, but The Simpsons got good again. Are you saying that Futurama would, too? I hope so.  :cry:

Anyway, this episode seemed to lack something, but it was an okay attempt I guess.


Starship Captain
« Reply #49 on: 04-10-2004 22:21 »

as much as I love Futurama, I didn't care for this eppisode... I enjoyed it, but overall it wasn't to good.

Space Pope
« Reply #50 on: 04-11-2004 01:45 »

It was ok. But the two weeks that Fry and Leela were in the tar pit how could of Zoidberg and them finish that movie, have it premere, have it nominated for the oscars, and anything else I forgot in two weeks? It would take like a year. But we wouldn't won't Fry and Leela to die.

Starship Captain
« Reply #51 on: 04-11-2004 01:51 »

I didn't hate that episode because of plot holes, I hated it because it had absolutely no memorable jokes, and was just boring and irritating. Probably my most hated episode of the show.

Bending Unit
« Reply #52 on: 04-11-2004 03:30 »

Yea they address that very issue on the DVD commentary, even, that people seem not to like it.  But no one can agree why.  Perhaps it just simply isn't tapping into the amazing artistic ether that Futurama normally taps into? 

Bending Unit
« Reply #53 on: 04-11-2004 05:38 »

Good for TV, crap for futurama. It's all in your perspective. Same way I feel about new Simpsons. I'm not going to stone you to death It you like it but I dont watch it.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #54 on: 04-11-2004 07:19 »

It didn't have many good gags, this episode. Some of them were good - my favourites include: "No, I don't like the font."; "Washington D.D."; "My career went down the tubes when they invented Smell-O-Vision" - but most of them were mere filler and not what you'd expect from Futurama. In fact, the "Zoidberg away!" joke is something I'd expect from Animaniacs.
 Also, the plot wasn't particularly interesting. Why is Hollywood almost exactly the same 1000 years on? This is one of two Patric Verrone episodes that looks to the past rather than the future, the other being A Leela Of Her Own, and both suffer from bland, straightforward plots. The fact that Fry and Leela had to literally be shoehorned into the episode with the La Brea tar pits story doesn't particularly help either.

 In short, I can't say I particularly liked this episode, but other episodes have irritated me more. This one was too bland to be annoying.
Bending Unit
« Reply #55 on: 04-11-2004 11:32 »

Yeah, we all agree it is okay, but that one guy that they talked about in the commentary that bashed on it! That was wrong.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #56 on: 04-11-2004 12:43 »

Worst.. Episode.. Ever..

sorry couldn't resist it!  :p
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #57 on: 04-11-2004 15:04 »

Originally posted by shoopbender:
Yeah, we all agree it is okay, but that one guy that they talked about in the commentary that bashed on it! That was wrong.

I don't think there's anything wrong with bashing it, providing you can give an intelligent explanation as to why you don't like it and providing you don't do it at every available opportunity, which appears to be what the person mentioned in the commentary did.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #58 on: 04-11-2004 15:39 »

I think that I'm one of the only people who doesn't despise this episode. I don't think that it was a 'great' episode by Futurama's standards, but I don't think that it's as bad as other episodes ("Where the Buggalo Roam" for example). Sure it's not as great as other Zoidberg episodes ("Why Must I Be A Crustacean in Love?" and "A Taste of Freedom", for example), but I find it to be funny enough to at least be worthy of a C+, but the humor is probably the only thing that made this episode enjoyable for me. As Mouse On Venus said, the C story of Leela and Fry being stuck in the La Brea Tar Pits seemed rather forced, and the A and B stories didn't reflect Hollywood or the Academy Awards in a way that made it interesting. I mean, if you're going to parody Tinsel Town, at least use the futuristic setting to mix things up a bit. 
Bender Waffles
« Reply #59 on: 04-11-2004 16:48 »

I hated "That's Lobstertainment." It had a sucky plot, sucky characters...lets just put it at this...sucky everthing.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #60 on: 04-11-2004 20:20 »

Originally posted by TheLampIncident:
I have to say, I just watched this one with commentary and I thought it was pretty funny that they mentioned CGEF and the person who kept saying the episode sucked was emailed by the guy who wrote it(not sure who was telling this story in the commentary).

Patric Verrone.

I wouldn't say "That's Lobstertainment" sucked, or is the worst episode ever (at least two other episodes comes first), but it was weak.

I've never really liked Calculon, there's just something about his character that irritates me, so his major role in this episode really doesn't up my interest. In all fairness one of his better jokes (Do you have another goto 10-line?) came in this one, but that's about the only Calculon joke that worked for me.

As mentioned several times Leela and Fry feel forced into the story, and ditching them in a tar pit for the better part of 2 weeks just to "park them" somewhere was just stupid. Much better to just leave them out completely, or have them go off to some weird delivery. The fact that the La Brea tar pit was a last minute idea (if you're to believe the audio commentaries), because the writer had forgotten about them isn't exactly helping.

Harold Zoid was actually pretty decent, and there where some good jokes here and there, but overall it's meh.

"Well, good job, Patric!" (Rich Moore?)

Bending Unit
« Reply #61 on: 04-11-2004 22:25 »

I personally found this episode to be the worst of Futurama, along with The Cryonic Woman, A Pharaoh to Remember, and A Leela of Her Own. It just wasn't funny or dramatic... But I forgive Groening and Cohen for this lackluster episode due to the other greats in Season 3  :D
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #62 on: 04-11-2004 22:52 »

Originally posted by Ekarderif:
 But I forgive Groening and Cohen for this lackluster episode due to the other greats in Season 3   :D

I agree. Pharoh to remember and Lobstertainment are totally out of my mind when thinking aboot Season 3. Episodes like Roswell, Parasites Lost, Fryrish, and Time keeps on slipping completely cover up for the bad ones in Season 3.

« Reply #63 on: 04-12-2004 04:28 »

Originally posted by shoopbender:
It was not crap! You don't appreciate Futurama enough to even just say that it was not as good as the others! No Futurama episode is crap!

I disagree. There were a couple of episodes that left me wondering 'what the bloody hell were they thinking?'. That's Lobstertainment was certainly not one of them though- it's not one of my all-time favourites, but I enjoyed it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #64 on: 04-12-2004 08:10 »

I vomited a little when I saw it. that on and A Leela of her own, she reminded me of Peggy Hill in that one. That would make anyone vomit. It's a case of good jokes but bad story. It just doesnt sit well with you. Those two, and The Cryonic Woman I will only watch with commentary, and not often.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #65 on: 04-12-2004 15:51 »

I actually find Cryonic Woman to be worse with the commentary on.  :nono:
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #66 on: 04-12-2004 15:52 »

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus:
I actually find Cryonic Woman to be worse with the commentary on.   :nono:


I DO like the episode though. Bender is hilarious throughout. And i think its a great episode. I dont know why more people dont like it..

Space Pope
« Reply #67 on: 04-13-2004 01:10 »

She was a whimp.

« Reply #68 on: 04-13-2004 15:10 »

Didn't like this episode at all, really.  It was funny, but boring.   Hollywood is boring, crustaceans in Hollywood are boring...  (Though now that I think of it like that, it should have been funnier)  If I didn't know better, I would think the episode was just filler.

I did enjoy the commentary.  And Bender.

Bending Unit
« Reply #69 on: 04-13-2004 15:19 »

Ach, it wasn't so bad...

just not quite as structured as other episodes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #70 on: 04-13-2004 15:20 »

I like that episode. Of course, it wasn't the best but it is certainly not the worst in my opinion.
There were some funny jokes and there was a lot of Zoidberg. Also it was cool to know that Zoidberg isn't the biggest loser in sex among crustaceans (they die after they have it and Harold Zoid is older than Zoidberg)
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #71 on: 04-13-2004 15:27 »

Originally posted by KVA:
Also it was cool to know that Zoidberg isn't the biggest loser in sex among crustaceans (they die after they have it and Harold Zoid is older than Zoidberg)

That is a good point KVA. God knows what life would be like without Sex for that long....  :cry:

Bending Unit
« Reply #72 on: 04-14-2004 03:17 »

Stop crying, NastyPasty, you're in high school.  Trust me guys, life gets WAYYY better in college.  Seriously.  American Pie had the totally wrong idea.  The kids who don't have sex in high school get laid WAY more in college.  Not that this has anything to do with... what was this thread about?  Right, some random episode...  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #73 on: 04-14-2004 03:31 »

The kids who don't have sex in high school get laid WAY more in college.

Bwahahaha... no they don't <sigh>.

Anyways... yeah, kinda dull ep. I don't hate it (I don't really hate any ep... they're all good for at least one decent laugh... for this one, it was the fox studios, and the tourguide). Certainly one of the worst, though.

And incidently... I quite like The Cryonic Woman. So nuts.

Bending Unit
« Reply #74 on: 04-14-2004 16:22 »

I wish I get laid here... Once a nerd, always a nerd I guess.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #75 on: 04-14-2004 17:35 »

Originally posted by Ekarderif:
I wish I get laid here... Once a nerd, always a nerd I guess.

Yeah, i think it might even be genetic. The "Nerd Gene"

Starship Captain
« Reply #76 on: 04-14-2004 17:54 »
« Last Edit on: 04-14-2004 17:54 »

I just realized that I have not yet posted in this thread... so here are my... Thoughts on [3acv08] "That's Lobstertainment!"

This episode is fairly amusing, although otherwise bland. It has plenty of good jokes, and flows well (with the exception of the horrible tar pits storyline... I always thought that felt tacked on, and the commentaries confirmed that). However, the major problem with it is the lack of "Future". Really, this episode could have happened today and been much the same.  A Leela of Her Own suffers the same problem, with the same result. Like ALOHO, it is really below par for Futurama, though (UNlike ALOHO) the (IMO) excellent humour and the entertaining character of Harold Zoid makes it worth watching. I never understood why it was so poorly thought of by fans. Sure, it isn't the best, but it isn't as bad as it is usually said to be. (Note: I have nothing against A Leela of Her Own, it is just a good comparison.)

This has been... My Thoughts on [3acv08] "That's Lobstertainment!"

« Reply #77 on: 04-14-2004 20:10 »

the story was okay for me, but there wasnt any funny jokes that made it worthwhile. probably the only thing that made me watch this episode again is the sylvestor stallone line. and i agree with ranadok, this story could not have been in the future, and it would look the same.

Bending Unit
« Reply #78 on: 04-15-2004 02:37 »

But I mean... what makes scifi great is that it uses the future to reflect the present.  So what if it didnt necessarily display that it was set in the future?  to me that has nothing to do with the quality of the episode.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #79 on: 04-15-2004 15:09 »

Yo, i just watched "thats lobstertainment!" for i think the 3rd time ever yesterday and i noticed something.

At the awards show at the end, the camera pans quickly across the row of seats and i noticed a few familiar faces including:

Kif, Amy, Zapp, Petunia, Edith Head, Jar-Jar Binks head, Pauli Shore, Michelle, the human from All my Circuits, the fembot from all my circuits, Morbo, and of course Caculon's evil twin.

I dunno if anyone ever brought this up...
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