salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
wow, my thread from 2001 is finally at page 19. wahoo!
H. G. Blob
The universal translator (Bonjour 'Crazy giberish')
The count down to New Years when they spoke English.
And...thats all I know. Unless its got something to do with the Prof's gargoyle.
DOOP Secretary
Oh, I had forgotten I'd even posted here! Let's see, that guy who murders with laptops axed a question, and H. G. Bloob answered it, so...
Ok, I'm sorry I forgot. I'm sorry I don't have entertainment. I'm sorry this post is useless. Excuse me while I go hit myself over the head with a copy of 'The Uncertainty Principle' by Dmitri Bilenkin.
H. G. Blob
The other one would be the professor telling Amy that she looks like a "cheap French harlet" then Amy saying "French?"
I pass my questions
DOOP Secretary
Alrighty, maybe I'll timidly try again. One question: In what episode did Scruffy make his first appearance?
DOOP Secretary
Crud, I thought it was 'Hell is Other Robots'! Oh well, you're right. Go go go!
H. G. Blob
Bump to keep the game alive.
Name at least 3 references in Futurama that incorprates Futurama itself.
Originally posted by laptopmoerder: Which song was played in the background of the first scene on Europa / to Europa in "Put your head on my shoulders" Fredette - Moons of Jupiter
DOOP Secretary
Ok, I'll just axe one in case HGB's one isn't complete yet.
Which episode contains a Kurt Vonnegut reference?
H. G. Blob
There is still one more reference. If no one can guess it then I'll tell you.
Clue: It's in season 1.
And the slogon "From the creators of Futurama" wasn't one I was thinking of but I guess it counts.
Dave B
Urban Legend
« Reply #751 on: 09-07-2006 09:19 »
« Last Edit on: 09-07-2006 09:19 »
As this topic is slowly but surely drifting away, sorry H G Blob but I'll think I'll post up some new questions to keep it going "If I may be so bold" : 1. Name 3 episodes where black bars were used as a method to block nudity in Futurama? 2. State at least 4 items that Leela's parents had kept in their home to remind them of Leela? 3. List all of the P E crew member's dates during and after visiting the Hip Joint in Loves Labors Lost In Space, even the dates which didn't succeed ?
H. G. Blob
1. A Leela of Her Own (That's all I can think of)
2. A letter of Fry's feelings, poems?, article on the garbage ball, and article at space mardi-gras. (do those count?)
3. I cant be ... to think of them all.
Mr. FutureMan
3. List all of the P E crew member's dates during and after visiting the Hip Joint in Loves Labors Lost In Space, even the dates which didn't succeed ?
Leela and the Ball of Light (Don't remember proper name, that is what Billy West referred to it as on Comic Book: The Movie commentary), Leela and some other guy who I don't think there was a name for, Amy with the guy who said "Did you just say rings are cool", Fry with the girl from the 21st century, Zoidberg went with a lobster from the tank, Fry paid for Bender to go to a saucy puppet show.
H. G. Blob
I'll give it to Mr. FutureMan. He seems to know what's what.