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Author Topic: futurama trivia game  (Read 185540 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #600 on: 06-02-2006 10:54 »
« Last Edit on: 06-02-2006 10:54 »


2) 5

3) 2208

Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #601 on: 06-02-2006 11:01 »

1: In Parasites Lost?

2: 6

3: 2620 (Complete guess)

4: As he is a Bending unit, as he is a stud at bending (He can bend to 30o etc), As he was chosen to major in Bending at college?

(Are you sure this last question is trivial from the show or more possible guesses???) 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #602 on: 06-02-2006 11:01 »
« Last Edit on: 06-02-2006 11:01 »

Bite my shinyass! Na, I'm just kiddin', he's all right. (Sorry, I'm in a 'Flexo' mood today)

2 and 3 have been answered correctly by shinyass. Dave B, you've picked one correct answer to 4. Are you stumped?   :flirt:

Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #603 on: 06-02-2006 11:02 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
Bite my shinyass! Na, I'm just kiddin', he's all right. (Sorry, I'm in a 'Flexo' mood today)

2 and 3 have been answered correctly so far...

By who and I'll guess:

1. Put Your Head On My Shoulders


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #604 on: 06-02-2006 11:05 »

Whoa, you're going to fast for me, we're posting at the same time! And 4 is kind of not related, so when number 1 is guessed correctly, I'll just tell you. Bonus free triva!


Bending Unit
« Reply #605 on: 06-02-2006 12:37 »

4. Reason 1: He is a bending unit. Seems quile logical.

Reason 2: If you drink alot, you are said to be going on a bender. Bender drinks. Alot.

Reason 3: You can bend the truth, or lie. Bender does this too.

I'll take my money now  :)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #606 on: 06-02-2006 12:40 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
Bite my shinyass! Na, I'm just kiddin', he's all right. (Sorry, I'm in a 'Flexo' mood today)

Hmm, Xanfor, twice in one day? I aint superman! Ah haha, i'm just kidding, too. Your a great bloke (or boy, what ever the hell your age is)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #607 on: 06-02-2006 12:41 »
« Last Edit on: 06-02-2006 12:41 »

Well well, you two certainly know your Benders   ;). However, FDQ, there are a few more. If anyone guesses my triva question 1 correctly, I'll tell you.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #608 on: 06-02-2006 12:55 »

1) less than a hero

jesus, could of made the question easier!  :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #609 on: 06-02-2006 13:00 »

Hint for 1:


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #610 on: 06-02-2006 13:45 »

a big piece of garbage

Bending Unit
« Reply #611 on: 06-02-2006 16:14 »

1: Anthology of Interest II

Bending Unit
« Reply #612 on: 06-02-2006 17:06 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
Well well, you two certainly know your Benders   ;). However, FDQ, there are a few more. If anyone guesses my triva question 1 correctly, I'll tell you.

I did notice that they are other questions. Jeez, i'm not that slow  :p
But, 2 of them have already been answered correctly and I don't have a clue on the other. So...I know nothing really.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #613 on: 06-02-2006 23:16 »

Sorry, I meant there are more answers to 4. Also, btyrie gets 1 correct.
'Bender' could also be a reference to the rebel character 'John Bender' in the movie 'The Breakfast Club'. Dean Vernon was also probably named in reference to this film. Also, there is are several famous people named 'Bender' and for one of them I've developed a very elaborate pun for my next fanfic, so I can't tell you yet.
I guess what I'm trying to say is: Your turn, btyrie!


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #614 on: 06-03-2006 07:13 »

hey! I got zwie und drei! Translated: 2 and 3!

Bending Unit
« Reply #615 on: 06-03-2006 07:46 »

I pass my go to Shinyass. Can't think of anything to ask. (Just got up, brain not working fully yet)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #616 on: 06-03-2006 09:34 »

ok, if you wish. Thanks

1) What did leela ask for at the malt shop in "Rosswell That Ends Well"?

2) Name all the matirials that bender is made from.

3) When did petroleum reserves ran dry?

4) What is the name of leela's father?

Bending Unit
« Reply #617 on: 06-03-2006 21:18 »
« Last Edit on: 06-03-2006 21:18 »

1) a small injection of Femislim

2) I think it's something like this.

40% Zinc
40% Titanium
30% Iron
40% Dolemite
.04% Nickel impurity

3) 2038

4) Morris

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #618 on: 06-04-2006 08:53 »

one is correct, 2 is correct, i think 3 is correct, i'll let you know, 4 is correct.
I'll check up on the petroleum question. At the moment, your'e on a roll!
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #619 on: 06-06-2006 07:01 »

Is this topic going anywhere??? Can btyrie go now???

Bending Unit
« Reply #620 on: 06-06-2006 08:58 »
« Last Edit on: 06-06-2006 08:58 »

Well. I was going to wait until Shinyass got back regarding #3. But it's been a few days now so I might as well go.

1: What CPU does Bender use? And in which episode do we find this out?

2: In "Crimes of The Hot" how does Leela describe Bender?

3: In "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz" what was Benders alcohol level when he crashed the supertanker? And what was the name of the supertanker?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #621 on: 06-06-2006 09:19 »

1. In Fry and The Slurm Factory and I think its is the Atari 600 or something like that...

2. A Chain smoking, hoare mongering, gambling, alcoholic?

3. 0.4

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #622 on: 06-06-2006 09:21 »

Hey, I was going to answer that!

Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #623 on: 06-06-2006 09:22 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
Hey, I was going to answer that!

You still can, my answers aren't nessesarily correct until they are confirmed to be correct...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #624 on: 06-06-2006 09:25 »

I believe they're all right! And I don't know the name of the tanker...  :cry:

And you getting here before me? This is how I feel about that:



Starship Captain
« Reply #625 on: 06-06-2006 09:39 »

Wait a second...

1) The legendary 6502

*sigh* Unfortunately, I'm too young, so I couldn't expierience those times myself...
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #626 on: 06-06-2006 09:46 »

Originally posted by Xanfor:
I believe they're all right! And I don't know the name of the tanker...   :cry:

And you getting here before me? This is how I feel about that:


lol this is how I felt when I saw how you felt

So are my answers correct then?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #627 on: 06-06-2006 09:56 »

I thought you'd be more



Starship Captain
« Reply #628 on: 06-06-2006 09:59 »
« Last Edit on: 06-06-2006 09:59 »

Originally posted by Dave B:
So are my answers correct then?

Nooooo! You didn't answer the CPU question 100% correctly. Only something like 50% or so :-)
The Atari 800 is a computer which uses the 6502(A, to be anal)-CPU.
Eternal shame on you!!!1111eleven

Just wanted to point that out, but I'm sure you meant the right thing...
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #629 on: 06-06-2006 10:25 »

Originally posted by laptopmoerder:
  Nooooo! You didn't answer the CPU question 100% correctly. Only something like 50% or so :-)
The Atari 800 is a computer which uses the 6502(A, to be anal)-CPU.
Eternal shame on you!!!1111eleven

Just wanted to point that out, but I'm sure you meant the right thing...

Considering that I have never played on an Atari I don't have any shame on me  :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #630 on: 06-06-2006 21:48 »

@ Dave B.

#1. Right episode but as laptopmoerder correctly stated the processor was the 6502.

#2 Yep.

#3 Nope.

So that's #1 & #2 answered. Still waiting for the correct answer to #3.
H. G. Blob

« Reply #631 on: 06-06-2006 22:10 »

3. 0.08%

Bending Unit
« Reply #632 on: 06-06-2006 22:17 »

Correct! And the name of the ship?
H. G. Blob

« Reply #633 on: 06-06-2006 22:47 »

Something like "The one ton voul diesel"

Bending Unit
« Reply #634 on: 06-07-2006 01:01 »

Nope. The ships name was the Juan Valdez.
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #635 on: 06-07-2006 08:30 »

So who gets the go btyrie???

Bending Unit
« Reply #636 on: 06-07-2006 13:07 »
« Last Edit on: 06-07-2006 13:07 »

Well you got the most parts correct, so I'd say it's your go.
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #637 on: 06-07-2006 17:45 »

Yay, thought so  :D ok here are my questions:

1. Name the car which Amy bought from Malfunctioning Eddie's Rocket Car Emporium and also give 3 features this car was said to provide the driver by the car salesman Victor?

2. What is the furthest amount of miles you can be away from the only gas station on Jupiter, while remaining on the surface of the planet?

3. In the episode A Clone OF My Own state all of the secrets/insults the Proffesor blurts out to the members of Mars University?

4. Name at least 3 buildings present in Pastorama?

5. Name at least 5 'adds' from the Internet featured in the episode A Bicyclops Built For Two?

6. What was the name of the video game the Planet Express members played on the Internet in the episode A Bicyclops Built For Two? 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #638 on: 06-07-2006 20:17 »

Xanfor faints

I have no idea as to any of these, and I believe my entire view of reality has just been shattered. For example, I had no idea Jupiter had a surface. Except for that Earth-sized lump of rock inside that atmosphere...

Now, I'm kind of hungry for spaghetti tonight, so excuse me while I go fire up my Pasto-Rama.  ;)

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #639 on: 06-07-2006 21:00 »

Originally posted by Dave B:
1. Name the car which Amy bought from Malfunctioning Eddie's Rocket Car Emporium and also give 3 features this car was said to provide the driver by the car salesman Victor?

It was a Beta Romeo.

I'm not sure if these count as features, but the seat cushions were stuffed with eagle feathers, the dashboard was inlaid with the beaks of a thousand eagles, and also there were some eagles under the floor panels.

2. What is the furthest amount of miles you can be away from the only gas station on Jupiter, while remaining on the surface of the planet?

You mean Mercury.  4763 miles.

4. Name at least 3 buildings present in Pastorama?

Saint Koch's Cathedral was one.
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