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Author Topic: Trademark & Peak Episode  (Read 1011 times)
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« on: 03-08-2003 21:53 »

In your opinion what do you think are the trademark/peak episodes of Futurama. For example, The Simpsons have episodes like "Call of the Simpsons" & "Who Shot Mr. Burns" as episodes that everyone knows, fans or not. And the episode that all fans regard as the quenticential episode of the Simpsons is "Last Exit to Springfield," in which it just doesn't get any better.

In my opinion, the trademark episode for Futurama is "Space Pilot 3000" and the peak episode is "Luck of the Fryish." I just don't think anything will ever be on the level of "Luck of the Fryish." Like "Last Exit to Springfield," its not even close to being the funniest in its series, its plot is just amazing on all levels.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1 on: 03-08-2003 22:08 »
« Last Edit on: 03-09-2003 00:00 »

i have to agree with your choices
Edit: AddonB]
Everytime i watch Luck of Fryrish and Parasties Lost I want to kill a Fox Executive for what they did  :finger:   :finger:   :mad:   :finger:   :finger:
Bad Mojo

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 03-08-2003 23:04 »

Yeah, "Luck of the Fryish" was an amazing episode. Just to refresh my memory, what was the plot to "Last Exit to Springfield"?

Starship Captain
« Reply #3 on: 03-08-2003 23:58 »

Luck of the Fryish is on Perth TV this Monday :D
Also I can't rember what happened in "Last Exit to Springfield" so I can't agree with any of you choices. But on CGEF last time I checked I, Roomate was the number 1 episode.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 03-08-2003 23:58 »

"Last Exit to Springfield" was that Burns vs. dental plan episode. Where Lisa got those ugly braces and Homer helped his fellow workers get a free plan.

I also agree with "Luck of the Fryish". The plot is excellent, and it had you guessing till the very end. I think "Xmas Story" is another peak episode. It's not as good as the former episode, but it's loaded with action, and presented a more formidable villain than Mom.
Bad Mojo

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 03-09-2003 00:24 »

Dental Plan.......Lisa needs braces.......Dental Plan.......Lisa needs braces  :laff:

« Reply #6 on: 03-09-2003 04:33 »

Most people I know that arent futurama fans always remember "A Clone of my own".

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 03-09-2003 07:28 »

Godfellas, a great episode with comedy and depth of plot. It shows the friendship between Fry and Bender and is truly a great episode.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #8 on: 03-09-2003 09:18 »

I don't like the term "peak-episode" as it would indicate that Futurama have slumped in quality after that, a vaguer term than "jumping the shark", but I do think there have been episodes that standout as masterpieces.

Those are "Luck Of The Fryish", "Roswell That Ends Well", "Xmas Story", and "Godfellas", just to name the really masterpieces.

Trademark episodes would episodes like "AOI I", "A Head In The Polls", "Roswell That Ends Well", etc.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 03-09-2003 10:04 »
« Last Edit on: 03-09-2003 10:04 »

Trademark - Amazon Women in the Mood.  Come on, what other show would have the chutzpah for Death by Snoo-snoo?

Best - Luck of the Fryrish.  Even Miss Cleo couldn't have seen that ending coming.  What's that you say?  Miss Cleo's not a psychic?  She's not even Jamaican?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

« Reply #10 on: 03-09-2003 10:22 »
« Last Edit on: 03-09-2003 10:22 »

Hmmm, although I agree that "Last Exit..." is the greatest Simpsons episode I have to disagree that "Luck Of The Fryrish" is the greatest Futurama episode. I have to give that honour to "Parasites Lost." Everyone gets at least one great line and the Fry and Leela story actually means something. Fry's choice between being smart and dumb is one of the few times we can get inside a character's head on the series.

Oops! Getting inside a character's head wasn't meant to be a pun!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 03-09-2003 10:33 »

But the Fry/Leela thing has been overdone, almost to the point of ridiculousness.  Also, were there any real surprises?  You couldn't possibly believe Fry was going to keep the worms, did you?  On the other hand, did you see the end of Fryrish coming, at all?  It was a work of art, that episode.  Everything fit so seamlessly together, everything fit together so well, there was major, major character development on Fry's part, and the end, THE END!  It's quite possibly the best half-hour I've ever seen in a TV show.  Parasites Lost was good, but it didn't have that human edge, that something that makes Fryrish so good.  Think about it - who ever has had to deal with travelling inside one's own body to rid him/herself of superintelligent tapeworms?  Not too many.  Who, on the other hand, has had to deal with sibling rivalry?  Anyone who has had a brother or sister.  That's why I say Fryrish is better - it relates to more people, was better written, and contained that perfect mix between comedy and drama that so many other shows lack.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #12 on: 03-09-2003 11:46 »

Luck of the Fryish was certainly a very cinematic episode - I'd certainly rate the ending as being the best of Futurama.

Urban Legend
« Reply #13 on: 03-09-2003 12:13 »

I think if you're a fan of the Leela/Fry relationship (just for the record, I'm fairly indifferent), then you would probably select "Parasites Lost". Personally I'm with Nixorbo et al; "Luck of the Fryrish" rates tops for me - OK, it doesn't have me rolling on the floor laughing, but it has a brilliant plot and brilliant execution, and pushes Futurama beyond a sitcom into fully fledged entertainment.

"Last Exit" is a wonderful "Simpsons" episode; the writing, the animation, the voices, they were all at their best during Season 4. Unfortunately all three have declined (some more sharply than others) since then.

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 03-09-2003 15:21 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Think about it - who ever has had to deal with travelling inside one's own body to rid him/herself of superintelligent tapeworms? Not too many.

I think metaphorically for "Parasites Lost." Sure, not many people have travelled inside their own body, let alone to remove superintelligent worms. However, I think it's more about love and appearances than that. "Does she love me for me, or who she thinks I am?" is a question that *many* people ask themselves. Don't get me wrong, I still think "Luck of the Fryish" is the best episode, but it's damn close.

Off topic, but 'season' 3 could be the most heartbreaking season of most series. First it's "Parasites Lost" (she doesn't love me for me.), "Luck of the Fryish" (I hated my brother even though he loved me.), and then "Time Keeps on Slipping" (there's nothing I can do to make her love me.) Wow.  :(

edit- what's with this server?

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 03-09-2003 15:36 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
But the Fry/Leela thing has been overdone, almost to the point of ridiculousness.

no it has not. There hasn't been that many shipper eps at all. Fry didn't even tell Leela his feelings till season three. All we have gotten so far is Parasites Lost, Time keeps on slippin, and Love&Rocket. That's just three eps, and Three dosn't qualify as over-done.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #16 on: 03-09-2003 16:02 »

I love 'Luck of the Fryrish' just like most people. Every Futurama has great reply value too. But Nix, I must ask, because it relies on a surprise ending, doesn't that harm it's reply value when the surprise element is taken away?

« Reply #17 on: 03-09-2003 16:55 »

I'm not really a shipper fan. I like the odd shipper episode once in a while but prefer it when it has a good plot to go with it. Fryrish rates second in my best episodes list simply because the ending, although a good one, only gets one *gasp I never saw that coming* from me. Parasites Lost had an obvious outcome but its the way it was played out that makes it good.
Prowla RX7

Starship Captain
« Reply #18 on: 03-10-2003 02:01 »

The replay value doesn't hurt for "Luck of the Fryrish".  Believe me, I watch this episode almost everyday and it still makes me feel deeply emotional about it.

Space Pope
« Reply #19 on: 03-10-2003 02:44 »

Time keeps on slippin' is a very good example how the good the writers on Futurama are, which is a trademark after all.
I mean, they managed to write an hilarious episode with a sad ending and it worked.

Urban Legend
« Reply #20 on: 03-10-2003 05:35 »

Poor old Fry really gets put through the wrangler for Season 3. Even in Season Two (Xmas Story), I still felt more sorry for Fry than for Leela. I just felt that it's harder to have something and then lose it than to never have it in the first place. And what makes Fryrish even harder for Fry is there's no way for him to make amends to his brother (excluding time-travel, and we all know how Fry handles that!  ;)) - after all, there's no greater distance than that between present and past.

Urban Legend
« Reply #21 on: 03-10-2003 08:02 »

There are too many great episodes for me to name a single one as best or 'peak.'  As for Trademark espisode, Love Labours Lost in Space sticks out as both very good and typical of the humor and writing found throughout the series.

Bending Unit
« Reply #22 on: 03-12-2003 17:42 »
« Last Edit on: 03-12-2003 17:42 »

I cannot choose a single episode as best, either.  The choices made in this thread are all excellent.  The episode that recently has most held my attention is "Roswell That Ends Well."  It gets funnier every time I see it.  What really impresses me is how much is crammed into such a short time, and the quality and scale of the episode, including the special effects.  It was damned-near perfect, apart from "insta-age Mildred," which just fell flat.  I would love to see the effort that went into this episode put into a movie.  This episode convinces me that it could be done, and that it would be spectacular.

"Are you coming on to me?"

Bending Unit
« Reply #23 on: 03-12-2003 21:23 »

HAHAHAHA That activates my hilarity unit!! luck of the Fryrish to me was average at best, too sentimental and not crude and edgy enough as usual. But hey, most people liked it so I can't argue with that now, can I?  :confused:
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