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Author Topic: Fox's Attitude has me Wondering  (Read 1344 times)
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« on: 02-22-2003 04:04 »

I acknowledge that the chances of Fox renewing Futurama is less than slim, but their continual "Diplomatic" attitude has me wondering.

Through this whole Hiatus/cancellation dispute, they have assured us that, it hasnt been renewed, due to over supply of episodes, which caused a backlash in the community.

But take for instance their letter regarding the closure of Planetexpress.dk-


The kind lawyer ends his letter with the following words (quoted): "Your interest in "Futurama" is most appreciated. Fox will continue to do its best to bring you quality entertainment.".

Now we all understand the "quality entertainment" (Yay World's Blankiest Blank shows!), but its the "Your interest in "Futurama" is most appreciated." that gets me.

If Fox acknowledges the fanbase, even appreciates the fanbase, why didnt they just renew it, or just plain cancell it, why leave their appreciated viewers in limbo?

Prehaps fox has been upfront the whole time, prehaps they are just "Waiting out the episode supply?"

Its as if they acknowledge that something they dont like, is popular and dont know what to do.

Sorry, this is just what was on my mind after seeing the closure of planetexpress.dk


Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 02-22-2003 04:33 »

I wish that was true. It would restore my faith in Americans if FOX turned round sometime later this year and asked Matt to get the gang together for say a guaranteed 2 more seasons.

« Reply #2 on: 02-22-2003 05:52 »
« Last Edit on: 02-22-2003 05:52 »

Personally, if they renew Futurama production, I will buy Bush’s photo and kiss it... [Leela]He'll do it! He's crazy![/L]
I have nothing ‘pro’ and nothing ‘contra’ your point. It just become an endless agony show around Futurama. I think only time will resolve it.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 02-22-2003 09:07 »

Originally posted by Grim:

but its the "Your interest in "Futurama" is most appreciated." that gets me.

If Fox acknowledges the fanbase, even appreciates the fanbase, why didnt they just renew it, or just plain cancell it, why leave their appreciated viewers in limbo?

Homer:They don't mean anything. They're just words, like "I'll do it later" and "I love you"."

Im pretty sure that's just a line tagged on for PR reasons. Pretty much saying: "Look we're really excited that you love our show, and you have built this magnificient wabsite. We're always happy to support fans in their job to further our revenue channels, unfortunately we have to ask you to delete the whole thing. Have a nice day."

FOX doesn't appreciate the fanbase as such, they appreciate the rating numbers said fanbase produce. Nothing more, nothing less.

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 02-23-2003 01:26 »
« Last Edit on: 02-23-2003 01:26 »

they closed planetexpress.dk?

Fox is annoying. Why are they trying to make our lives hell? Next they will start closing down sites such as CGEF or even us here at PEEL. We at least they are looking at Futurama sites and maybe even realising how many people love this show...or maybe not.

Words can not express my anger at Fox.

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 02-23-2003 04:56 »

Ironically, will CGEF's decision to remove content save it from this sort of attention?
Oni Zyxer

Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 02-24-2003 03:49 »

Carbito has proven his stupidity once again.

planetexpress.dk shut down THEMSELVES. Fox told them to take off the content *scanned comics* they shouldn't have, and they had a sad and shutdown. If they're an actual good site, losing one small portion of the site shouldn't affect them. But they're not. I for one, do NOT feel sorry for them at all. Matter of fact, it serves them right. We all know the site lived off those scans. We all saw nohomers.com shut down. We all know what Fox are like. It's inexcusablt on THEIR part. *Cough*

Starship Captain
« Reply #7 on: 02-24-2003 05:57 »

Originally posted by Oni Zyxer:
Carbito has proven his stupidity once again.

  :finger: heh, and I thought we should get rid of this smiley!

I realise that now but at the time I posted that I has juts heard and I decided to relpy before going to their site to see what was happening.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #8 on: 02-24-2003 07:52 »

Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:
I wish that was true. It would restore my faith in Americans if FOX turned round sometime later this year and asked Matt to get the gang together for say a guaranteed 2 more seasons.

Hey not all Americans are stupid, remember we're really just talking about Fox Executives, they're a different KIND of American...

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 02-24-2003 07:54 »

Hmmmm... A lawyers letter with a lie in it...  Hmmmm... I guess you don't see that every day.

Like Helpy said, it's just some PR nonsense tacked on to the end of the letter, so as to placate teh recipient.

Starship Captain
« Reply #10 on: 02-26-2003 01:44 »

Originally posted by Grim:
I acknowledge that the chances of Fox renewing Futurama is less than slim, but their continual "Diplomatic" attitude has me wondering.

Through this whole Hiatus/cancellation dispute, they have assured us that, it hasnt been renewed, due to over supply of episodes, which caused a backlash in the community.

But take for instance their letter regarding the closure of Planetexpress.dk-

 Now we all understand the "quality entertainment" (Yay World's Blankiest Blank shows!), but its the "Your interest in "Futurama" is most appreciated." that gets me.

If Fox acknowledges the fanbase, even appreciates the fanbase, why didnt they just renew it, or just plain cancell it, why leave their appreciated viewers in limbo?

Prehaps fox has been upfront the whole time, prehaps they are just "Waiting out the episode supply?"

Its as if they acknowledge that something they dont like, is popular and dont know what to do.

Sorry, this is just what was on my mind after seeing the closure of planetexpress.dk


I never understood it... If they have a good episode who gives a shit how much they have... they should just keep showing and showing it!  They cancelled a good show or whatever, just like NICKELODEON has been trying to do to INVADER ZIM, and like it did with REN AND STIMPY, etc.


« Reply #11 on: 03-02-2003 22:51 »

Originally posted by Oni Zyxer:
Carbito has proven his stupidity once again.

planetexpress.dk shut down THEMSELVES. Fox told them to take off the content *scanned comics* they shouldn't have, and they had a sad and shutdown. If they're an actual good site, losing one small portion of the site shouldn't affect them. But they're not. I for one, do NOT feel sorry for them at all. Matter of fact, it serves them right. We all know the site lived off those scans. We all saw nohomers.com shut down. We all know what Fox are like. It's inexcusablt on THEIR part. *Cough*

   I only question why FOX is upset over the scanning of the comics...  they have nothing to do with that...  I thought the comics end belonged solely to Matt Groening...


Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 03-02-2003 22:54 »

I thought that the comics would belong to Bongo Comics.

Molten Boron

Delivery Boy
« Reply #13 on: 03-02-2003 23:02 »
« Last Edit on: 03-02-2003 23:02 »

I agree, even look at Fox intro for Sunday's, it has Homer say D'uh when it says Futurama is next!  :eek:

Starship Captain
« Reply #14 on: 03-03-2003 00:38 »
« Last Edit on: 03-03-2003 00:38 »

Do you think Fox will be writing to CGEF about their content?
I am refering to to "Sounds & Quotes" section. That could be seen as taking stuff from Futurama or something.   :confused:

Oh, I know I most likely should not be asking this question here but does anyone know any sites that have comic scans. The only reason I ask is because here in Australia we only have up to comic #4 and I want to be able to read the rest. Can anyone help me on this?  :hmpf:

« Reply #15 on: 03-03-2003 05:57 »

Carbito- dont buy from your newsagent, buy from specialised comic stores, they sell the imported issues from the US, I have 1-4 australian and 10 & 11 import.

« Reply #16 on: 03-03-2003 18:03 »

Originally posted by Carbito:
I thought that the comics would belong to Bongo Comics.

Questionably. On the side of my Futurama Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis #1:


So the comics themselves are Bongo's but the characters and names belong to TCFFC, which I think is Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (The "Film" not sure about).

Starship Captain
« Reply #17 on: 03-03-2003 18:37 »

>___<  I wanna see the Crossover Crisis one!

But anyway, I think FOX does technically own the rights to FUTURAMA... I remember talking to Jhonen Vasquez, creator of Invader ZIM, and he may've owned the idea but the show and characters soley belonged to NICKELODEON.  u___u;  So it's probably that way for Matt Groening and FOX.

« Reply #18 on: 03-03-2003 18:44 »

Fox has the film rights

Bongo has the publishing rights

Starship Captain
« Reply #19 on: 03-03-2003 18:54 »

>:|  That still sucks that PE was shut down.  I really liked that website...

« Reply #20 on: 03-03-2003 23:54 »

Originally posted by Carbito:
I thought that the comics would belong to Bongo Comics.

Matt Groening IS Bongo Comics...  it's his company...  notice how they publish only "Simpsons/Futurama" stuff???


Space Pope
« Reply #21 on: 03-04-2003 00:57 »

Hey, they also had "Roswell, the Little Green Man"!

Starship Captain
« Reply #22 on: 03-04-2003 00:59 »

Is there any other place that has the comics scanned on the web?  :x

Space Pope
« Reply #23 on: 03-04-2003 01:03 »

Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Dowloading comics hurts the artists, the writers, the retailers, the distributors, and plenty of others.

Starship Captain
« Reply #24 on: 03-04-2003 02:47 »

Damn straight, comics are really cheap, and a great way to support Futurama. Just wait until they are out and buy them, or buy the trade paperbacks like me  :)

Space Pope
« Reply #25 on: 03-04-2003 13:11 »

Originally posted by Oni Zyxer:
Carbito has proven his stupidity once again.

planetexpress.dk shut down THEMSELVES. Fox told them to take off the content *scanned comics* they shouldn't have, and they had a sad and shutdown. If they're an actual good site, losing one small portion of the site shouldn't affect them. But they're not. I for one, do NOT feel sorry for them at all. Matter of fact, it serves them right. We all know the site lived off those scans. We all saw nohomers.com shut down. We all know what Fox are like. It's inexcusablt on THEIR part. *Cough*

Actually you're proving you're stupid.
I asked if i could use the VCD covers ect. on The Fry Hole as they are popular and i've seen people ask for them. I was told they were another of the things they were clamped down for. This, along with the scans and alot of other sections (i can't remember all of them now) had alot of scans/grabs from Futurama episodes on and so removing them would leave the site pretty much as a scanart site!

Starship Captain
« Reply #26 on: 03-05-2003 05:52 »

Originally posted by DBCrader:
 Matt Groening IS Bongo Comics...  it's his company...  notice how they publish only "Simpsons/Futurama" stuff???

They don't only publish Simpsons/Futramam. They also publish Digimon *shudders* comics! ;)
Oni Zyxer

Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 03-05-2003 09:38 »

Ok, that's good enough. I guess I'm... I'm... So. Sor... Sorr-r-r-r. Sor-r. Nope, can't do it.

Why did pe.dk shutdown anyway? What specifically did FOX tell them to take down?

That aside, they still shouldn't have had those scans.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #28 on: 03-05-2003 15:12 »

From the way that I understand it, if the site had anything more than,

Futurama is good. (This is it, just this simple text sentence.)

Then Fox would have sued.  I don't know if anyone here is an x-files fan, but a few years ago, Fox went on a witch hunt for any Website that provided x-file .wav downloads.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #29 on: 03-06-2003 07:16 »

Further proof that FOX simply doesn't "get" Futurama (and probably never will):

From the FOX store's section on the seaosn 1 DVD:
Join Fry, Leela, Bender, and the rest of the crew in this outrageous Jetsons-meets-Simpsons satire of pop culture, science fiction, and life as we will someday know it!
They still see Futurama as "Simpsons in the future", or "Jetsons by Matt Groening".

And what's further puzzling is, they actually boasts about how the show is an Emmy-winner, and yet it's still cancelled. Weird.

More from FOX store:
According to creator Matt Groening, the hieroglyphic-like letters appearing in various locations throughout the opening animation DO mean something - it is up to loyal viewers to figure it out!

Way to be on the ball there, FOX. Both AL1 and AL2 was dechiffered years ago.

« Reply #30 on: 03-06-2003 07:28 »

Really gets you wondering...
Fox just dont seem to understand it.

Isnt "Jetsons" they way Matt pitched it to try to make them understand it in the first place?
I think that was on the comentaries or something I read eons ago, but then again I could be insane or something maybe...

Bending Unit
« Reply #31 on: 03-06-2003 07:48 »

I thought MG said it was going to be nothing like the Jetsons and this pissed FOX off because they love the Jetsons for some reason.
Another thing that pissed FOX off was MG saying it was going to be totally original just like the simpson and of course FOX doesn't know the meaning of the word "original" so they only paid attention to the "just like the simpsons" part of what he said and were annoyed when it was nothing like the Simpsons

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #32 on: 03-06-2003 07:55 »

It was in the audiocommentaries to "Space Pilot 3000".

John: "Was this the highest rated debut in FOX history? ... Am I mistaken in saying that?"
David: "Eehhh..."
Scott (Vanzo): "I think it was."
Matt: "Idunno. I can't remember. We did really well. And much to the surprise of FOX, becuase they were really alarmed by this show, by this episode. David and I went in to pitch this thing, and everybody got really excited, they ordered 13 episodes on the spot. And they said, well show us what you've got, and all we had was some notes for this script and they couldn't understand ... 'cause we said we didn't want the future to be dark and drippy like Bladerunner, but we didn't want it to be bland and boring like the Jetsons ... and they LOVED the Jetsons. They were all "Oh, it's THE GREATEST" you know. And, eeehhh, they couldn't understand how the future could be fun with, ehh, a one-eye alien woman and, ehh, a crazy..."
David: "And the suicide booth."
Matt: "And the suicide booth. They said: "why are people line up to kill themself on newyears-eve if this is so great, hmmm?""

So it was more FOX jumping to conclusions, and not paying attention to Matt and David when they tried to describe Futurama. They never intended Futurama to be anything like the Jetsons.

« Reply #33 on: 03-06-2003 07:56 »

hit the nail on the head!
Thats exactly what my insanity was keeping from me

Bending Unit
« Reply #34 on: 03-06-2003 08:06 »
« Last Edit on: 03-06-2003 08:06 »

Yeah, I remember that, those fox execs act like 4 year old kids with a 5 second attention span, I don't envy Matt trying to expain Futurama to these retards.
Another thing that was hilarious was Fox wanting MG to cut the bit where Bender says "TV gives you eye cancer"
Oni Zyxer

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 03-06-2003 08:07 »
« Last Edit on: 03-06-2003 08:07 »

Moreso, who was responsible for the DVD box art?

« Reply #36 on: 03-06-2003 08:23 »

art stuff like that is done by Bongo I think... Bongo do the calendars and other stuff, so I suppose it is them
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